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May 28 2023 08:46pm
Quote (PKSubban @ May 29 2023 11:12am)
i believe you will give up on this topic before froggobaggin does on his

Well there is still a lot more things to be said about the erroneous claims from Christianity but ultimately if they still want to without reason to believe their fairy tale can't stop them. Just like there will still be children who believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy, there will still be adults who believe in religion and flat earth theory.

What this thread is ultimately about is to highlight their batshit crazy beliefs and to educate people who possibly sitting on the fence so they can make informed decisions in life.
The fairy tales and magic stories these charlatans try to con people out of their money stops here. Don't give money to these scammers.

This post was edited by addone on May 28 2023 08:48pm
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May 28 2023 10:14pm
Quote (addone @ May 29 2023 12:46pm)
Well there is still a lot more things to be said about the erroneous claims from Christianity but ultimately if they still want to without reason to believe their fairy tale can't stop them. Just like there will still be children who believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy, there will still be adults who believe in religion and flat earth theory.

What this thread is ultimately about is to highlight their batshit crazy beliefs and to educate people who possibly sitting on the fence so they can make informed decisions in life.
The fairy tales and magic stories these charlatans try to con people out of their money stops here. Don't give money to these scammers.

You keep saying without reason even when the evidence was presented to you.

All you've achieved in this thread is that you are now hereby known as the napkin boy.

Maybe you'll learn to embrace your new nickname in time.
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May 28 2023 11:45pm
Quote (addone @ May 28 2023 07:46pm)
Well there is still a lot more things to be said about the erroneous claims from Christianity but ultimately if they still want to without reason to believe their fairy tale can't stop them. Just like there will still be children who believe in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy, there will still be adults who believe in religion and flat earth theory.

What this thread is ultimately about is to highlight their batshit crazy beliefs and to educate people who possibly sitting on the fence so they can make informed decisions in life.
The fairy tales and magic stories these charlatans try to con people out of their money stops here. Don't give money to these scammers.

i have no doubt crayon prophet memes are endless. dont forget Jesus is hunting people who have tats and is going to blast them :)

Quote (CPK001 @ May 28 2023 09:14pm)
You keep saying without reason even when the evidence was presented to you.

All you've achieved in this thread is that you are now hereby known as the napkin boy.

Maybe you'll learn to embrace your new nickname in time.

its crayon prophet? maybe a poll is needed? :)

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May 29 2023 12:32am
Would like to talk to a decent Christian who isn't part of a regular clown club. These unhinged NPCs cannot be reasoned with. You give them 100s of examples show them directly with evidence how their bible is erroneous and straight up crazy promoting violence and destruction. You show them contradictions or impossibilities, magical powers and magical fairy tale creatures. Instead of admitting or stopping for one moment and acknowledge that that part is a wrong they start pulling out million of excuses. It's always something a convenient story or lie and the wildest conspiracy like explanations. They never say "yea that does sound kinda fucked up now that you put it like that".

When the evidence is so monumental and hard to answer without admitting the fault they simply ignore it. Deflect with some snide comment or start going off topic with whataboutisms.
They think that using circular logic is proof, they think that their feelings and their dreams are evidence. Unfortunately your dreams are inadmissable and are irrelevant to discussion.
Magic or supernatural explanations are not credible they only exist in your head.

Faith doesn't require any proof, doesn't require you to use your intelligence or critical thinking. It's simply a mindless acceptance. You are welcome to convince yourself that magical powers are real and that Santa Claus is real but don't expect other people to be that gullible. You are welcome to leave your brain at the church door, you are welcome to have your little club and cherrypick your own bible to make yourself feel good. But that is where it stops. You are not here to spread your propaganda without credible and substantial evidence. Otherwise you will be treated as fake news and just mindless spam bots.
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May 29 2023 01:11am
Quote (addone @ May 29 2023 04:32pm)
Would like to talk to a decent Christian who isn't part of a regular clown club. These unhinged NPCs cannot be reasoned with. You give them 100s of examples show them directly with evidence how their bible is erroneous and straight up crazy promoting violence and destruction. You show them contradictions or impossibilities, magical powers and magical fairy tale creatures. Instead of admitting or stopping for one moment and acknowledge that that part is a wrong they start pulling out million of excuses. It's always something a convenient story or lie and the wildest conspiracy like explanations. They never say "yea that does sound kinda fucked up now that you put it like that".

When the evidence is so monumental and hard to answer without admitting the fault they simply ignore it. Deflect with some snide comment or start going off topic with whataboutisms.
They think that using circular logic is proof, they think that their feelings and their dreams are evidence. Unfortunately your dreams are inadmissable and are irrelevant to discussion.
Magic or supernatural explanations are not credible they only exist in your head.

Faith doesn't require any proof, doesn't require you to use your intelligence or critical thinking. It's simply a mindless acceptance. You are welcome to convince yourself that magical powers are real and that Santa Claus is real but don't expect other people to be that gullible. You are welcome to leave your brain at the church door, you are welcome to have your little club and cherrypick your own bible to make yourself feel good. But that is where it stops. You are not here to spread your propaganda without credible and substantial evidence. Otherwise you will be treated as fake news and just mindless spam bots.

I could say the exact same thing about you. You pass off absolutely everything that is presented to you as evidence without saying why it isn't evidence. You've done nothing but hurl insults at everyone who doesn't believe in the same things you do. You completely ignore the parts where the Bible promotes love, kindness and compassion.

You claim to be a critical thinker but use your critical thinking and make a napkin as your god. Or are you the crayon prophet? All you can do is post memes without doing any kind of research. You have even been given resource where you can ask Jesus all of your 200 questions, which I know for a fact that you did not take full advantage of.

This is why the only thing left to do is to keep on praying for you.

Heavenly Father, you are our lawgiver. That’s what you say in Isaiah 33:22. We pray right now for addone that he would want to follow you God.
Father we ask that addone who is against you would feel guilt, Lord, that he would realize that it’s folly and he would realize that he is going to Hell Lord.
Hell is real. The lake of fire is real. People weep and gnash their teeth forever and ever. The fire is not quenched. The worm does not die. It’s a miserable place.
Oh Father all of your ways are just and all of your ways are righteous. We submit to you right now.

Father we pray that the fear of God would fill addone and that everyone would say that anybody that is against God is an evil person.
Father this is what our founding fathers believe, this is what your word teaches and Father, we trust in you right now to raise up addone.
Vengeance is yours so we trust in you LORD, we rely on you and we hope in you and now we pray this in Jesus’ name amen.

Thank you for praying today, please tune in next time and may God bless and keep you.
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May 29 2023 01:58am
Quote (CPK001 @ May 29 2023 07:11pm)
You have even been given resource where you can ask Jesus all of your 200 questions, which I know for a fact that you did not take full advantage of.

Brilliant idea I'll just ask Jesus. Hey Jesus....oh wait where are you? Nope still nothing.
What's next you will start saying I should talk to some AI chat bot? Thats definitely Jesus right?

Ok fun talk but if you don't mind not to spam nonsense would be appreciated.
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May 29 2023 06:04am
Quote (addone @ May 29 2023 05:58pm)
Brilliant idea I'll just ask Jesus. Hey Jesus....oh wait where are you? Nope still nothing.
What's next you will start saying I should talk to some AI chat bot? Thats definitely Jesus right?

Ok fun talk but if you don't mind not to spam nonsense would be appreciated.

Precisely my point, if you were genuinely interested in knowing then you would go ahead and ask.

You are not interested in seeking knowledge and understanding of the Bible. You are more interested in persecuting Christians with your napkin boy, crayon prophecy.

Satan is known as the great deceiver and you have been greatly deceived. The saying holds true, "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled."

I must keep praying that the scales will fall from your eyes and that your blind eyes will finally see. Fight the great deceiver, addone. It's not too late.
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May 29 2023 08:10am
Quote (addone @ May 29 2023 02:32am)
how their bible is straight up crazy promoting violence and destruction..

God wills it!

The Bible is an extremely genocidal and violent book full of death and destruction, one of the many reasons why I'm a ((Bible enthusiast))
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May 29 2023 01:05pm
Quote (CPK001 @ May 28 2023 02:21am)
You are not ready to have this explained to you. Have you first realized you are a sinner and in need of saving? Have you realized that you deserve nothing but death?

1. Realize that you are a sinner and in need of a Savior:

Ro 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

Ro 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"

It all began with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God created them perfect, there was no death or sorrow. God told them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They disobeyed God and as a result, sin entered into the world. The pain, which this world sees, is the result of sin.

I will keep on praying for you:


I encourage you to keep on reading the Bible and ask Jesus any questions you have. You have been getting involved right?

Do you actually believe those stories, or do you find them to be allegorical?
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May 29 2023 01:06pm
Quote (zorzin @ May 29 2023 10:10am)
God wills it!

The Bible is an extremely genocidal and violent book full of death and destruction, one of the many reasons why I'm a ((Bible enthusiast))

what did you mean by that
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