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May 11 2023 01:17am
Quote (addone @ May 11 2023 02:03pm)
Are you off your meds bud? Or trying desperately to change the subject after getting thoroughly wrecked?

Either way this thread is about proof. It's like an showing drivers licence or passport at customs, no matter how you scream or jump up and down like a monkey you are not getting through.
Religion is simply unproven opinion that doesn't have any bearing on life. If you decide to delude yourself that's fine but don't come here saying otherwise.

Off my meds? I was almost taking meds but in the end I didn't have to because God was the cure. God was the medicine I needed and not meds. Changing the subject? You keep on veering away from the most important topic at hand and that is how you are a terrible sinner who shakes their fist at God.

Since you don't want to talk about how much of a sinner you are, you just keep on changing the subject while I veer us back on track. Surely you know that there is noone righteous, not even one? There is noone who seeks after God and all go their own way?

That is why the very first thing you have to do is this:

1. Realize that you are a sinner and in need of a Savior:

Ro 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;"

Ro 3:10 "As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:"

It all began with the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. God created them perfect, there was no death or sorrow. God told them not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. They disobeyed God and as a result, sin entered into the world. The pain, which this world sees, is the result of sin.

Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 11 2023 03:40pm)
Really? Is that all you have to say here? Insulting me and my children? Guess what, I learned to not lie, steal, cheat and kill without the bible. Could you ever imagine?
If I would follow the bible, I would probably still slap my slave every day. Which is fine as long as I dont kill or severly injure him right?
The bible is a hypocritical and immoral pile of steaming hot garbage.

My daughter can decide for herself by the way. I am not demanding her to be an atheist or anything. I am not that kind of guy. I am not religious you could say.

Your answer here was absolutely embarrassing. Even embarrassing in the eyes of your fellow christians I could imagine. Well...maybe I give them too much credit, I dont know.

Oh I can say a lot more, A LOT MORE. Then you'll just go TLDR. The rich man had also kept these since he was a boy but he still lacked one thing. This is the same thing you lack, which is the greatest commandment of all:

Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

So you admit that you have a slave? I certainly don't have one. I love how you fulfill Romans 1:25. You just keep proving the Bible to be true and correct.

They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

Not religious you say? You must not be fun to be around at Funerals.
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May 11 2023 01:25am
Quote (addone @ May 10 2023 09:30pm)
What irony? What proof? What discord/reddit buddies are you talking about?

Christianity is a game of Chinese wispers/Arabic telephone where the original message gets passed around without anyone proving the original claim. Someone made God up just like they made up Santa Claus story and you are just parroting what the the previous guy told you based on what the guy before him told the other guy and so on.

Faith based belief means you don't require any proof you are just a parrot. Science has foundation on which the claims are made, it has proof and an explanation which can be tested, observed, logical and repeatable for anyone. You don't need to take someone's word for it. There is no magic involved, its not based on superstition but facts. Science is an evolving theory that gets updated when more and better facts are presented. There is always a possibility of it being incorrect it is never perfect. Where as religion is set in stone, rigid and claims to be perfect.

You are claiming airy fairy nonsense but I don't see you put a (in theory/imho/maybe/allegedly) at the end of your rants it's always as a statement of "this is 100% true" this is real and science is wrong you have downs projections. If you don't have proof bud then you are welcome to leave and post copium comments in your Christian sub where mods shelter fragile people from being exposed anything that contradicts their delusional larping experience.

hahaha atheist monkey to man science. early evidence piltdown man 30 fraud. haeckel's embryo drawings 100 yeas in text book fraud
hhahaha when one fraud is exposed its replaced with another fraud

Quote (addone @ May 10 2023 09:44pm)
Weeks/Months later you still having difficulty grasping for "comedic effect". Keep assuming that the meme was to be interpreted literally and not metaphorically. You are always pulling an excuse of "it's metaphor" when you get proven wrong. Surely by now you would know what that is. Well jesus with a gun is also a metaphor just like any political cartoon that was ever created. Only you seem to take a meme literally.
Are you new to the internet or you just that slow?

Also keep intentionally assuming that evolution means that one day we come out of an ape with no steps in between. Cmon show us more ignorance we need a good laugh.

i give it the attention it deserves.................its dumb but ya good for a laugh :)

Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 10 2023 10:18pm)
There is no "idea of monkey to man" Thats just a theistic narrative born out of an inability to understand simple concepts.

You know the problems I have with quotes, Videos and stuff like that is that its mostly just adopted and cherrypicked opinions rather than YOU yourself thinking about stuff.

Take for example this man you quote those last couple of posts, Richard Lewontin. Thats a highly subjective opinion and has nothing to do with honesty. He sees as a "problem" with science were there is none.

Of course science operates inside of the material, physical world because where else should it?
Science is about recreational, verifiable methods to come to conclusions and solutions. Of course there is no room for god, because god is not measurable or calculable - Doesnt necessarily mean science is trying to disprove god. It just has nothing to do with it. As I said, there is just an overlapping and thats why theists often think science is the opposite of religion - which it is not.

Your second quote about Dawkins is a REAL example of honesty. You said atheists cant be honest? Well, there you have it. He is hknest and admits he doesnt know. Thats science in a nutshell by the way. Science doesnt claim to know, science just tries to find out.

You know why we use animals as metaphors, right? What do you think WHY the dictionary has the explanation "a treacherous or deceitful person" in it? Could you think of a reason?
Could that reason maybe be the bible? Answer: Yes it could.

No the bible does not mean the snake was a person. People can be called snakes today BECAUSE the snake in the bible was deceitful. Its pretty damn logical.

Simulation Hypothesis is not a bitch for me at all, its a very interesting idea and I love it. I always love good and thought out Science Fiction.

having a fit because you dont like the expression "monkey to man" isnt very scientific.

i use quotes from people that have more credentials than you its not posted for you to "like" go a head call them false o mighty cock sure gate keeper of knowledge

"science" is done by people. some how they are magically infallible?

i dont see science as opposite to scripture and neither do alot of christians.

correction i said "antitheists cant be honest"
and nope again lets look at it again. hes cock sure God isnt a goog explanation.
All I know is that God isn't a good explanation wow he actually KNOWS that. wow what a dude.
can almost hear him crying "...so we must wait and hope that somebody comes up with a better one."
high priest of antitheism
I have no explanation for complex biological design. All I know is that God isn't a good explanation, so we must wait and hope that somebody comes up with a better one.
Richard Dawkins

ya snake wasnt a person cause you cock sure say so

ya to bad. some people think simulation hypothesis is more than sci fi. you go and declare them false.

Quote (addone @ May 10 2023 11:26pm)
No it's not same lol. WHEN I claim something it is my opinion and or a scientific theory as a default. I have no problem saying I could be incorrect. My statements are based on facts and theories which I am prepared to back up. But the logic follows if Christians make the claim of gods existence they need to provide evidence/proof which can be examined and discussed/peer reviewed in order to extablish facts. I didn't birth the idea of a God and if you don't have evidence then I am under no obligation to disprove it. That is why I can say God doesn't exist it's because onus is on you the original promulagor of the idea. I also say God doesn't exist I don't have 100% certainty it's my opinion maybe there is I am not ignorant of the possibility. But there is no evidence after doing my research and looking at other intelligent minds who arrived at same conclusion.

Likewise IF I made a claim that Santa or Peter Pan was real I wouldn't expect you to disprove it. If however I presented material evidence, well formulated logic and a way to verify my claim THEN I would expect you to test out and peer review my statement.

Again you are just making claims without saying how they are "cringe". There needs to be a because... followed by reasoning. Otherwise it's just a personal attack not a constructive criticism.

like napkin religion?

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May 11 2023 01:43am
Quote (CPK001 @ May 11 2023 07:17pm)
Off my meds? I was almost taking meds but in the end I didn't have to because God was the cure. God was the medicine I needed and not meds. Changing the subject? You keep on veering away from the most important topic at hand and that is how you are a terrible sinner who shakes their fist at God.

What is your obsession with sin? I don't subjugate or believe in a made up "divine law" therefore I cannot "sin" or under no obligation to follow it.
I am part of laws made by my jurisdiction and I follow those without a problem other than few parking tickets and business dispute which was settled I have done pretty well. So gtfo with your sin bs you are welcome to wear your magic underwear and not eat delicious prawns. But that isn't my custom.

You got owned so hard when your boyfriend made a statement without proof and you challenged me that I don't listen to proof. Yet I quickly pointed out how you don't have any. Remember that time? Yea I am going to savour that and point out how your divine law that you worship about bearing false witness. Yea you basically just sinned enjoy magical place you call hell.

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May 11 2023 01:55am
Quote (CPK001 @ May 11 2023 09:17am)
Not religious you say? You must not be fun to be around at Funerals.

Uhm...no? I am indeed not fun to be around at funerals. Should I? Are you okay, dude? Whatever you consume bro, stop.
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May 11 2023 02:10am

Quote (addone @ May 11 2023 02:04am)
I have provided many examples including contradictions and logical fallacies all throughout this thread, I have looked, I have asked to see if there is a spek of truth to this sky wizard you keep affirming is real but alas nada, zilch, zero so far. I even ask in this very post show me yourself a sign anything at all that you are real and these Christians are not making shit up. Here is your chance. Silence all these atheists once and for all just one simple act or evidence that you are real. So that would be no more debates and anyone questioning your validity ever again... Anything at all........................... *crickets*........................

Nope still nothing.

How do I disprove something which doesn't exist? By what proof or evidence do you want me to produce that will confirm that God isn't real?

I have the brightest minds this world has known objectively who all say that God doesn't exist or if he does exist he hasn't shown himself or is incredibly evasive. At this point big foot has more evidence than God.

I look at the evidence such as no global flood has been observed on the crust of the planet, earth is way older than 6000 years old to a fairly accurate method of radioactive dating, I have 100's of examples of complege contradictions from the bible. At which point you have to ask yourself how is it this God this incompetent at even writing that nonsense.

Bible claims actual magic yet we have no evidence for magic other than movies and video games. Bible talks about magical beasts like dragons, talking snakes, cherubim, talking donkeys, multi headed monsters, angels and demons, etc. Yet they never existed on our planet where is the evidence? Concepts like heaven and hell where are they? We were promised immortality if we believe. We can clearly see that all the believers of christ have all perished and died, not one is alive and has eternal life. So that was fake news.

The list is very long and I could go on about why God is a made up concept. But as you can see I have factual evidence to back up my claims.

Wrong again. Saying God does not exist is a claim.

The 3 most known atheist debaters bart ehrman ( most educated and by far the smartest atheist ), richard dawkins and Christopher Hitchens all unanimously disagree with you here. Hmm how weird.


Saying God does not exist is a claim which requires proof. You have written 200 articles coping and trying to lie about this fact. Cope.

This post was edited by SP00K on May 11 2023 02:10am
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May 11 2023 02:35am
Quote (TiStuff @ May 11 2023 09:25am)
having a fit because you dont like the expression "monkey to man" isnt very scientific.

i use quotes from people that have more credentials than you its not posted for you to "like" go a head call them false o mighty cock sure gate keeper of knowledge

"science" is done by people. some how they are magically infallible?

i dont see science as opposite to scripture and neither do alot of christians.

correction i said "antitheists cant be honest"
and nope again lets look at it again. hes cock sure God isnt a goog explanation.
All I know is that God isn't a good explanation wow he actually KNOWS that. wow what a dude.
can almost hear him crying "...so we must wait and hope that somebody comes up with a better one."
high priest of antitheism
I have no explanation for complex biological design. All I know is that God isn't a good explanation, so we must wait and hope that somebody comes up with a better one.
Richard Dawkins

ya snake wasnt a person cause you cock sure say so

ya to bad. some people think simulation hypothesis is more than sci fi. you go and declare them false.

Your answers get more and more desperate and your will to ignore some things while parrotting others becomes more and more obvious.

Its not that I dont like the expression "monkey to man", its just that its not a scientific one, so we dont have to talk about it. All I can tell you over and over again is that no scientist, not a single one, thinks man came from monkeys.

I know that you'd like to think science is as simple as the bible, but its not. Science is not just words written for the illiterate, uneducated people of millenias ago, it is complex systems and research based on evidence. Thats why there is no such thing as one animal shitting out another animal all of a sudden. Its a bit more complex than that, buddy.

You can post quotes from the most educated people in the world, but as long as those quotes contain opinions instead of facts they are just as irrelevant as mine or yours.
What he says isnt false or true by definition, but it is highly irrelevant to our discussion and thats not just my opinion.
The guy just talked by his emotions instead of going by facts. Which is understandable, you cant be scientific all the way through of course. I dont blame him, I blame you for abusing his words for proving your point - which of course doesnt work.

I also dont see scripture as the opposite of science, also scientists fail every day. Science is daily failing, never said anything else. Science is a lot of Trial and Error. Failing, failing, failing until you make a bit of progress. You still havent even understood that?? What do you think how your phone came to be? A scientist enchanted a rock or what?

To Dawkins quote: Yes, god isnt a good explanation. He is sure about it, because it is true. Its indeed a fact. He didnt say that he knows god doesnt exist. He said: God isnt a good explanation, which is true even if he would exist. God does never explain anything. Its an explanation that is in no way measurable or calculable or testfiable or anything at all. So it doesnt work as scientific explanation.
This is why god is not relevant in science (which again explains the other guys problem with science). Science is not about god, it is never scientific to explain stuff with god from a scientific perspective, because science works with evidential parameters. Therefor it is never a good explanation. Dawkins KNOWS its not. He isnt cock sure about, he knows it. Absolutely. Everyone knows it. No need to blame him for saying that.

Yes, snakes arent persons, you got that correct.

Ya some people think Simulation Hypothesis is more than Sci-Fi. Maybe it is, I dont know. I am not declaring anyone false. Its the same as it with god. As long as there is no evidence to back it up, I have no reason to believe it. Simple concept.

This post was edited by Modulok2405 on May 11 2023 02:37am
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May 11 2023 04:00am
Quote (SP00K @ May 11 2023 08:10pm)
Wrong again. Saying God does not exist is a claim.

The 3 most known atheist debaters bart ehrman ( most educated and by far the smartest atheist ), richard dawkins and Christopher Hitchens all unanimously disagree with you here. Hmm how weird.


Saying God does not exist is a claim which requires proof. You have written 200 articles coping and trying to lie about this fact. Cope.

Quote (SP00K @ May 11 2023 08:10pm)
Wrong again. Saying God does not exist is a claim.

The 3 most known atheist debaters bart ehrman ( most educated and by far the smartest atheist ), richard dawkins and Christopher Hitchens all unanimously disagree with you here. Hmm how weird.


Saying God does not exist is a claim which requires proof. You have written 200 articles coping and trying to lie about this fact. Cope.

The video just shows that Dawkins believes 6.9 out of 7 that there is no God. Basically saying there is a minute possibility that he might exists. But the evidence isn't there to support this God concept. When I said God doesn't exist I meant it in a scientific sense. Already clarified my position long ago in this thread. You conveniently and intentionally keep ignoring the fact.
Your little rant doesn't prove anything. You have 0 proof as you already admitted. And basically lost the debate. Since you cannot prove that your god exists i have no obligation to entertain this further.
All I am doing in this thread is supplying the hypocrisy, contradictions, lies and batshit crazy ideas that the bible and Christians promulgate.

I have provided proof of this but you dismiss it by saying it's cope without challenging or refuting a single one.

I asked you what evidence or proof do you require that God isn't real? Give me an example of what that looks like and I'll provide it.
Yet you intentionally dodging in a typical cowardly fashion.

Let's start with age of the earth according to science its estimated to be 4.5 billion years give or take. I can supply you with papers and articles showing exactly how they came to that conclusion. You are welcome to challenge and disprove this.
Also can you please provide us with proof how you believe earth is around 6000years old according to the bible? I'll wait.

This post was edited by addone on May 11 2023 04:01am
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May 11 2023 04:05am
Quote (Modulok2405 @ May 11 2023 01:35am)
Your answers get more and more desperate and your will to ignore some things while parrotting others becomes more and more obvious.

Its not that I dont like the expression "monkey to man", its just that its not a scientific one, so we dont have to talk about it. All I can tell you over and over again is that no scientist, not a single one, thinks man came from monkeys.

I know that you'd like to think science is as simple as the bible, but its not. Science is not just words written for the illiterate, uneducated people of millenias ago, it is complex systems and research based on evidence. Thats why there is no such thing as one animal shitting out another animal all of a sudden. Its a bit more complex than that, buddy.

You can post quotes from the most educated people in the world, but as long as those quotes contain opinions instead of facts they are just as irrelevant as mine or yours.
What he says isnt false or true by definition, but it is highly irrelevant to our discussion and thats not just my opinion.
The guy just talked by his emotions instead of going by facts. Which is understandable, you cant be scientific all the way through of course. I dont blame him, I blame you for abusing his words for proving your point - which of course doesnt work.

I also dont see scripture as the opposite of science, also scientists fail every day. Science is daily failing, never said anything else. Science is a lot of Trial and Error. Failing, failing, failing until you make a bit of progress. You still havent even understood that?? What do you think how your phone came to be? A scientist enchanted a rock or what?

To Dawkins quote: Yes, god isnt a good explanation. He is sure about it, because it is true. Its indeed a fact. He didnt say that he knows god doesnt exist. He said: God isnt a good explanation, which is true even if he would exist. God does never explain anything. Its an explanation that is in no way measurable or calculable or testfiable or anything at all. So it doesnt work as scientific explanation.
This is why god is not relevant in science (which again explains the other guys problem with science). Science is not about god, it is never scientific to explain stuff with god from a scientific perspective, because science works with evidential parameters. Therefor it is never a good explanation. Dawkins KNOWS its not. He isnt cock sure about, he knows it. Absolutely. Everyone knows it. No need to blame him for saying that.

Yes, snakes arent persons, you got that correct.

Ya some people think Simulation Hypothesis is more than Sci-Fi. Maybe it is, I dont know. I am not declaring anyone false. Its the same as it with god. As long as there is no evidence to back it up, I have no reason to believe it. Simple concept.

meh bullchit
google "monkey to man" select images............
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May 11 2023 04:14am
Quote (TiStuff @ May 11 2023 12:05pm)
meh bullchit
google "monkey to man" select images............

Google is awesome dude, I know you love it almost as much as youtube - but how about a scientific paper with that explanation in it?

I'd really love to see that :-*

This post was edited by Modulok2405 on May 11 2023 04:14am
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May 11 2023 04:17am
I believe Jesus is the son of God and the Bible is the word of God. All scripture is God-breathed.
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