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Apr 26 2011 10:49am
Quote (DViolent @ Apr 26 2011 04:47pm)
i'll tell you why MY daughter will never go into a restroom with a grown man, because i said so. thats enough reason for me. i dont want the chance of somthing happening to even be exist

Is this because men are attracted to women, and you feel that a man may try and do something to your daughter?
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Apr 26 2011 10:50am
Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 26 2011 04:49pm)
Is this because men are attracted to women, and you feel that a man may try and do something to your daughter?

and because there are pervs that want little girls, yes. so why would i even take a chance?
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Apr 26 2011 10:51am
Quote (hATemOnkEy @ Apr 26 2011 11:45am)
Why is it wrong for a man to take a piss in the same room as a girl, provided he doesn't flash his penis or otherwise behaves inappropriately?

He walks in, goes into an unoccupied stall, takes a piss, washes his hands, walks out? Where's the harm, exactly?

Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 26 2011 11:43am)
If our children are growing up to be made uncomfortable by the thought of using the same bathroom as someone of a differing sex, then we as a society have a lot of changing to do.

Also, you never really answered my question, so with the bolded: Why?

The potential for abuse of that system, combined with the severity of the consequences, and how unnecessary it is.

This post was edited by ArcticShadow on Apr 26 2011 10:52am
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Apr 26 2011 10:52am
Quote (ArcticShadow @ Apr 26 2011 04:51pm)
The potential for abuse of that system, combined with the severity of the consequences, and how unnecessary it is.

bam, took my thought and said it with intelligence.
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Apr 26 2011 10:52am
Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 26 2011 04:49pm)
Is this because men are attracted to women, and you feel that a man may try and do something to your daughter?

Quote (DViolent @ Apr 26 2011 04:50pm)
and because there are pervs that want little girls, yes. so why would i even take a chance?

So then lesbian/bisexual/pansexual women shouldn't be using the same bathroom as your daughter, right?

Also, the vast majority of all sexual assault/rape incidents are perpetrated by someone that the victim knows. The idea of the 'random bathroom assault' is the exception and not the rule.
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Apr 26 2011 10:52am
Quote (DViolent @ 26 Apr 2011 17:47)
i'll tell you why MY daughter will never go into a restroom with a grown man, because i said so. thats enough reason for me. i dont want the chance of somthing happening to even be exist

Implying that all men or at least a large percentage are pedophiles.
Implying that all men or at least a large percentage are sexoffenders.
Implying that all men or at least a large percentage are rapists.

I have worked with small children. Which requires me personally wiping their bottoms and genetalia to make them clean. Never have I felt the impulse to touch any child in any manner that could be considered sexual. Am I an exception?

Or are you suggesting that you yourself feel sexual impulses when you are around children and are projecting those feelings on to the entire male populance?

This post was edited by hATemOnkEy on Apr 26 2011 10:53am
Posts: 6,685
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Apr 26 2011 10:53am
Quote (hATemOnkEy @ Apr 26 2011 04:52pm)
Implying that all men or at least a large percentage are pedophiles.
Implying that all men or at least a large percentage are sexoffenders.
Implying that all men or at least a large percentage are rapists.

I have worked with small children. Which requires me personally wiping their bottoms and genetalia to make them clean. Never have I felt the impulse to touch any child in any manner that could be considered sexual. Am I an exception?

Or are you suggesting that you yourself feels sexual impulses when you are around children and are projecting those feelings on to the entire male populance?

you might not have, but who says joe smith wont? why take that chance? no thanks.

AND WOW try to turn this on me? nfty

This post was edited by DViolent on Apr 26 2011 10:54am
Posts: 28,450
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Apr 26 2011 10:55am
Quote (DViolent @ 26 Apr 2011 17:53)
you might not have, but who says joe smith wont? why take that chance? no thanks.

So, why go outside? You might be hit by a car, mugged, kidnapped, abducted by aliens, ...? Why take that chance, right?

Also, that air you are breathing might be poison. You could continue breathing, but why take that risk?
Posts: 12,391
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Apr 26 2011 10:56am
Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 26 2011 11:52am)
So then lesbian/bisexual/pansexual women shouldn't be using the same bathroom as your daughter, right?

Also, the vast majority of all sexual assault/rape incidents are perpetrated by someone that the victim knows. The idea of the 'random bathroom assault' is the exception and not the rule.

Why are you so desperate to have little girls in the same bathroom as grown men? To simply make YOU feel better about your sexuality?
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Apr 26 2011 10:57am
Quote (ArcticShadow @ 26 Apr 2011 17:56)
Why are you so desperate to have little girls in the same bathroom as grown men?    To simply make YOU feel better about your sexuality?

I'm heterosexual.

I don't see a problem with a man needing to take a piss using a women's bathroom, provided he doesn't flash his penis or behaves inappropriately in another fashion.

Why did you ignore my last post adressing you?
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