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Jan 3 2020 11:17pm
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Jan 4 2020 12:55am
Quote (KrWWW @ 4 Jan 2020 02:29)
another air strike on iran backed troops

Trump does not fuck around

fine, but I think Iran got the message now. he really should stop now and wait for their reaction.

we're approaching the point where nothing good will come from pouring even more fuel into the fire.

This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Jan 4 2020 12:55am
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Jan 4 2020 02:18am
Dump cultists idiots are talking about a "world war" while no one want to join or side with them.
The best their country can do now is to massively increase nuclear proliferation.

I guess two third of them don't even know what it means anyway. :huh:
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Jan 4 2020 03:40am
I don't have a strong opinion on this but I'd say I'm generally in favor. Iran has been provoking us time and time again, and Trump has until now been too restrained. This seems to be a better response than the strikes inside Iran that were proposed after they shot down our drone. Honestly I think American leaders worry too much about the threat of situations escalating... countries like Iran and Russia take advantage of it.

I'm still not sure what the end game is of this Iran policy. Why should we assume that regime change would produce a better outcome, or that enough pressure will somehow cause the Iranians to act like a normal country?

Quote (Goomshill @ Jan 3 2020 01:24am)
Was it his first time?


Strong sourcing there.

But since Trump supporters are on the dove bandwagon(well, at least they were 48 hours ago), the Obama administration preventing an escalation between Israel and Iran would be a good thing, no?

Quote (inkanddagger @ Jan 3 2020 04:22pm)

Trump's administration is chaos 24/7 so there's never going to be a moment where you can't make these accusations.
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Jan 4 2020 05:22am
Quote (IceMage @ Jan 4 2020 03:40am)
Strong sourcing there.

But since Trump supporters are on the dove bandwagon(well, at least they were 48 hours ago), the Obama administration preventing an escalation between Israel and Iran would be a good thing, no?

To be clear, the source for that claim is a January 2018 report published in the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida that made the specific claim (about the tip-off in 2015), with Al-Jarida being used several times by Israeli officials to launder information in an indirect path (they leak it to Al-Jarida, then it gets covered by local Israeli sources like JPost/Haaretz/Ynet/etc). Al-Jarida also reported that the US had given Israel permission to kill Soleimani around the same time. Its still perhaps an unreliable source because while there are stories confirmed out of them, there are also some directly denied by the PM, like Netanyahu denying a story that an assassination attempt on him in Kenya with an IED was foiled. Other reports are still up in the air, like they've reported that one barrage of Israeli day-time airstrikes on Iranian targets near Damascus in Jan 2019 were an attempt to get Soleimani, who had been at the Damascus airport and escaped. The strike definitely happened, but was that the real reason?
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Jan 4 2020 07:17am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Jan 4 2020 01:55am)
fine, but I think Iran got the message now. he really should stop now and wait for their reaction.

we're approaching the point where nothing good will come from pouring even more fuel into the fire.

Approaching a point where pouring fuel on a fire might not be good?

No way lol.

He had us at 'grab me by the pussy'.

Quote (IceMage @ Jan 4 2020 04:40am)
I don't have a strong opinion on this but I'd say I'm generally in favor. Iran has been provoking us time and time again, and Trump has until now been too restrained. This seems to be a better response than the strikes inside Iran that were proposed after they shot down our drone. Honestly I think American leaders worry too much about the threat of situations escalating... countries like Iran and Russia take advantage of it.

I'm still not sure what the end game is of this Iran policy. Why should we assume that regime change would produce a better outcome, or that enough pressure will somehow cause the Iranians to act like a normal country?

Strong sourcing there.

But since Trump supporters are on the dove bandwagon(well, at least they were 48 hours ago), the Obama administration preventing an escalation between Israel and Iran would be a good thing, no?

Trump's administration is chaos 24/7 so there's never going to be a moment where you can't make these accusations.

We did a regime change there already. They got rid of our regime in the late 1970s.

Iran has a similar history to Cuba with us on terms they had to win their freedom from us but ended up just switching masters.

I don't think we will get another chance after that.

This post was edited by Skinned on Jan 4 2020 07:20am
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Jan 4 2020 07:42am
Quote (IceMage @ 4 Jan 2020 10:40)
I don't have a strong opinion on this but I'd say I'm generally in favor. Iran has been provoking us time and time again, and Trump has until now been too restrained. This seems to be a better response than the strikes inside Iran that were proposed after they shot down our drone. Honestly I think American leaders worry too much about the threat of situations escalating... countries like Iran and Russia take advantage of it.

Quote (Black XistenZ @ 4 Jan 2020 07:55)
fine, but I think Iran got the message now. he really should stop now and wait for their reaction.

we're approaching the point where nothing good will come from pouring even more fuel into the fire.

pretty sure iran got the actual "message" (we will pressure you until there is no option but military conflict left) when trump withdrew from the nuclear deal without even trying to negotiate a 'better' one. the provocations after that (designating the republican guard a terrorist organisation, adding more crippling sanctions, increasing troop and drone activity near iran's borders, bombing and killing of iran friendly organisations and individuals, blaming iran for the tanker attacks...) just confirmed what the outcome this administration is pushing for was. only a fool would uncritically buy into the 'b-b-but THEY have been provoking us, we're just defending ourselves' narrative, perpetuated by the warmongering mouthpieces in msm and the government...
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Jan 4 2020 07:55am
Quote (fender @ Jan 4 2020 08:42am)
pretty sure iran got the actual "message" (we will pressure you until there is no option but military conflict left) when trump withdrew from the nuclear deal without even trying to negotiate a 'better' one. the provocations after that (designating the republican guard a terrorist organisation, adding more crippling sanctions, increasing troop and drone activity near iran's borders, bombing and killing of iran friendly organisations and individuals, blaming iran for the tanker attacks...) just confirmed what the outcome this administration is pushing for was. only a fool would uncritically buy into the 'b-b-but THEY have been provoking us, we're just defending ourselves' narrative, perpetuated by the warmongering mouthpieces in msm and the government...

At work I learned if I get kicked in the nuts or head butted by an old demented man in a wheelchair it is because I'm way too close to him not because he is coming to get me.

This post was edited by Skinned on Jan 4 2020 07:56am
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Jan 4 2020 08:51am

It's these potential crisis scenarios where the American people(and the world) have to be able to rely on what the administration is saying. It's unfortunate that Trump and many of those around him have zero credibility.

This post was edited by IceMage on Jan 4 2020 08:54am
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Jan 4 2020 09:06am
Quote (IceMage @ Jan 4 2020 09:51am)

It's these potential crisis scenarios where the American people(and the world) have to be able to rely on what the administration is saying. It's unfortunate that Trump and many of those around him have zero credibility.

That is the biggest of this White House. His lying has been pathological thus far. His cabinet members and closest advisers don't know what comes next.

Dude does foreign policy like a drug dealer.
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