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Nov 27 2016 08:33pm
to compare the chemical process involved to create cocaine from coco plants to compressing THC crystals in to hash just shows you have no idea what youre talking about lol.
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Nov 27 2016 08:47pm
It's all.about medical bro
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Nov 27 2016 09:28pm
Quote (d2jspNA @ Nov 27 2016 06:13am)
Welfare causes people to be more dependent on the government and less productive

Marijuana causes people to just be less productive

So combining the 2 would make the state stagnant. I don't see how people don't realize this- I guess they're High :rofl:

Try providing evidence next time you make such claims. Thanks.
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Nov 28 2016 01:33am
Quote (Winternight @ Nov 27 2016 02:15am)
Nice argument

Let's legalize heroine cause everything has pros and cons.
You better study weed and it's harmful, short-term and long-term side effects.
To all you addicted people and supporters of legalization of cannabis, get well asap :)

Here's 70 reasons why life is better without weed


1. believing your own bias
2-70. blah blah blah


could easily debunk this, but it does appeal to stupid people....

This post was edited by card_sultan on Nov 28 2016 01:35am
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Nov 28 2016 01:39am
Quote (Winternight @ 27 Nov 2016 04:15)
Nice argument

Let's legalize heroine cause everything has pros and cons.
You better study weed and it's harmful, short-term and long-term side effects.
To all you addicted people and supporters of legalization of cannabis, get well asap :)


You are literally such a terrifying embarrassment of a human being.

Like, you literally never have an original thought, to the point that you literally just cut and pasted something from a wikipedia for junkies in order to pretend that you had something worth saying.

You don't. You have never done so, and you likely never will, because you are immune to so much as attempting to think for yourself.
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Nov 28 2016 01:44am
Quote (AiNedeSpelCzech @ Nov 27 2016 09:39pm)

You are literally such a terrifying embarrassment of a human being.

Like, you literally never have an original thought, to the point that you literally just cut and pasted something from a wikipedia for junkies in order to pretend that you had something worth saying.

You don't. You have never done so, and you likely never will, because you are immune to so much as attempting to think for yourself.

i know , he begins his argument with his idea of irony - "lets legalize heroin"

a joint is like having a drink, shooting heroin is like committing suicide - even ironically they are not similar.

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Nov 28 2016 04:00am
Quote (card_sultan @ 28 Nov 2016 09:33)
could easily debunk this, but it does appeal to stupid people....

Lmfao debunk it please, worthless troll. :)
Go smoke your last few brain cells away :rolleyes:
Self-destructive ppl these days lmfaoooo smh.... :lol:

Quote (AiNedeSpelCzech @ 28 Nov 2016 09:39)

You are literally such a terrifying embarrassment of a human being.

Like, you literally never have an original thought, to the point that you literally just cut and pasted something from a wikipedia for junkies in order to pretend that you had something worth saying.

You don't. You have never done so, and you likely never will, because you are immune to so much as attempting to think for yourself.

Lol beta man with no job at it again. Go babysit your kids, no wonder you have long hair.
Lmfao at addicted junkies that thinks weed doesn't have very bad short and long term sides :lol:

This post was edited by Winternight on Nov 28 2016 04:05am
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Nov 28 2016 09:54am
Quote (Winternight @ Nov 28 2016 05:00am)
Lmfao debunk it please, worthless troll. :)
Go smoke your last few brain cells away :rolleyes:
Self-destructive ppl these days lmfaoooo smh.... :lol:

Lol beta man with no job at it again. Go babysit your kids, no wonder you have long hair.
Lmfao at addicted junkies that thinks weed doesn't have very bad short and long term sides :lol:

translation for pard : I cant be bothered to substantiate my argument (ie copy pasta, ) , so I'm just going to call people names.

I think your overstating the negative effects of marijuana, but even if what you say is true, it's of no consequence to me. Adults can partake of things that are negatively impactful to themselves, treating addition as a criminal issue instead of a health one is wrong however you cut the mustard.

This post was edited by Master_Zappy on Nov 28 2016 09:55am
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Nov 28 2016 10:39am
Quote (Winternight @ 28 Nov 2016 02:00)
Lol beta man with no job at it again. Go babysit your kids, no wonder you have long hair.
Lmfao at addicted junkies that thinks weed doesn't have very bad short and long term sides :lol:

Quote (AiNedeSpelCzech @ 26 Nov 2016 20:47)
I literally smoke weed every single day and I agree 100% with OP

Your pathetic strawman would still be pathetic if I hasn't already completely agreed that there are harmful effects to smoking marijuana, but not quite as pathetic.

I don't babysit my kids,I raise them, because that's what real parents do. Now keep proving my point that you literally have zero original thoughts and zero ability to create an actual logical argument.

The only reason kids like you are racist is because it's the only possible way such a low-quality human being could ever feel superior to anyone.
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Nov 28 2016 01:10pm
Quote (card_sultan @ Nov 28 2016 01:33am)
could easily debunk this, but it does appeal to stupid people....

I had started writing out a response to it as well and then realized id have simply been trolled. To spend a hour ripping that nonsense apart when all he did is ctrl+c ctrl+v in 2 seconds wouldve been an epic failure on my part.
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