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May 11 2023 04:54am
Quote (addone @ May 11 2023 05:00am)
The video just shows that Dawkins believes 6.9 out of 7 that there is no God. Basically saying there is a minute possibility that he might exists. But the evidence isn't there to support this God concept. When I said God doesn't exist I meant it in a scientific sense. Already clarified my position long ago in this thread. You conveniently and intentionally keep ignoring the fact.
Your little rant doesn't prove anything. You have 0 proof as you already admitted. And basically lost the debate. Since you cannot prove that your god exists i have no obligation to entertain this further.
All I am doing in this thread is supplying the hypocrisy, contradictions, lies and batshit crazy ideas that the bible and Christians promulgate.

I have provided proof of this but you dismiss it by saying it's cope without challenging or refuting a single one.

I asked you what evidence or proof do you require that God isn't real? Give me an example of what that looks like and I'll provide it.
Yet you intentionally dodging in a typical cowardly fashion.

Let's start with age of the earth according to science its estimated to be 4.5 billion years give or take. I can supply you with papers and articles showing exactly how they came to that conclusion. You are welcome to challenge and disprove this.
Also can you please provide us with proof how you believe earth is around 6000years old according to the bible? I'll wait.

You have decided to create the fantasy that I have ever said that I am a young earth creationist. I have never personally spoke to a young earth creationist. I literally have no idea where you are getting this from.

I am glad to see that after learning the position of an accomplished atheist you have decided to instantly change your opinion. I would hope now you will call yourself an agnostic. Even though that's just role play terminology. You either hate God or you don't.

Bruh when I first read that you wanted proof of God I took it as rhetorical. But you actually expect someone to present you with proof of God before you will concede lmao.

Why would anyone waste their time trying to convince you of anything? You have already convinced yourself of the opposite.
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May 11 2023 05:25am
Quote (addone @ May 11 2023 05:43pm)
What is your obsession with sin? I don't subjugate or believe in a made up "divine law" therefore I cannot "sin" or under no obligation to follow it.
I am part of laws made by my jurisdiction and I follow those without a problem other than few parking tickets and business dispute which was settled I have done pretty well. So gtfo with your sin bs you are welcome to wear your magic underwear and not eat delicious prawns. But that isn't my custom.

You got owned so hard when your boyfriend made a statement without proof and you challenged me that I don't listen to proof. Yet I quickly pointed out how you don't have any. Remember that time? Yea I am going to savour that and point out how your divine law that you worship about bearing false witness. Yea you basically just sinned enjoy magical place you call hell.

See? You don't like talking about sin. It is the one thing you don't want to talk about because it will reveal your true nature. Just because you don't believe in the electric chair, doesn't mean it's not real. You are just like the Pharisees who think they are so righteous, yet Jesus had major confrontations with the Pharisees.

What do we do when someone just refuses to listen? We pray for them! So let me pray for you right now.

Heavenly Father, you are our lawgiver. That’s what you say in Isaiah 33:22. We pray right now for addone that he would want to follow you God.
Father we ask that addone who is against you would feel guilt, Lord, that he would realize that it’s folly and he would realize that he is going to Hell Lord.
Hell is real. The lake of fire is real. People weep and gnash their teeth forever and ever. The fire is not quenched. The worm does not die. It’s a miserable place.
Oh Father all of your ways are just and all of your ways are righteous. We submit to you right now.

Father we pray that the fear of God would fill addone and that everyone would say that anybody that is against God is an evil person.
Father this is what our founding fathers believe, this is what your word teaches and Father, we trust in you right now to raise up addone.
Vengeance is yours so we trust in you LORD, we rely on you and we hope in you and now we pray this in Jesus’ name amen.

Thank you for praying today, please tune in next time and may God bless and keep you.

Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 11 2023 05:55pm)
Uhm...no? I am indeed not fun to be around at funerals. Should I? Are you okay, dude? Whatever you consume bro, stop.

Exactly, I really do hope you never give a speech at a funeral. You'll talk about how there is no afterlife and you won't be saying they are in a better place. That statement will be even sadder than the death of whomever you are mourning. Then those people will remember your words when it's your funeral.
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May 11 2023 05:33am
Quote (SP00K @ May 11 2023 10:54pm)
You have decided to create the fantasy that I have ever said that I am a young earth creationist. I have never personally spoke to a young earth creationist. I literally have no idea where you are getting this from.

I am glad to see that after learning the position of an accomplished atheist you have decided to instantly change your opinion. I would hope now you will call yourself an agnostic. Even though that's just role play terminology. You either hate God or you don't.

Bruh when I first read that you wanted proof of God I took it as rhetorical. But you actually expect someone to present you with proof of God before you will concede lmao.

Why would anyone waste their time trying to convince you of anything? You have already convinced yourself of the opposite.

You are not on a 6000 year earth bandwagon? Could of fooled me basically every Christian so far claimed this. The bible has it distinctly lays out the timeline from creation to Jesus... weird are you not Christian?

I never claimed a title of agnostic or atheist or whatever label you guys like to throw at me. I already stated multiple of times I just put myself in a category of normal person. That has no affiliation to God concept.

You thought it was rhetorical? Well in some parts of the conversation but mostly looking for Christians to back up their claims which they were unable

I am open to convincing through some proof and evidence. Some tangible way where we can test, measure, experience this God concept. To this day no one was able to provide this proof. I think the closest anyone got was some random multi to who made a somewhat a decent counter point one one of the minor linguistic translations. But even then it was mostly speculation.

I'll give you example of what I would consider proof. Let's say they find Noah's ark physical ark show how they are able to fit all specifies on the planet including bugs and keep them alive for over a year in the middle of the ocean.
Another example would be to find me an immortal man who believes in Jesus and who received eternal life. He can document his lifespan and verify it through medical tests etc that he has lived way beyond what we currently have on record (122 years)
Another example could be find me a talking snake or remains if any of the mythical beasts described in the bible. Things like that.

Also see my previous post on the proof and questions.
You literally been dodging them.

I ask again what proof or evidence do you require for me to prove the claim that God isn't real? What would make you convinced? Please provide me with an example.
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May 11 2023 05:39am
Quote (addone @ May 11 2023 06:33am)
You are not on a 6000 year earth bandwagon? Could of fooled me basically every Christian so far claimed this. The bible has it distinctly lays out the timeline from creation to Jesus... weird are you not Christian?

I never claimed a title of agnostic or atheist or whatever label you guys like to throw at me. I already stated multiple of times I just put myself in a category of normal person. That has no affiliation to God concept.

You thought it was rhetorical? Well in some parts of the conversation but mostly looking for Christians to back up their claims which they were unable

I am open to convincing through some proof and evidence. Some tangible way where we can test, measure, experience this God concept. To this day no one was able to provide this proof. I think the closest anyone got was some random multi to who made a somewhat a decent counter point one one of the minor linguistic translations. But even then it was mostly speculation.

I'll give you example of what I would consider proof. Let's say they find Noah's ark physical ark show how they are able to fit all specifies on the planet including bugs and keep them alive for over a year in the middle of the ocean.
Another example would be to find me an immortal man who believes in Jesus and who received eternal life. He can document his lifespan and verify it through medical tests etc that he has lived way beyond what we currently have on record (122 years)
Another example could be find me a talking snake or remains if any of the mythical beasts described in the bible. Things like that.

Also see my previous post on the proof and questions.
You literally been dodging them.

I ask again what proof or evidence do you require for me to prove the claim that God isn't real? What would make you convinced? Please provide me with an example.

I don't follow discord theology. Young earth creationists are the minority and for you to lie and say that the Bible's lays out a road map for this is an absolute joke.

To prove God isn't real all you have to do is provide an argument structure against God that has no defeater.

Out of 10 of my posts I'd say around 8 say the same thing.

I am not making arguments to convince you or anyone else of anything. I could not possibly care less what you believe. I only call out your hypocrisy of faith based beliefs that you rely on while calling others stupid.
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May 11 2023 05:57am
Quote (CPK001 @ May 11 2023 11:25pm)
See? You don't like talking about sin. It is the one thing you don't want to talk about because it will reveal your true nature. Just because you don't believe in the electric chair, doesn't mean it's not real. You are just like the Pharisees who think they are so righteous, yet Jesus had major confrontations with the Pharisees.

What do we do when someone just refuses to listen? We pray for them! So let me pray for you right now.

Heavenly Father, you are our lawgiver. That’s what you say in Isaiah 33:22. We pray right now for addone that he would want to follow you God.
Father we ask that addone who is against you would feel guilt, Lord, that he would realize that it’s folly and he would realize that he is going to Hell Lord.
Hell is real. The lake of fire is real. People weep and gnash their teeth forever and ever. The fire is not quenched. The worm does not die. It’s a miserable place.
Oh Father all of your ways are just and all of your ways are righteous. We submit to you right now.

Father we pray that the fear of God would fill addone and that everyone would say that anybody that is against God is an evil person.
Father this is what our founding fathers believe, this is what your word teaches and Father, we trust in you right now to raise up addone.
Vengeance is yours so we trust in you LORD, we rely on you and we hope in you and now we pray this in Jesus’ name amen.

Thank you for praying today, please tune in next time and may God bless and keep you.

Exactly, I really do hope you never give a speech at a funeral. You'll talk about how there is no afterlife and you won't be saying they are in a better place. That statement will be even sadder than the death of whomever you are mourning. Then those people will remember your words when it's your funeral.

Show me this "electric chair" as you put it then?
Can't eat prawns? Is it a sin?
Can't work on a Sunday is that a sin? Cause I worked plenty of Sundays and nothing bad happened in fact I used to get paid 1.5 times for weekends. Millions of people work on Sundays there is no thunderbolts from the sky coming down to smite anyone for that.
Shall not kill is a sin? That's not Devine law that's man made agreement Has been used conditionally for thousands of years. That law changes depending on who is in charge and the time period. Bible encouraged slavery and killing while also saying though shall not kill. This God in the bible gave the green light to killing certain people. Is it a sin then?

This is why I dont subscribe to the divine law because it's made up and stupid. And clearly reflected the barbaric practices 2000 years ago. I dont mind taking about sin at all dont know where you got the notion. You are projecting an idea that somehow I believe in same concepts that you do.

News flash I don't.

Universal laws are immutable, unbreakable and you cannot live outside them. They are observable and constant meaning they are always there to be discovered consistently there whether you believe In them or not. Religious laws are merely some generic customs and practices that very often reflect the time frame of a particular sect of people.

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May 11 2023 06:04am
Quote (SP00K @ May 11 2023 11:39pm)
I don't follow discord theology. Young earth creationists are the minority and for you to lie and say that the Bible's lays out a road map for this is an absolute joke.

To prove God isn't real all you have to do is provide an argument structure against God that has no defeater.
Out of 10 of my posts I'd say around 8 say the same thing.

I am not making arguments to convince you or anyone else of anything. I could not possibly care less what you believe. I only call out your hypocrisy of faith based beliefs that you rely on while calling others stupid.

Provide an argument structure against a god that had no defeater?
Expand please don't think I understand your proposal fully. Give me an example. Just trying to be absolutely clear in what you asking so that you don't come back moving the goal post.
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May 11 2023 08:01am
Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 11 2023 03:14am)
Google is awesome dude, I know you love it almost as much as youtube - but how about a scientific paper with that explanation in it?

I'd really love to see that :-*

thats something you believe you go find and show the paper
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May 11 2023 08:19am
Quote (TiStuff @ May 11 2023 04:01pm)
thats something you believe you go find and show the paper

Wrong again, it not something I believe. I never believed man came from monkeys.
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May 11 2023 08:25am
Quote (CPK001 @ May 11 2023 01:25pm)
Exactly, I really do hope you never give a speech at a funeral. You'll talk about how there is no afterlife and you won't be saying they are in a better place. That statement will be even sadder than the death of whomever you are mourning. Then those people will remember your words when it's your funeral.

In my country people do not speak at funerals at all. The pastor is the only one, so be happy, it wont happen. I wont speak at a funeral and spread my atheism.
And even if I would speak at a funeral, I wouldnt have a problem playing along. If the dead person and his family would have been religious I would absolutely be able to say they are in a better place and so on. No problem. Its not my show. When another person dies, that person deserves my respect and I will of course give it to them.

This post was edited by Modulok2405 on May 11 2023 08:25am
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May 11 2023 08:40am
Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 11 2023 01:35am)
Your answers get more and more desperate and your will to ignore some things while parrotting others becomes more and more obvious.

Its not that I dont like the expression "monkey to man", its just that its not a scientific one, so we dont have to talk about it. All I can tell you over and over again is that no scientist, not a single one, thinks man came from monkeys.

I know that you'd like to think science is as simple as the bible, but its not. Science is not just words written for the illiterate, uneducated people of millenias ago, it is complex systems and research based on evidence. Thats why there is no such thing as one animal shitting out another animal all of a sudden. Its a bit more complex than that, buddy.

You can post quotes from the most educated people in the world, but as long as those quotes contain opinions instead of facts they are just as irrelevant as mine or yours.
What he says isnt false or true by definition, but it is highly irrelevant to our discussion and thats not just my opinion.
The guy just talked by his emotions instead of going by facts. Which is understandable, you cant be scientific all the way through of course. I dont blame him, I blame you for abusing his words for proving your point - which of course doesnt work.

I also dont see scripture as the opposite of science, also scientists fail every day. Science is daily failing, never said anything else. Science is a lot of Trial and Error. Failing, failing, failing until you make a bit of progress. You still havent even understood that?? What do you think how your phone came to be? A scientist enchanted a rock or what?

To Dawkins quote: Yes, god isnt a good explanation. He is sure about it, because it is true. Its indeed a fact. He didnt say that he knows god doesnt exist. He said: God isnt a good explanation, which is true even if he would exist. God does never explain anything. Its an explanation that is in no way measurable or calculable or testfiable or anything at all. So it doesnt work as scientific explanation.
This is why god is not relevant in science (which again explains the other guys problem with science). Science is not about god, it is never scientific to explain stuff with god from a scientific perspective, because science works with evidential parameters. Therefor it is never a good explanation. Dawkins KNOWS its not. He isnt cock sure about, he knows it. Absolutely. Everyone knows it. No need to blame him for saying that.

Yes, snakes arent persons, you got that correct.

Ya some people think Simulation Hypothesis is more than Sci-Fi. Maybe it is, I dont know. I am not declaring anyone false. Its the same as it with god. As long as there is no evidence to back it up, I have no reason to believe it. Simple concept.

im exposing your world view, putting it on display for all to see. atheists/antitheists with more credentials than you have.

yes we been through this. the 'proper term is ape like ancestor lol bfd the phrase "monkey to man" is done out of mockery, mockery deserved and everyone understands that except the ignorant.

science is done by people and has all the failings people have

actually they are more relevant than yours or mine.
then then the argument is about the comprehension of the quote? which part are you contesting?

do you believe a phone challenges my belief?

To Dawkins quote: "god isnt a good explanation".
its an explanation that there is a intellect behind it all. as opposed the atheist/antitheist explanation "its an accident"
so? an intellect behind it all isnt a good explanation but "its an accident" is? seriously?
even dawkins admits to "appearance of design" Dawkins: “Biology is the study of complicated things that give the appearance of having been designed for a purpose”.
when does the part come that my belief gets challenged? when do i get beat up by science?

2. a treacherous or deceitful person.
(is what i said)

simulation hypothesis, i guess some people in science just made it up?

the construct/creation/universe is evidence of God. abiogenesis/ "macro" evolution has failed.
two choices? the whole thing is an accident or its a created place. you have a third option?

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