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May 13 2023 03:51am
Here is another thought why do Christians pray? What is the point? Are you trying to get God to favour you and do your bidding? I thought it was all gods plan. When Jesus gives someone cancer that's his plan no? Why are you praying to undo his work?

At your dinner table when you bow your heads and give thanks. Why are you thanking "the lord" for all the good things? Why don't you thank "the lord" for all the bad like thank you lord for dropping that flood and that train to derail and to pollute a town.
When are you praying to God when you land safely on the plane? It's physics, plane is a machine made by man to operate within laws observed by science and your pilot did the landing not God. Why do you include this magic entity that has nothing to do with your daily reality?
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May 13 2023 04:40am
Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 12 2023 02:41am)
I dont agree with him, because I think common descent is a well backed up theory.

HOWEVER its a theory and not a fact, so you can of course disagree with it. What I didnt like about your wording was that he is *dismissing* it. Its not very scientific for him to dismiss as theory, because you would have to disproof a theory in order to dismiss it.
If he has another theory, thats fine. He probably has another way to describe this stage of evolution otherwise he wouldnt have worded it like that.

Anyways, yeah I disagree with him but I accept that anyone is free to not accept theories as facts, you can and should always doubt them and if you come up with a better theory feel free to share it.

You can of course not crossbreed monkeys and humans because OBVIOUSLY a monkey or also an ape cannot have babies with humans. We are too different at that point. I hope I dont REALLY have to explain that to you, right? Thats the whole point of this. Do you understand what the sentence you mockingly repeat so often means? Because I dont think you do.

To that quote again: Would you have an example of scientific claims that are against common sense please? Because as I told you earlier, I do not know about any. Thats why I dont think thats a relevant quote.

Also, what struggle between science and the supernatural? There is no struggle. Science is operating within the natural world. Its like saying math is struggling with chinese. Its two completely different things with one of them has not even be proven to exist at all. Science has fundamentaly just nothing to do with the supernatural. So what struggle? Maybe you can explain it to me?

Yes I think there is a reason behind the simulation hypothesis, sure. The reason is curiosity. Its absolutely fascinating to think we could live in a simulation. Honestly, its not even that far from the god claim.
Those two are related in a way cause both are undebunkable by definition.
Theres is no way to debunk the simulation hypothesis and also no way to verify it if it would be true since we would be in it.
Same goes for god. If god exist, there is no way to dismiss him or proof his existence.
The two could even be misinterpreted for the other. God could in a reality just be someone who programmed our simulation and someone who programmed our simulation could in reality be god. There is no way to distinguish.

So you see, i myself am a fan of it and find is fascinating, but at the same time both things, Simulation Hypothesis and God, are not an option for me, because of the impossibility to work with it scientifically speaking. Its out of our grasp, we cannot proof it, test it, verify it, debunk it - Thats why I am an atheist.
Being a theist doesnt lead anywhere. It is never the best explanation, because it is no explanation. I hope that brought some light into this discussion as a whole.

I am not against god or in favor of god. I hope I made that clear.

graig ventor denying common decent. he is an actual scientist working in a lab (his stuff is actually interesting check it out some time). he denies common decent and he is an atheist. his credential far outstrip your own.

nobody suggested crossbreeding monkeys or a ape having babies with a human

i am not putting in quotes because i am trying to reach you i think thats impossible your mind is locked and closed. quotes i post are just to expose you.

quote me where i mentioned a struggle between science and the supernatural

"Yes I think there is a reason behind the simulation hypothesis, sure. The reason is curiosity." you mean scientists just dreamed it up out of curiosity? is that what your saying?

but saying the cause was purely by accident is the best explanation? you understand living systems are built using a 'code a language, information. and it was an accident is the best explanation. seriously?

do you know who this guy is/was ? all is not well with the institution of science?

stephan j. gould
no myth deserves a more emphatic death than the idea that science is an inherently impartial and objective enterprise
yet it continues to thrive among working scientists because it serves us so well...."

Quote (addone @ May 12 2023 02:47am)
Snakes are not mythological beasts they are alive today even if many millions of years ago some had small feet. That's called evolution cope harder my illiterate NPC.

Ps TiStuff this guy SP00K doesn't believe in young earth. Claims he is a Christian why don't you talk some sense into that heretic.

snakes with legs are. many scoffers make fun of that scripture "snake cursed to crawl on its belly" until they see the fossil evidence. then other excuses ensue....endless endless excuses

there are good arguments for young earth. atmospheric c-14 is perhaps the most interesting. also time has its own oddities. its not fixed in a way thats consistent?
'time varies .........according to gravity. the universe is all different ages even though it/if it started at the same 'time
a truer statement? is the place/construct/universe/ is weird.

is the universe/construct infinite or finite?

if you spent more time processing data and less time arguing about things you dont 'believe

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May 13 2023 04:47am
Quote (addone @ May 13 2023 02:51am)
Here is another thought why do Christians pray? What is the point? Are you trying to get God to favour you and do your bidding? I thought it was all gods plan. When Jesus gives someone cancer that's his plan no? Why are you praying to undo his work?

At your dinner table when you bow your heads and give thanks. Why are you thanking "the lord" for all the good things? Why don't you thank "the lord" for all the bad like thank you lord for dropping that flood and that train to derail and to pollute a town.
When are you praying to God when you land safely on the plane? It's physics, plane is a machine made by man to operate within laws observed by science and your pilot did the landing not God. Why do you include this magic entity that has nothing to do with your daily reality?

you only continue to prove your lack of scripture comprehension. basically we and the world is in a fallen condition. we are offered salvation out of love and for no other reason.
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May 13 2023 06:20am
Quote (addone @ May 13 2023 07:32pm)
The problem with your argument is that you think God/religion/bible is a cure for world problems. In truth it's just another problem. A net negative. We can see evidence of this throughout history. Some of the most violent and oppressive societies were Christians. Pick up a history book and look up the genocides caused by the Christians in the name of God. Or the "holy" crusades I heard they were fiery but mostly peaceful.
Bible is just another type of fuel that adds to the fire not diminishes it.

It's like me offering you some chocolate cake for your broken leg, it might make you forget for a moment but in long term is in ineffectual. Worse yet eat too much not only is your leg not fixed but now you also have diabetes.

I made a thread to point out the hypocracy, illogical fallacies, contradictions and bat shit crazy claims the bible tries to promulgate. While doing this I invited Christians to change my mind in a way. A chance where you can logically, rationally with proof provide an argument to the contrary.

Really? The Bible adds fuel to the fire and doesn't diminish it? Let me see for myself.

Colossians 3:5-10

5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

But how? I just don't see how that is adding fuel to the fire.

Quote (addone @ May 13 2023 07:51pm)
Here is another thought why do Christians pray? What is the point? Are you trying to get God to favour you and do your bidding? I thought it was all gods plan. When Jesus gives someone cancer that's his plan no? Why are you praying to undo his work?

At your dinner table when you bow your heads and give thanks. Why are you thanking "the lord" for all the good things? Why don't you thank "the lord" for all the bad like thank you lord for dropping that flood and that train to derail and to pollute a town.
When are you praying to God when you land safely on the plane? It's physics, plane is a machine made by man to operate within laws observed by science and your pilot did the landing not God. Why do you include this magic entity that has nothing to do with your daily reality?

Why do we talk to God? I'm not even going to give you an answer for that one.

Jesus gives someone cancer? Let me check it out.


Ahh, I see that some type of cancer is caused by overexposure to UV radiation, also known is standing out in the sun for too long. TLDR: Sunburn. I might need to see what other cancers there are but from what I can tell it's people's decision making from much earlier on in life that can cause cancer.

It seems to me that there is this thing called: Cause and Effect. Otherwise known as: Action -> Consequence. Surely you've heard of such a thing?
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May 13 2023 01:08pm
Quote (addone @ May 13 2023 05:51am)
Here is another thought why do Christians pray? What is the point? Are you trying to get God to favour you and do your bidding? I thought it was all gods plan. When Jesus gives someone cancer that's his plan no? Why are you praying to undo his work?

At your dinner table when you bow your heads and give thanks. Why are you thanking "the lord" for all the good things? Why don't you thank "the lord" for all the bad like thank you lord for dropping that flood and that train to derail and to pollute a town.
When are you praying to God when you land safely on the plane? It's physics, plane is a machine made by man to operate within laws observed by science and your pilot did the landing not God. Why do you include this magic entity that has nothing to do with your daily reality?

I wonder how many children die from cancer due to unanswered prayers cause God is too busy helping the football quarterback win the big game
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May 13 2023 01:51pm
Quote (Jupe @ May 13 2023 12:08pm)
I wonder how many children die from cancer due to unanswered prayers cause God is too busy helping the football quarterback win the big game

i wonder how many shills get paid trying to convince people that bad theology is proof of evolution.
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May 13 2023 02:39pm
Quote (CPK001 @ May 14 2023 12:20am)
Really? The Bible adds fuel to the fire and doesn't diminish it? Let me see for myself.

Colossians 3:5-10

5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

But how? I just don't see how that is adding fuel to the fire.

Why do we talk to God? I'm not even going to give you an answer for that one.

Jesus gives someone cancer? Let me check it out.


Ahh, I see that some type of cancer is caused by overexposure to UV radiation, also known is standing out in the sun for too long. TLDR: Sunburn. I might need to see what other cancers there are but from what I can tell it's people's decision making from much earlier on in life that can cause cancer.

It seems to me that there is this thing called: Cause and Effect. Otherwise known as: Action -> Consequence. Surely you've heard of such a thing?

1. You just cherry picked a nice feel good Instagram quote from the bible but you leave out the horrific murderous ones out then tell me I have no idea why it's bad. Christianity in theory vs reality is a different concept.
Take off your rose colored glasses for one moment and look up atrocities committed by Christians (the list is very, very long)

2. So the sun which you believe created by "God" our main source of light gives us cancer just by being outside for more than a 1-2 hours a day.
That's cause and effect?

This post was edited by addone on May 13 2023 02:40pm
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May 13 2023 02:49pm

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May 13 2023 05:09pm
Quote (addone @ May 14 2023 06:39am)
1. You just cherry picked a nice feel good Instagram quote from the bible but you leave out the horrific murderous ones out then tell me I have no idea why it's bad. Christianity in theory vs reality is a different concept.
Take off your rose colored glasses for one moment and look up atrocities committed by Christians (the list is very, very long)

2. So the sun which you believe created by "God" our main source of light gives us cancer just by being outside for more than a 1-2 hours a day.
That's cause and effect?



You see that right there you just moved the goalpost. Your argument was that "Some of the most violent and oppressive societies were Christians." This means that there would be specific instructions in the Bible for living like that.

It only make sense that I would look for one of the Bible verses that have specific instructions on how to live. The one I found suggests the exact opposite of what your claim is.

You somehow attribute the killings of the Bible to have the overarching authority of how we should live our day to day lives?

I really do hope you never read or learned about World War 1, World War 2 or any other War for that matter. Those stories alone would make you become a mass murderer right?

Yeah that's right, what's wrong with that? Look if you would much rather significantly lower your chances of getting sunburn and thus not get cancer then why not move over to the UK? You'll get to see Rainbows a lot more often.
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May 13 2023 05:29pm
Quote (CPK001 @ May 13 2023 04:09pm)
You see that right there you just moved the goalpost. Your argument was that "Some of the most violent and oppressive societies were Christians." This means that there would be specific instructions in the Bible for living like that.

It only make sense that I would look for one of the Bible verses that have specific instructions on how to live. The one I found suggests the exact opposite of what your claim is.

You somehow attribute the killings of the Bible to have the overarching authority of how we should live our day to day lives?

I really do hope you never read or learned about World War 1, World War 2 or any other War for that matter. Those stories alone would make you become a mass murderer right?

Yeah that's right, what's wrong with that? Look if you would much rather significantly lower your chances of getting sunburn and thus not get cancer then why not move over to the UK? You'll get to see Rainbows a lot more often.

Quote (addone @ May 13 2023 01:49pm)

learn what"cherry" picked actually means; 5:36:


This post was edited by lodd222 on May 13 2023 05:50pm
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