Quote (fender @ 17 Jul 2018 05:05)
what a surprise that you outright ignored ALL the other aspects i laid out (increased willingness to report in general, the fact that the likelihood of reporting is significantly higher when the criminal looks 'foreign'...) to focus exclusively on blaming refugees - who could have predicted that? oh right, i actually did...
which 'archaic third world countries' invaded us between '94 and '97, as well as between '01 and '07 again? and how many refugees did we deport to explain the decrease between '16 and '17?
do you actually not realise how idiotic this simplistic way of approaching a certain problem is?
the rise in the late 90s and early 00s coincided with the economic downturn and high unemployment levels in germany.
increased willingness to report in general, the fact that the likelihood of reporting is significantly higher when the criminal looks 'foreign'..
those are claims made by you and fellow apologists of the dark side-effects of multiculturalism. do you have any data or facts to back up those claims? and proof that the willingness to report has indeed risen specifically in 2016 and 2017; any hard proof that the likelihood of reporting is
significantly higher when the criminal looks foreign?
until you provide sources to back up those claims, I'll consider this specific argument of yours to be hollow and unsubstantiated.
the second point to make about the "increase in the willingness to report crimes"-argument is that it makes sense for shoplifting, groping and perhaps mugging - but certainly not for crimes like murder, aggravated assault or rape. to contend that those types of crimes are significantly underreported (which is a prerequisite for the argument of "differing report rates" to have any plausibility) is just silly.
the decrease between '16 and '17?
you refer to one specific statistic, which looks at the aggregate numbers for violent crime. however, the category of 'violent crime' is numerically dominated by bodily harm and aggravated battery, which both have gone down in 2017 when compared with 2016. murder and rape, which are majorized by assault type crimes in the umbrella category of "violent crime", have gone up again in 2017:
Aufgeklärte Sexualdelikte: Bereinigt um die Fälle, bei denen es sich um sexuelle Beleidigungen handelt, ergibt sich für das Jahr 2017 eine Gesamtzahl von 3597 Straftaten. Damit liegt ein Anstieg um knapp 200 Fälle vor.
"For solved cases of sexual offenses (excluding cases of the newly introduced criminal offense of "insult on sexual basis", which was introduced in late 2016 and thus cannot be compared between the two years in question), we have 3597 cases in 2017, compared with 3404 cases in 2016. So the numbers went up by about 200 cases."Quote
Entgegen dem in Deutschland rückläufigen Trend bei der Gesamtzahl der im Jahr 2017 aufgeklärten Rohheitsdelikte stieg die Zahl der Fälle mit tatverdächtigen Zuwanderern leicht an. Laut BKA befindet sie sich damit auf dem höchsten Stand der vergangenen fünf Jahre.
"In spite of the overall trend of declining numbers of crudeness offenses in 2017, the number of such cases with a migrant as suspect has risen slightly. According to the federal criminal police office, the level (of migrants suspected of crudeness offenses) is at its highest level in five years."Quote
Bei den Straftaten gegen das Leben handelt es sich überwiegend um Totschlag. Insgesamt wurden 335 Fälle (2016: 296) von Totschlag registriert. Mordfälle zählte die Polizei im Jahr 2017 82, 2016 waren es noch 75.
"There have been 335 cases of manslaughter (with a migrant as suspect) in 2017 (2016: 296). Murder cases (with a migrant as suspect) amounted to 82 in 2017, in 2016 it had been 75."Quote
Bei den Diebstählen verzeichnete die Polizei einen Rückgang. Im Vergleich zum Vorjahr sank die Zahl deutlich auf 75.748 Straftaten (2016: 92.229 Straftaten).
"The number of shoplifting cases decrased to 75748, down from 92229 in 2016."This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Jul 16 2018 09:41pm