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Jan 3 2020 12:22pm
Quote (bogie160 @ Jan 3 2020 12:14pm)
Iran uses proxy violence to lash out against sanctions. The United States is establishing a consequence for that violence.

Iran is going to have to accept that they occupy a very small place in this world. If they want a new-Shia empire they will go out in body bags.

The attack puts Iran in a precarious situation. Do they double down on attacks and risk a greater reprisal? Do they sink more resources into maintaining an untenable foreign policy position? The United States has the resources to wait this out. Iran does not. They've already resorted to state violence to put down their own people.

or do they sponsor more terror elsewhere and launder the violence through other groups of Sharia minded groups? because that's what will happen. we'll see bombings in Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.

i dont see this having a positive marked effect on the proxy wars in Yemen and elsewhere.

but take it a step further, IF they do ramp up sponsorship of terrorism elsewhere, what will be the US response? we've just set a precedent for attacks. so either we attack more or look weak for not attacking. neither good. when the horse's tail slaps at a fly the fly becomes aware that the horse know's he's there.

This post was edited by thesnipa on Jan 3 2020 12:23pm
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Jan 3 2020 12:33pm
Quote (thesnipa @ 3 Jan 2020 18:23)
pretty simple math. cost of life in attacks versus cost of lives in a war. cost of cleaning up attacks versus cost of a war. etc.

lol we aren't reliant on Middle Eastern oil, but Trump went from clowning Obama for sucking saudi dick to on his knees within half a term. are we reliant in truth? maybe not depending on your definition. are we president after president, from both parties, bowing down to the Saudis? yes. and they're the "good guys" in the middle eastern Islamic cultural war? Rotten fruit belongs in the trash, you dont keep half because it's less rotten.

Obummer wasted an opportunity to make a decent deal with Iran, Trump trashed it and rather than correcting it he went the opposite direction.

in any case, how does this lead to less attacks? what does Iran have to lose? more terrorists? losing a war? lol we can't even win in Afghanistan against backwater Jihaadists, let alone Iran who fund the Jihaadists.

the sanctions are in place, and seem to be working. not ideal, but seems to be working. please tell me what this accomplishes other than "sending a message", aka the masculinity angle. certainly not less attacks, i pray you're not that silly.

not a fan of obama's foreign policy in general, but what was wrong with the iran deal? considering the circumstances, it was nothing short of a diplomatic masterpiece, with much larger concessions than anyone had realistically expected to get from iran. the deal put a de facto stop to their nuclear arms program, and was so profound that iran's negotiators were heavily criticised and even received death threats from the more radical forces within the country.

we shouldn't buy into the 'it wasn't perfect because we didn't get everything we theoretically could have wished for' narrative by people, who really don't give a shit about actually making a deal, who wouldn't have gotten half of what obama got because they are terrible negotiators, and who kept pushing for war rather than trying to negotiate "something better", ever since they unilaterally ripped up a deal that significantly de-escalated tensions between the countries and verifiably achieved its main goal ( https://www.iaea.org/ )...

claiming it wasn't even 'decent', and suggesting there was an easy opportunity to get something better, sounds rather ignorant of the larger context in which that deal was made.
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Jan 3 2020 12:35pm
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ Jan 3 2020 11:18am)
Good, if they end up blowing up one of the U.S city with a dirty nuclear bomb nobody will have to complain.

More likely to happen in France.
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Jan 3 2020 12:36pm
Quote (fender @ Jan 3 2020 12:33pm)
not a fan of obama's foreign policy in general, but what was wrong with the iran deal? considering the circumstances, it was nothing short of a diplomatic masterpiece, with much larger concessions than anyone had realistically expected to get from iran. the deal put a de facto stop to their nuclear arms program, and was so profound that iran's negotiators were heavily criticised and even received death threats from the more radical forces within the country.

we shouldn't buy into the 'it wasn't perfect because we didn't get everything we theoretically could have wished for' narrative by people, who really don't give a shit about actually making a deal, who wouldn't have gotten half of what obama got because they are terrible negotiators, and who kept pushing for war rather than trying to negotiate "something better", ever since they unilaterally ripped up a deal that significantly de-escalated tensions between the countries and verifiably achieved its main goal ( https://www.iaea.org/ )...

claiming it wasn't even 'decent', and suggesting there was an easy opportunity to get something better, sounds rather ignorant of the larger context in which that deal was made.

specifically the deadline for nuclear weapons development was far too short. although i dont know if i would have felt comfortable signing a deal at all with a deadline in sight.

as to the last sentence, did i suggest somewhere specifically that a better deal would have been easy?

in any case, while i dont find the deal to be a good one, i also dont think dumping it was a good idea either. so there's that.

This post was edited by thesnipa on Jan 3 2020 12:37pm
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Jan 3 2020 12:56pm
Quote (CarsV @ Jan 3 2020 12:14pm)
Yeah that's it, go with the masculinity angle lol.

So what should we have done about a foreign military leader actively leading attacks on American sovereignty? Ask them politely to stop? A regime who routinely preaches "death to America!"? Iran is no different from many other totalitarian regimes. They want control. They want to project power and influence. For them it's about the strait. Unfortunately for them, and clearly the Washington Post as well, America and some of its allies won't allow that. I know, it reads like some simple boogeyman South Park episode script. But, some things in the real world are more simple than they're made out to be.

Also, we aren't reliant on the Mid-East for oil. That's Europe's dog.

No you didn't.

No attack on America happened or did it?

I'm concerned because it would be people like me being deployed.

Quote (excellence @ Jan 3 2020 12:50pm)
him and da-nang dick bluementhal (who started 'dating' his now-wife when she was like 14-15 or so, and he was over 30) make quite a combination
it's funny because Connecticut has a high concentration of wealthy educated people, yet they vote for two miserable subversive liars to represent them in the Senate :lol:

It's rude to talk with your mouth full.

This post was edited by Skinned on Jan 3 2020 01:00pm
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Jan 3 2020 01:26pm
So lets all take a trip back down memory lane

When Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama encouraged and gave support to the Arab Spring and even directly intervened in a few instances, deciding to roll with the Cablegate leaks instead of defending against the mobs, how did the pundits and media react? How did social media react? Was anyone screaming bloody murder about how they were risking plunging the middle east into chaos and would spark wars and conflicts and get lots of people killed and lead to attacks on the US? Was that how it was received?
and yet, that's what happened. It was a colossal shitfuck. We created power vacuums that got filled by warring factions, crushed brutally by militarist strongmen dictators or just taken over by ISIS.
and they gave Obama fawning coverage and insisted rainbows were shining out of his every orifice for it.

Hindsight is 2020. Could they have known how it would turn out? But today they've sure decided they know great biblical calamity and misfortune, cats and dogs living together, sky is falling, its all coming.
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Jan 3 2020 01:35pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Jan 3 2020 01:26pm)
So lets all take a trip back down memory lane

When Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama encouraged and gave support to the Arab Spring and even directly intervened in a few instances, deciding to roll with the Cablegate leaks instead of defending against the mobs, how did the pundits and media react? How did social media react? Was anyone screaming bloody murder about how they were risking plunging the middle east into chaos and would spark wars and conflicts and get lots of people killed and lead to attacks on the US? Was that how it was received?
and yet, that's what happened. It was a colossal shitfuck. We created power vacuums that got filled by warring factions, crushed brutally by militarist strongmen dictators or just taken over by ISIS.
and they gave Obama fawning coverage and insisted rainbows were shining out of his every orifice for it.

Hindsight is 2020. Could they have known how it would turn out? But today they've sure decided they know great biblical calamity and misfortune, cats and dogs living together, sky is falling, its all coming.

how do you factor a potential Iranian nuke into this picture?

following along with Fender's post, i can say i dont like the deal we got but still maintain a bad deal beats no deal and an Iranian nuke.

i'd also question the status of the Iranian-Saudi conflict if the US wasn't at all involved in the Middle East. and would guess that the battle of the future of Islam would still be taking place without the US taking sides.
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Jan 3 2020 01:43pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Jan 3 2020 02:26pm)
So lets all take a trip back down memory lane

When Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama encouraged and gave support to the Arab Spring and even directly intervened in a few instances, deciding to roll with the Cablegate leaks instead of defending against the mobs, how did the pundits and media react? How did social media react? Was anyone screaming bloody murder about how they were risking plunging the middle east into chaos and would spark wars and conflicts and get lots of people killed and lead to attacks on the US? Was that how it was received?
and yet, that's what happened. It was a colossal shitfuck. We created power vacuums that got filled by warring factions, crushed brutally by militarist strongmen dictators or just taken over by ISIS.
and they gave Obama fawning coverage and insisted rainbows were shining out of his every orifice for it.

Hindsight is 2020. Could they have known how it would turn out? But today they've sure decided they know great biblical calamity and misfortune, cats and dogs living together, sky is falling, its all coming.

Other ill advised interventions doesn't mean this one should be okay. I agree that the optics are vastly different but that's more due to the MSM bias.

You and I both know that the reason why they are doing all this is because we put the full weight of American hegemony economically & sanctions wise on them. Their economy is imploding and people are taking to the streets precisely because of that.

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but i honestly get annoyed by the fact that our interventionism is the norm and every country around the world is supposed to play to our tune. Maybe i'm just selfish for caring less about people in the ME and caring more about my tyx dollars staying here so my kids can be better off long term instead of being in a region that literally does nothing for me, or me neighbor, or you or pretty much 98% of Americans.

If they get nukes i agree but the Israelis are going to step in much earlier before that ever happens.

This post was edited by ofthevoid on Jan 3 2020 01:45pm
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Jan 3 2020 01:45pm
Quote (thesnipa @ 3 Jan 2020 19:36)
specifically the deadline for nuclear weapons development was far too short. although i dont know if i would have felt comfortable signing a deal at all with a deadline in sight.

oh man, that's one of those annoying half-truths, perpetuated by hawks in order to criticise and undermine this extraordinary diplomatic achievement.
the part they didn't tell you (and that people apparently couldn't be bothered to do their own research on), is that with the deal, iran ratified the nuclear non-proliferation treaty - meaning that after the deadline, the iaea would still have supervised and controlled them.

Quote (thesnipa @ 3 Jan 2020 19:36)
as to the last sentence, did i suggest somewhere specifically that a better deal would have been easy?

the "wasted an opportunity" part sounded like you were suggesting that. in reality, it was a deal that got worldwide recognition for how far reaching and profound the concessions iran made were. the iaea confirmed they were holding up their end of the bargain - no matter what trump and netanyahu told you...

Quote (thesnipa @ 3 Jan 2020 19:36)
in any case, while i dont find the deal to be a good one, i also dont think dumping it was a good idea either. so there's that.

yea sorry, but that very much sounds like sacrificing historical context on the altar of 'centrism', simply because it doesn't matter anymore and therefore is a cheap 'concession' to make. i mean sure, looking at it exclusively from an american perspective, it definitely wasn't 'perfect' - but claiming it wasn't even "decent" is pretty dumb - at least if you care (and know) about the facts and nuances.
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Jan 3 2020 01:55pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Jan 3 2020 02:26pm)
So lets all take a trip back down memory lane

When Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama encouraged and gave support to the Arab Spring and even directly intervened in a few instances, deciding to roll with the Cablegate leaks instead of defending against the mobs, how did the pundits and media react? How did social media react? Was anyone screaming bloody murder about how they were risking plunging the middle east into chaos and would spark wars and conflicts and get lots of people killed and lead to attacks on the US? Was that how it was received?
and yet, that's what happened. It was a colossal shitfuck. We created power vacuums that got filled by warring factions, crushed brutally by militarist strongmen dictators or just taken over by ISIS.
and they gave Obama fawning coverage and insisted rainbows were shining out of his every orifice for it.

Hindsight is 2020. Could they have known how it would turn out? But today they've sure decided they know great biblical calamity and misfortune, cats and dogs living together, sky is falling, its all coming.

Are you blaming the Syrian Civil War on Obama because it was Assad's fault. The Damascus demonstrations were peaceful until the state used military force.

I love how you always try to slip in some crazy presupposition lol.

This post was edited by Skinned on Jan 3 2020 01:55pm
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