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Aug 1 2020 07:32am
Quote (EndlessSky @ 1 Aug 2020 01:33)
Corporate taxes are the only important part of the law. Once corporate taxes go up, companies will jump ship and go abroad. RIP economy.

i love how you still uncritically recite that mantra as if it were true. it's a myth. it's a story that rich people and corporations made up, so gullible fools would support giving them tax breaks. not to invest and employ new people - but to buy back their own stock and pay disgusting bonuses to their executives.

it really doesn't matter how often and how spectacularly something has been debunked, huh? you simply ignore the facts and just sheepishly repeat what your puppet masters tell you to...
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Aug 1 2020 07:36am
Quote (fender @ Aug 1 2020 09:32am)
i love how you still uncritically recite that mantra as if it were true. it's a myth. it's a story that rich people and corporations made up, so gullible fools would support giving them tax breaks. not to invest and employ new people - but to buy back their own stock and pay disgusting bonuses to their executives.

it really doesn't matter how often and how spectacularly something has been debunked, huh? you simply ignore the facts and just sheepishly repeat what your puppet masters tell you to...

Debunked by who? You havent even made a case yet, youre just being smarmy and immature on the internet.
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Aug 1 2020 08:03am
Quote (EndlessSky @ 1 Aug 2020 15:36)
Debunked by who? You havent even made a case yet, youre just being smarmy and immature on the internet.

debunked by reality and facts. i know you're not exactly a student of history and economics (or anything for that matter), so i guess i have to assume that you're genuinely unaware of the roughly 267 times that trickle down economics have failed without exception previously, but you surely remember trump's tax breaks for billionaires and corporations, right? those have NOT lead to accelerated economic growth and increased tax revenue (only accelerated growth was the deficit, something you people pretend to care about - when dems are in office), but instead have overwhelmingly been used on stock buybacks (not to create jobs or at least pay better wages), massively increasing the wealth of the 1%.
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Aug 1 2020 10:40am
Quote (EndlessSky @ Aug 1 2020 06:36am)
Debunked by who? You havent even made a case yet, youre just being smarmy and immature on the internet.

facts have hit you over the head with this subject.. your stance
"what facts" who has time to show you 500 times

This post was edited by theCrossbones on Aug 1 2020 10:40am
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Aug 1 2020 01:18pm
Biden supporter spotted in Portland, OR

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Aug 1 2020 01:23pm
Quote (EndlessSky @ Aug 1 2020 02:18pm)
Biden supporter spotted in Portland, OR


If you wouldn't hit that you're obviously gay
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Aug 1 2020 08:15pm
Quote (EndlessSky @ Aug 1 2020 03:18pm)
Biden supporter spotted in Portland, OR


I think we can all agree lgbt rights have gone too far
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Aug 1 2020 08:18pm
Quote (duffman316 @ Aug 1 2020 10:15pm)
I think we can all agree lgbt rights have gone too far

Its sad too because we haven't solved their fundamental problems either. The reason why gays feel oppressed is because they live polygamous lifestyles that breed issues of jealousy and frivolousness. They have the ability to get married monogamously, but they still don't. We completely missed the mark. Roberts and Kennedy should be ashamed of themselves for it.
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Aug 1 2020 08:32pm
Quote (EndlessSky @ Aug 1 2020 07:18pm)
Its sad too because we haven't solved their fundamental problems either. The reason why gays feel oppressed is because they live polygamous lifestyles that breed issues of jealousy and frivolousness. They have the ability to get married monogamously, but they still don't. We completely missed the mark. Roberts and Kennedy should be ashamed of themselves for it.

I bet you've never met a gay person IRL.
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Aug 1 2020 08:32pm
Quote (Handcuffs @ Aug 1 2020 10:32pm)
I bet you've never met a gay person IRL.

I havent met one that didnt use grindr yet.
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