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May 12 2023 01:38am
Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 11 2023 08:17am)
Well he must be right then. Did he win a nobel price yet? Why isnt he the most famous person in the world? Did he publish his incredible findings anywhere?

and if you liked what he said you would be falling all over yourself agreeing with him.

Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 11 2023 08:06am)
Did you just come up with the same stuff again or what? Yes we had apelike ancestors, not monkeys. Mockery is funny and all, but it doesnt make it any more true.
Now the question is always the same: HOW do you understand that sentence "We had apelike ancestors". It is an absolutely simplified statement as I have pointed out.
A Chihuahua has the Wolf as ancestor. What do you say about that? In that case it is not that long ago an we humans are responsable for it.
Is this more compelling for you? Do you see the - in comparison - small time frame it took to get from Wolves to Chihuahuas?
What is it that is so ridiculous for you about the statement that we had apelike ancestors? Its not like someone thought that and thats it. There is evidence strongly pointing to this. WHY is it ridulous, just tell me.

Which quote are you referring to? The one were the guy says science doesnt allow the divine a footstep in the door? Its nonsense because the divine doesnt work all too well alongside scientific methods. Of course it has no footstep in the door....whats there to explain any further?
Its like saying tennis has no place for football...

Your believe gets challenged all the time by science by not providing scientific evidence. Science doesnt need claims without evidence. It has no foot in the doorstep, you know?

A snake is a snake.

Yup, the simulation Hypothesis is kind of made up, thats why its called hypothesis. All hypothesis are made up...or did you find evidence for it anywhere? Can I see it? Can you create a theory out of it?
A hypothesis is the weaker version of a theory because it can neither be tested nor debunked while theories can be tested - in theory.

God is a very weak form of a hypothesis for example. Usually a hypothesis can be explained to a limited extent usually, not tested but explained - which god cannot.

Oh there was more I just saw.

Why do you think Abiogenesis has failed? Its a scientific hypothesis with a few pretty good explanations. Why are you so impatient?
Science is no wizardry, you should know best. Things unfold slowly, they always have.
If one thing has failed so far it can only be god. It is the only option without any foundation at all.

Its funny when your argument is that we cant fully explain the origin of life when your solution is a being without a beginning or any explanation as to why it exists. It just always has and you accept it because its outside of the natural world and eternal and whatnot. No second thoughts whatsoever.

and monkeys are "ape like"

so your saying that through selective breeding we could get a human from a monkey?

since you misrepresenting the quote i will just repost it
"Our willingness to accept scientific claims that are against common sense is the key to an understanding of the real struggle between science and the supernatural. We take the side of science in spite of the patent absurdity of some of its constructs, in spite of its failure to fulfill many of its extravagant promises of health and life, in spite of the tolerance of the scientific community for unsubstantiated just-so stories, because we have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism.
It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept a material explanation of the phenomenal world, but, on the contrary, that we are forced by our a priori adherence to material causes to create an apparatus of investigation and a set of concepts that produce material explanations, no matter how counter-intuitive, no matter how mystifying to the uninitiated.
Moreover, that materialism is absolute,for we cannot allow a Divine Foot in the door.
richard lewontin

snake is a snake.............fantastic...

do you think there is reasoning behind the idea of "simulation hypothesis" or do you think some one just pulled it out of their azz?

claims of scripture can be tested. scripture claims it (construct/universe/creation) is a created place. claims life is created. the counter claim is all this stuff is just a product of some kind of naturalistic random accidental process.

after all of science endeavors life is still a complete mystery. this is a big problem for atheists/antitheists yet you just blow it off like its not a big deal and at the same time your going to tell me your the scientific one?

This post was edited by TiStuff on May 12 2023 01:44am
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May 12 2023 01:44am
Quote (SP00K @ May 11 2023 10:54pm)
You have decided to create the fantasy that I have ever said that I am a young earth creationist. I have never personally spoke to a young earth creationist. Iliterally have no idea where you are getting this from.
I am glad to see that after learning the position of an accomplished atheist you have decided to instantly change your opinion. I would hope now you will call yourself an agnostic. Even though that's just role play terminology. You either hate God or you don't.

Bruh when I first read that you wanted proof of God I took it as rhetorical. But you actually expect someone to present you with proof of God before you will concede lmao.

Why would anyone waste their time trying to convince you of anything? You have already convinced yourself of the opposite.

The Bible literally explains how old the earth is from genesis. You can add up the years since creation from Adam to Jesus and it will be about 6000 years. https://answersingenesis.org/age-of-the-earth/how-old-is-the-earth/ If you don't believe that meaning if you are not young earth creationist then you don't believe the bible.
That makes you a heretic and a non Christian. Or you are only a part time Christian who cherrypicks what they like or doesn't like while playing dumb?

This post was edited by addone on May 12 2023 01:52am
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May 12 2023 01:54am
Quote (addone @ May 12 2023 12:16am)
I said talking snake NOT a walking snake but reading is not for everyone
Also notice in the end it dates that snake to 110 million years ago. Now go contemplate that when you post your next cope.

you heard about the snake crawling on its belly first in scripture .......
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May 12 2023 02:26am
Quote (TiStuff @ May 12 2023 07:54pm)
you heard about the snake crawling on its belly first in scripture .......

I don't have any problem with crawling snakes or ever mentioned anything to do with crawling. I specifically said talking snake
Quote (addone @ May 11 2023 11:33pm)
.... Another example could be find me a talking snake....

Why are you so determined to demonstrate your lack of reading skills? We already know, you proved that countless times already.

I look forward when you attempt to over simplify evolution vs creation argument. You are clearly demonstrating your kindergarten education to its fullest capacity. ;)
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May 12 2023 02:32am
Quote (addone @ May 12 2023 02:07am)
That's cute. Do they teach you how to use the word "because" or explain why in you bible circles? Or do you only know how to hurl insults, project and make unsubstantiated claims?

I provided proof/reason based on the format you requested. No need to get mad. Even when your pathetic attempt at proof of god is simply "the bible" and "I believe". The bible is haresay and you can believe it all you like. God will be as real as Santa Claus or Peter Pan.

Cope harder.

Very detailed and impressive cope post. Refer to the post you responded to here for a tad bit of insight

This post was edited by SP00K on May 12 2023 02:32am
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May 12 2023 02:34am
Quote (addone @ May 12 2023 02:44am)
The Bible literally explains how old the earth is from genesis. You can add up the years since creation from Adam to Jesus and it will be about 6000 years. https://answersingenesis.org/age-of-the-earth/how-old-is-the-earth/ If you don't believe that meaning if you are not young earth creationist then you don't believe the bible.
That makes you a heretic and a non Christian. Or you are only a part time Christian who cherrypicks what they like or doesn't like while playing dumb?


You are a blatant liar with 0 to extremely little biblical knowledge.

If you believe that the bible has teaches a clear young earth perspective then I believe that you have a very aggressive mental disorder which needs direct intervention.
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May 12 2023 02:44am
Quote (addone @ May 12 2023 01:26am)
I don't have any problem with crawling snakes or ever mentioned anything to do with crawling. I specifically said talking snake

Why are you so determined to demonstrate your lack of reading skills? We already know, you proved that countless times already.

I look forward when you attempt to over simplify evolution vs creation argument. You are clearly demonstrating your kindergarten education to its fullest capacity. ;)

you could be considered a talking snake

2. a treacherous or deceitful person.

what you actually said
or or or or or or or look look look look or or or or or
"Another example could be find me a talking snake or remains if any of the mythical beasts described in the bible. Things like that."

This post was edited by TiStuff on May 12 2023 02:48am
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May 12 2023 02:49am
Quote (addone @ May 11 2023 09:57pm)
Show me this "electric chair" as you put it then?
Can't eat prawns? Is it a sin?
Can't work on a Sunday is that a sin? Cause I worked plenty of Sundays and nothing bad happened in fact I used to get paid 1.5 times for weekends. Millions of people work on Sundays there is no thunderbolts from the sky coming down to smite anyone for that.
Shall not kill is a sin? That's not Devine law that's man made agreement Has been used conditionally for thousands of years. That law changes depending on who is in charge and the time period. Bible encouraged slavery and killing while also saying though shall not kill. This God in the bible gave the green light to killing certain people. Is it a sin then?

This is why I dont subscribe to the divine law because it's made up and stupid. And clearly reflected the barbaric practices 2000 years ago. I dont mind taking about sin at all dont know where you got the notion. You are projecting an idea that somehow I believe in same concepts that you do.

News flash I don't.

Universal laws are immutable, unbreakable and you cannot live outside them. They are observable and constant meaning they are always there to be discovered consistently there whether you believe In them or not. Religious laws are merely some generic customs and practices that very often reflect the time frame of a particular sect of people.

Let's test you once again. What goes through your mind -- what are your thoughts when you read passages like this?

Colossians 3:5-10

5 Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. 6 Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. 7 You used to walk in these ways, in the life you once lived. 8 But now you must also rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips. 9 Do not lie to each other, since you have taken off your old self with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator.

Are you inclined to disagree with what is said here? The way I see it the human body still works the same today as it did 2,000 years ago. Lying is still lying, stealing is still stealing and cheating is still cheating. Nothing has really changed if you think about it. Oh and before you go on about how we know more about how everything works due to the advancement of Science, good for you. That knowledge has no bearing on whether to hide my shame or cheat to win. People, such as yourself, still use filthy language. Oh but don't worry, the Earth is older than 6,000 years right?

The Sabbath is from Friday sundown to Sunday sunrise. You can work on Sunday, no problem.
Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 12 2023 12:25am)
In my country people do not speak at funerals at all. The pastor is the only one, so be happy, it wont happen. I wont speak at a funeral and spread my atheism.
And even if I would speak at a funeral, I wouldnt have a problem playing along. If the dead person and his family would have been religious I would absolutely be able to say they are in a better place and so on. No problem. Its not my show. When another person dies, that person deserves my respect and I will of course give it to them.

Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 12 2023 12:25am)
In my country people do not speak at funerals at all. The pastor is the only one, so be happy, it wont happen. I wont speak at a funeral and spread my atheism.
And even if I would speak at a funeral, I wouldnt have a problem playing along. If the dead person and his family would have been religious I would absolutely be able to say they are in a better place and so on. No problem. Its not my show. When another person dies, that person deserves my respect and I will of course give it to them.

Woohoo, I guess that's one less thing to worry about.

Quote (addone @ May 12 2023 06:26pm)
I don't have any problem with crawling snakes or ever mentioned anything to do with crawling. I specifically said talking snake

Why are you so determined to demonstrate your lack of reading skills? We already know, you proved that countless times already.

I look forward when you attempt to over simplify evolution vs creation argument. You are clearly demonstrating your kindergarten education to its fullest capacity. ;)

I for one, absolutely love how you quoted yourself and told yourself why you are so determined to demonstrate your lack of reading skills that you have proven countless times already. Oh the irony.

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May 12 2023 03:09am
Quote (CPK001 @ May 12 2023 08:49pm)

I for one, absolutely love how you quoted yourself and told yourself why you are so determined to demonstrate your lack of reading skills that you have proven countless times already. Oh the irony.


I was quoting myself didnt know your reading comprehension is the best and your attempts at parroting like a juvenile kid match your developed mind perfectly. Keep it up maybe next time you'll tell me how your dad is stronger than my dad. That will really impress me.
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May 12 2023 03:32am
Quote (SP00K @ May 12 2023 08:34pm)
You are a blatant liar with 0 to extremely little biblical knowledge.

If you believe that the bible has teaches a clear young earth perspective then I believe that you have a very aggressive mental disorder which needs direct intervention.

No you are a blantant liar. Millions of Christian scholars disagree with you.
Including many studies. Facts dont care about your feelings.https://news.gallup.com/poll/261680/americans-believe-creationism.aspx including Christians in this very thread.

Once Darwin dropped the evolution theory and science began to provide proof the Christians started jumping ship like rats."OH that part! No no thats a metaphor cmon I am not crazy.. Cope.... Cope."

Pathetic cherrypicker

This post was edited by addone on May 12 2023 03:39am
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