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Jan 3 2020 11:28am
Quote (CarsV @ Jan 3 2020 11:14am)
No you didn't.


Quote (CarsV @ Dec 27 2019 10:19pm)
Why is Brexit inherently wrong?

What needs to be fixed? What is broken?

I'm just saying... leave the MSM echo chamber for a moment. Why is this country, America, so broken and going downhill under this administration? Why is this country so insufferable? If it's so awful, why do real world paragons of feminism seek refuge in our borders while privileged snobs smugly mock about how horrible this country and its democratic institutions are?

Stop letting manipulative fucks control how you think. Otherwise you end up like fender and don't know which toilet to piss in

Quote (thesnipa @ Dec 27 2019 10:26pm)
not a single thing you said is anything I agree with. u can say I stand for nothing if it suits you. I have plenty of topics and opinions im rather fond of tho so im a bit confused by that.

im making money hand over fist in this economy. im lucky to be in an industry that always grows. in 2008 we still made 20% more every year without breaking a sweat.

America is in a good place, best time to brace for the downcycle is now. UBI savings starting now, automation taxes at an very incremental scale. social security stability. veterans programs bolstered. cooperation with Mexican govt to combat cartel. legalization of pot. redistribution of property taxes for schools, again at a very incremental scale. destroy nationwide standards for education, replace with federal oversight. give up on vaping bans, regulate and enforce illegal vape products.

I don't take stands because I don't make binary calls in bullshit? plz.

Quote (CarsV @ Dec 27 2019 10:30pm)
All right, well, I respect your opinion and stance. Although I think the "downcycle" is market fearmongering. I know, I know, what goes up must come down.

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Jan 3 2020 11:32am
Quote (thesnipa @ Jan 3 2020 12:23pm)
pretty simple math. cost of life in attacks versus cost of lives in a war. cost of cleaning up attacks versus cost of a war. etc.

lol we aren't reliant on Middle Eastern oil, but Trump went from clowning Obama for sucking saudi dick to on his knees within half a term. are we reliant in truth? maybe not depending on your definition. are we president after president, from both parties, bowing down to the Saudis? yes. and they're the "good guys" in the middle eastern Islamic cultural war? Rotten fruit belongs in the trash, you dont keep half because it's less rotten.

Obummer wasted an opportunity to make a decent deal with Iran, Trump trashed it and rather than correcting it he went the opposite direction.

in any case, how does this lead to less attacks? what does Iran have to lose? more terrorists? losing a war? lol we can't even win in Afghanistan against backwater Jihaadists, let alone Iran who fund the Jihaadists.

the sanctions are in place, and seem to be working. not ideal, but seems to be working. please tell me what this accomplishes other than "sending a message", aka the masculinity angle. certainly not less attacks, i pray you're not that silly.

So maintaining diplomacy is now getting on one's knees to suck dick? So we should just take attacks on our sovereignty by belligerent regimes on the chin and do nothing? You know, for someone who tries to put up a facade to the rest of the forum about how much of an objective thinker you are, you sure do read like a MSM Twitter feed at times lol. You're jumping to conclusions. We're calling Iran's bluff. They think they can get away with more and more because previous administrations were do-nothings who sought Chamberlain-esque appeasement. Stop acting like we're in World War 3.

And please, just call him by his real name, Obama. Trying to appeal to me by saying "Obummer" looks cringe worthy.
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Jan 3 2020 11:34am
Quote (thesnipa @ Jan 3 2020 12:28pm)

Congrats, you had an opinion on something you bear no consequence for. Now where are the 9 others?

This post was edited by CarsV on Jan 3 2020 11:35am
Posts: 14,099
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Jan 3 2020 11:39am
So quite likely is some type of retaliation in Iraq (embassy? other military/semimilitary targets?), and retaliation in the strait of Hormuz.

I don't think Iran is willing to escalate to direct military action. They'll probably keep proxy fighting with rebel groups. Maybe they'll try to instigate another intifadah and/or get control over the Iraqi govt.

In all seriousness though, Iran has been put into a pickle by this. Can't not respond to one of your military leaders being taken out. And they'll definitely see this as reason to take out high value military US targets (though US probably is more careful with those than they are).
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Jan 3 2020 11:39am
Quote (CarsV @ Jan 3 2020 11:32am)
So maintaining diplomacy is now getting on one's knees to suck dick? So we should just take attacks on our sovereignty by belligerent regimes on the chin and do nothing? You know, for someone who tries to put up a facade to the rest of the forum about how much of an objective thinker you are, you sure do read like a MSM Twitter feed at times lol. You're jumping to conclusions. We're calling Iran's bluff. They think they can get away with more and more because previous administrations were do-nothings who sought Chamberlain-esque appeasement. Stop acting like we're in World War 3.

And please, just call him by his real name, Obama. Trying to appeal to me by saying "Obummer" looks cringe worthy.

i get it. Iran bad because they're a global sponsor of terror. Saudi needs diplomacy because they're a global sponsor of terror. makes sense.

Quote (CarsV @ Jan 3 2020 11:34am)
Now where are the 9 others?

perhaps you should resume respecting my opinion. you've lost the ability to count:

1. UBI savings starting now, automation taxes at an very incremental scale. social security stability.
2. veterans programs bolstered.
3. cooperation with Mexican govt to combat cartel.
4. legalization of pot.
5. redistribution of property taxes for schools, again at a very incremental scale.
6. destroy nationwide standards for education, replace with federal oversight.
7. give up on vaping bans, regulate and enforce illegal vape products.

you're right, 7 not 10. good reason to get me to post it on you. that was just off the top of my head. want to play a game, give me a topic and i'll get a hard stance right back to you.
Posts: 2,808
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Jan 3 2020 11:44am
Quote (thesnipa @ Jan 3 2020 12:39pm)
i get it. Iran bad because they're a global sponsor of terror. Saudi needs diplomacy because they're a global sponsor of terror. makes sense.

perhaps you should resume respecting my opinion. you've lost the ability to count:

1. UBI savings starting now, automation taxes at an very incremental scale. social security stability.
2. veterans programs bolstered.
3. cooperation with Mexican govt to combat cartel.
4. legalization of pot.
5. redistribution of property taxes for schools, again at a very incremental scale.
6. destroy nationwide standards for education, replace with federal oversight.
7. give up on vaping bans, regulate and enforce illegal vape products.

you're right, 7 not 10. good reason to get me to post it on you. that was just off the top of my head. want to play a game, give me a topic and i'll get a hard stance right back to you.

You only take hard stances after the dust has settled and you know who the clear winner is. This is why you come off as so flip-floppy with the current situation. You're waiting to see how things play out so you can then broadcast to the rest of the forum about how right you were and go back to putting up your Me. Middleground facade. You remind me of Cercei Lannister, you're not as smart as you think you are lol.

This post was edited by CarsV on Jan 3 2020 11:44am
Posts: 90,823
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Jan 3 2020 11:47am
Quote (CarsV @ Jan 3 2020 11:44am)
You only take hard stances after the dust has settled and you know who the winner is. This is why you come off as so flip-floppy with the current situation. You're waiting to see how things play out so you can then broadcast to the rest of the forum about how right you were and go back to putting up your Me. Middleground facade. You remind me of Cercei Lannister, you're not as smart as you think you are lol.

ahhh yes when i predicted the NK would turn on trump while his followers called for Nobel prizes i was really holding out.

and clearly im way behind on automation....

the only reason the dust has settled on veterans, education, and pot is because its been ignored so long.

you remind me of Tyrion, good with a little jibe but when the swords come out you lose a nose.

ill just assume you dont have anything for me to give a hard stance on and head to lunch then.

This post was edited by thesnipa on Jan 3 2020 11:48am
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Jan 3 2020 11:50am
Quote (Goomshill @ 3 Jan 2020 12:10)

him and da-nang dick bluementhal (who started 'dating' his now-wife when she was like 14-15 or so, and he was over 30) make quite a combination
it's funny because Connecticut has a high concentration of wealthy educated people, yet they vote for two miserable subversive liars to represent them in the Senate :lol:

This post was edited by excellence on Jan 3 2020 11:54am
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Jan 3 2020 12:14pm
Quote (thesnipa @ Jan 3 2020 12:23pm)
pretty simple math. cost of life in attacks versus cost of lives in a war. cost of cleaning up attacks versus cost of a war. etc.

lol we aren't reliant on Middle Eastern oil, but Trump went from clowning Obama for sucking saudi dick to on his knees within half a term. are we reliant in truth? maybe not depending on your definition. are we president after president, from both parties, bowing down to the Saudis? yes. and they're the "good guys" in the middle eastern Islamic cultural war? Rotten fruit belongs in the trash, you dont keep half because it's less rotten.

Obummer wasted an opportunity to make a decent deal with Iran, Trump trashed it and rather than correcting it he went the opposite direction.

in any case, how does this lead to less attacks? what does Iran have to lose? more terrorists? losing a war? lol we can't even win in Afghanistan against backwater Jihaadists, let alone Iran who fund the Jihaadists.

the sanctions are in place, and seem to be working. not ideal, but seems to be working. please tell me what this accomplishes other than "sending a message", aka the masculinity angle. certainly not less attacks, i pray you're not that silly.

Iran uses proxy violence to lash out against sanctions. The United States is establishing a consequence for that violence.

Iran is going to have to accept that they occupy a very small place in this world. If they want a new-Shia empire they will go out in body bags.

The attack puts Iran in a precarious situation. Do they double down on attacks and risk a greater reprisal? Do they sink more resources into maintaining an untenable foreign policy position? The United States has the resources to wait this out. Iran does not. They've already resorted to state violence to put down their own people.
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Jan 3 2020 12:18pm
Good, if they end up blowing up one of the U.S city with a dirty nuclear bomb nobody will have to complain.
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