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Aug 2 2020 04:10pm
Quote (EndlessSky @ Aug 2 2020 11:32am)
This is what Obama would do to lie every year. Remember when he created 10,000 "federal government jobs" and claimed that he grew the economy?

If daddy Trump’s federal stimulus welfare payments boosted the economy, surely actual jobs where hard working liberals earned their pay did.
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Aug 2 2020 05:07pm
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Aug 3 2020 07:34am

a group of former top government officials called the Transition Integrity Project actually gamed four possible scenarios, including one that doesn’t look that different from 2016: a big popular win for Mr. Biden, and a narrow electoral defeat, presumably reached after weeks of counting the votes in Pennsylvania. For their war game, they cast John Podesta, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, in the role of Mr. Biden. They expected him, when the votes came in, to concede, just as Mrs. Clinton had.

But Mr. Podesta, playing Mr. Biden, shocked the organizers by saying he felt his party wouldn’t let him concede. Alleging voter suppression, he persuaded the governors of Wisconsin and Michigan to send pro-Biden electors to the Electoral College.

In that scenario, California, Oregon, and Washington then threatened to secede from the United States if Mr. Trump took office as planned. The House named Mr. Biden president; the Senate and White House stuck with Mr. Trump. At that point in the scenario, the nation stopped looking to the media for cues, and waited to see what the military would do.

Holy fuck... I mean, it might make sense to game out such a dark dark scenario, but my god, why the fuck would you ever make such considerations public?
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Aug 3 2020 07:43am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Aug 3 2020 08:34am)

Holy fuck... I mean, it might make sense to game out such a dark dark scenario, but my god, why the fuck would you ever make such considerations public?

It's pretty ridiculous lol

I would never in a million years see Biden as some kind of revolutionary who would contest the election after the electoral college.

Now, if he's at 268 and persuades two electors to change their votes in states that don't have laws enforcing the popular vote... that's actually a rock solid constitutional way to swing the outcome of the election. However, California, Oregon, and Washington threatening the leave the union... don't make me laugh.
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Aug 3 2020 07:46am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ 3 Aug 2020 09:34)

Holy fuck... I mean, it might make sense to game out such a dark dark scenario, but my god, why the fuck would you ever make such considerations public?

seems the ny slimes tabloid has devolved into posting fanfics as “news”
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Aug 3 2020 07:49am
Quote (Thor123422 @ 3 Aug 2020 15:43)
It's pretty ridiculous lol

I would never in a million years see Biden as some kind of revolutionary who would contest the election after the electoral college.

Now, if he's at 268 and persuades two electors to change their votes in states that don't have laws enforcing the popular vote... that's actually a rock solid constitutional way to swing the outcome of the election. However, California, Oregon, and Washington threatening the leave the union... don't make me laugh.

That's actually a rock solid way to start a civil war. And it's the Trump-loving rural hillbillies from red states which have the majority of privately-owned guns. Just sayin'...

But yes, it's a very over the top scenario.

What I consider a somewhat realistic scenario, however, is the following: Trump's constant complaints against vote-by-mail have created a significant partisan split in preference for voting in person vs voting by mail. Several polls have confirmed this. Therefore, it's not hard to see Trump narrowly leading on election night in the swing states, only to lose them over the following days and weeks as mail ballots are counted. Similar to what happened in the Arizona senate race in 2018, or several CA house races. In this scenario, it would not be hard to imagine Trump's twitter tirades about voter fraud with mail ballots and how he "told you so" to fall on fertile ground.
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Aug 3 2020 07:53am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ Aug 3 2020 08:49am)
That's actually a rock solid way to start a civil war. And it's the Trump-loving rural hillbillies from red states which have the majority of privately-owned guns. Just sayin'...

But yes, it's a very over the top scenario.

What I consider a somewhat realistic scenario, however, is the following: Trump's constant complaints against vote-by-mail have created a significant partisan split in preference for voting in person vs voting by mail. Several polls have confirmed this. Therefore, it's not hard to see Trump narrowly leading on election night in the swing states, only to lose them over the following days and weeks as mail ballots are counted. Similar to what happened in the Arizona senate race in 2018, or several CA house races. In this scenario, it would not be hard to imagine Trump's twitter tirades about voter fraud with mail ballots and how he "told you so" to fall on fertile ground.

You win by the electoral college you die by the electoral college. That wouldn't start a civil war lol. Industrialized democracies are effectively civil war proof because it would destroy all the wealth of the nation and literally every business and foreign interest doesnt want that.

Yeah, if it looks like hes losing expect Trump to plant doubts about the quality of the election. But even in a hotly contested election hes not going to have the institutional support to overturn the final verdict without the supreme court ruling in his favor.
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Aug 3 2020 07:54am
Quote (Black XistenZ @ 3 Aug 2020 09:49)
That's actually a rock solid way to start a civil war. And it's the Trump-loving rural hillbillies from red states which have the majority of privately-owned guns. Just sayin'...

But yes, it's a very over the top scenario.

What I consider a somewhat realistic scenario, however, is the following: Trump's constant complaints against vote-by-mail have created a significant partisan split in preference for voting in person vs voting by mail. Several polls have confirmed this. Therefore, it's not hard to see Trump narrowly leading on election night in the swing states, only to lose them over the following days and weeks as mail ballots are counted. Similar to what happened in the Arizona senate race in 2018, or several CA house races. In this scenario, it would not be hard to imagine Trump's twitter tirades about voter fraud with mail ballots and how he "told you so" to fall on fertile ground.

we were told masks keep people safe and it is a consensus now, so there is no need for mass mail-in voting unless one has to vote absentee. just wear a mask to vote and if one cannot then request an absentee ballot
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Aug 3 2020 07:54am
Quote (excellence @ Aug 3 2020 08:46am)
seems the ny slimes tabloid has devolved into posting fanfics as “news”

Perhaps they're devolving to OANN, Fox, Drudge Report, Natural News, and InfoWars levels. Apparently there's a huge following to be had in fringe conspiracies/bogus male enhancement tonics.

Apropos, it's super interesting that many Right wing "news" sites have nothing but testosterone supplements. It's almost like reading the shit they try to pass for news bears a requirement of having low testosterone and a deteriorated prefrontal cortex.

Anywhoo, you're still an idiot. But you're still an excellent idiot. :kiss:
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Aug 3 2020 08:27am
Quote (Tyrantus @ Aug 3 2020 06:54am)
Perhaps they're devolving to OANN, Fox, Drudge Report, Natural News, and InfoWars levels. Apparently there's a huge following to be had in fringe conspiracies/bogus male enhancement tonics.

Apropos, it's super interesting that many Right wing "news" sites have nothing but testosterone supplements. It's almost like reading the shit they try to pass for news bears a requirement of having low testosterone and a deteriorated prefrontal cortex.

Anywhoo, you're still an idiot. But you're still an excellent idiot. :kiss:

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