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May 12 2023 03:37am
Quote (SP00K @ May 12 2023 08:32pm)
Very detailed and impressive cope post. Refer to the post you responded to here for a tad bit of insight

I provided proof/reasoning based directly to your criteria deal with it goal post mover. B)
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May 12 2023 03:41am
Quote (TiStuff @ May 12 2023 09:38am)
and if you liked what he said you would be falling all over yourself agreeing with him.

I dont agree with him, because I think common descent is a well backed up theory.

HOWEVER its a theory and not a fact, so you can of course disagree with it. What I didnt like about your wording was that he is *dismissing* it. Its not very scientific for him to dismiss as theory, because you would have to disproof a theory in order to dismiss it.
If he has another theory, thats fine. He probably has another way to describe this stage of evolution otherwise he wouldnt have worded it like that.

Anyways, yeah I disagree with him but I accept that anyone is free to not accept theories as facts, you can and should always doubt them and if you come up with a better theory feel free to share it.

Quote (TiStuff @ May 12 2023 09:38)
and monkeys are "ape like"

so your saying that through selective breeding we could get a human from a monkey?

since you misrepresenting the quote i will just repost it
"Our willingness to accept scientific claims that are against common sense is the key to an understanding of the real struggle between science and the supernatural. We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.
It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated.
Moreover, that materialism is absolute,for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.
richard lewontin

snake is a snake.............fantastic...

do you think there is reasoning behind the idea of "simulation hypothesis" or do you think some one just pulled it out of their azz?

claims of scripture can be tested. scripture claims it (construct/universe/creation) is a created place. claims life is created. the counter claim is all this stuff is just a product of some kind of naturalistic random accidental process.

after all of science endeavors life is still a complete mystery. this is a big problem for atheists/antitheists yet you just blow it off like its not a big deal and at the same time your going to tell me your the scientific one?

You can of course not crossbreed monkeys and humans because OBVIOUSLY a monkey or also an ape cannot have babies with humans. We are too different at that point. I hope I dont REALLY have to explain that to you, right? Thats the whole point of this. Do you understand what the sentence you mockingly repeat so often means? Because I dont think you do.

To that quote again: Would you have an example of scientific claims that are against common sense please? Because as I told you earlier, I do not know about any. Thats why I dont think thats a relevant quote.

Also, what struggle between science and the supernatural? There is no struggle. Science is operating within the natural world. Its like saying math is struggling with chinese. Its two completely different things with one of them has not even be proven to exist at all. Science has fundamentaly just nothing to do with the supernatural. So what struggle? Maybe you can explain it to me?

Yes I think there is a reason behind the simulation hypothesis, sure. The reason is curiosity. Its absolutely fascinating to think we could live in a simulation. Honestly, its not even that far from the god claim.
Those two are related in a way cause both are undebunkable by definition.
Theres is no way to debunk the simulation hypothesis and also no way to verify it if it would be true since we would be in it.
Same goes for god. If god exist, there is no way to dismiss him or proof his existence.
The two could even be misinterpreted for the other. God could in a reality just be someone who programmed our simulation and someone who programmed our simulation could in reality be god. There is no way to distinguish.

So you see, i myself am a fan of it and find is fascinating, but at the same time both things, Simulation Hypothesis and God, are not an option for me, because of the impossibility to work with it scientifically speaking. Its out of our grasp, we cannot proof it, test it, verify it, debunk it - Thats why I am an atheist.
Being a theist doesnt lead anywhere. It is never the best explanation, because it is no explanation. I hope that brought some light into this discussion as a whole.

I am not against god or in favor of god. I hope I made that clear.

This post was edited by Modulok2405 on May 12 2023 03:46am
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May 12 2023 03:47am
Quote (TiStuff @ May 12 2023 08:44pm)
you could be considered a talking snake

2. a treacherous or deceitful person.

what you actually said
or or or or or or or look look look look or or or or or
"Another example could be find me a talking snake or remains if any of the mythical beasts described in the bible. Things like that."

Snakes are not mythological beasts they are alive today even if many millions of years ago some had small feet. That's called evolution cope harder my illiterate NPC.

Ps TiStuff this guy SP00K doesn't believe in young earth. Claims he is a Christian why don't you talk some sense into that heretic.

This post was edited by addone on May 12 2023 04:09am
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May 12 2023 03:47am
Quote (addone @ May 12 2023 04:37am)
I provided proof/reasoning based directly to your criteria deal with it goal post mover. B)

Wow. An uneducated trade forum debater with 0 experience and knowledge has done what no educated theologian has been able to do since organized Christian belief. Very impressive larp

This post was edited by SP00K on May 12 2023 03:48am
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May 12 2023 03:51am
This post is a violation of the site rules and appropriate action was taken.

Quote (addone @ May 12 2023 02:44am)
The Bible literally explains how old the earth is from genesis. You can add up the years since creation from Adam to Jesus and it will be about 6000 years.https://answersingenesis.org/age-of-the-earth/how-old-is-the-earth/ If you don't believe that meaning if you are not young earth creationist then you don't believe the bible.
That makes you a heretic and a non Christian. Or you are only a part time Christian who cherrypicks what they like or doesn't like while playing dumb?


:rofl: :rofl:

Bruh you literally have no idea what you are talking about

Do you even know the process of designating a belief as a heresy? Bruh you are literally 62 iq lmao

This post was edited by SP00K on May 12 2023 03:53am
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May 12 2023 04:06am
Quote (SP00K @ May 12 2023 09:51pm)
:rofl: :rofl:

Bruh you literally have no idea what you are talking about

Do you even know the process of designating a belief as a heresy? Bruh you are literally 62 iq lmao

I love how facts speak louder than ad hominem
Deal with it B)

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May 12 2023 05:03am
Quote (addone @ May 12 2023 05:06am)
I love how facts speak louder than ad hominem
Deal with it B)


I can't get a single straight answer lmao

I'm going to assume this thread is you revolting against your grandmother for making you go to church on Easter

You really are clueless
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May 12 2023 05:13am
Quote (SP00K @ May 12 2023 11:03pm)
I can't get a single straight answer lmao

I'm going to assume this thread is you revolting against your grandmother for making you go to church on Easter

You really are clueless

Refer to post #1116
Provided proof deal with it B)

This post was edited by addone on May 12 2023 05:20am
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May 12 2023 09:41am
The Christ pardonned me for saying "fuck" several times in a raw. I'm saved. ^_^
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May 12 2023 04:06pm
Quote (addone @ May 12 2023 06:13am)
Refer to post #1116
Provided proof deal with it B)


From the article incase your larping decides to extend offline

What are some examples of deductive and inductive fallacies to avoid?

Deductive reasoning is the process of drawing a specific conclusion from one or more general premises. For example, if you know that all humans are mortal, and that Socrates is a human, you can deduce that Socrates is mortal.

Your arguments

"1. There is no need for God because billions of people live without religion."

What does this have to do with God being real or not? Role-playing ranking 7/10

2. Growing up I went to church and read the Bible and can say my life would of been a lot easier if I didn't spend all that wasted time on religion.

Why would anyone care about what your life is like? What does this have to do with God being real or not?

God doesn't exist because there is no way of knowing or proof presented after thousands of years

See 1

The rest is you rambling on about a personal opinion of yours which doesn't amount to anything at all. Do you see how this delusion of yours doesn't match with reality?
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