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Poll > How To Get To Heaven When You Die
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Jan 25 2014 04:27am
What kind of effed up religion teaches its followers that they're already not good enough as soon as they are born? That they need to be saved from a decision they didn't even make.

And why wouldn't god want Adam and Eve to have knowledge?

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Jan 25 2014 04:32am
Quote (BoD_Dirty_Sanchez @ Jan 25 2014 05:27am)
What kind of effed up religion teaches its followers that they're already not good enough as soon as they are born?  That they need to be saved from a decision they didn't even make.

And why wouldn't god want Adam and Eve to have knowledge?

...still herpa derping your way through life I see !

Perhaps you could investigate what the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil represents and compare it with what the Tree of Life represents ? Or you can continue to pick your fruit from the tree of ignorance .

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Jan 25 2014 05:10am
Quote (CPK001 @ Jan 25 2014 12:16am)
You've never stared death in the face have you? If your heart is hard do you need to survive a horrific plane crash to change your outlook on life?

Do you need to stare down the barrel of a gun to realize how vulnerable you are and how serious this really is? What you do here on Earth will determine your hereafter. I do not know when I'm going to die but isn't it better to be prepared?

If you knew that a thief was going to rob your home at a certain time and date wouldn't you be there ready and waiting for him? As it turns out nobody knows the day or hour.

If you don't know the day or hour, why would you wait and risk eternity?

Dunno but I fell out of a 10 story window and I'm still an atheist. Have YOU stared death in the face? He looked at me before I lol'd and picked my dumbass off the pavement.
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Jan 25 2014 06:19am
Quote (brmv @ Jan 25 2014 06:41pm)
have you stared into the face of death?
if no, then why do you believe  :)

you should not judge people based on your narrow view of life
sincerely hope that you finally find a girlfriend so that you can focus on something else than trying to instill fear into others

Well, no I haven't. I have not been in a life or death situation, ever. I also did not need one to have my life turned around for the better.

Oh and I don't judge other people, judge not lest ye be judged. I'm only giving my 'narrow view' of the situation. We all look at the one thing through different lenses.
I have this thing where I only become better when I lose at something. Many people see a loss (When you don't win) as a horrible thing. I can turn it into a good thing and I view losses differently.

Yeah I agree that I do need to find a girlfriend so that I can focus on something. Unfortunately these creatures known as girls just don't seem to know what they want.
All I can do is keep on searching.

Quote (dark-soul @ Jan 25 2014 06:43pm)
You're risking eternity too since you could be worshipping the wrong god. There's no "true" religion since there's no proof any religion is correct.

Yeah, there are always risks involved. That is why they call it faith. You believe something without knowing all the answers. The Bible talks about faith a lot.

I'll even directly quote what I put in that other thread.

The one common theme throughout The Bible all boils down to trusting in God without knowing all the answers.

One such example is when Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego are thrown into the Fiery Furnace.

Daniel 3: 16-18
"16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us[c] from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.”

They did not know that God was going to save them but they knew he could. In the end they were thrown into the Fiery Furnace but did not burn.

Quote (sylvannos @ Jan 25 2014 09:10pm)
Dunno but I fell out of a 10 story window and I'm still an atheist. Have YOU stared death in the face? He looked at me before I lol'd and picked my dumbass off the pavement.

Okay. I already answered that first question earlier. If I'm at work and there is an armed robbery hold up I have created in my own 'narrow mind' what I would do and how I would act. Unfortunately what you create in your own mind is never what actually happens.
I guess we won't know what will truly happen until it actually does happen.

I can tell you this though sylvannos, unlike girls when they give their word on something, you have my word that if or when that day does come and I come through the other side alive you have my word that you will definitely hear all about it. Since I explain events in great detail you will have a very clear picture as to what will have happened.

Ofcourse that day has yet to come sylvannos, that day has yet to come.
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Jan 25 2014 07:04am
big fat dick
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Jan 25 2014 08:02am
Quote (CPK001 @ Jan 25 2014 04:19am)
Well, no I haven't. I have not been in a life or death situation, ever. I also did not need one to have my life turned around for the better.

Oh and I don't judge other people, judge not lest ye be judged. I'm only giving my 'narrow view' of the situation. We all look at the one thing through different lenses.
I have this thing where I only become better when I lose at something. Many people see a loss (When you don't win) as a horrible thing. I can turn it into a good thing and I view losses differently.

Yeah I agree that I do need to find a girlfriend so that I can focus on something. Unfortunately these creatures known as girls just don't seem to know what they want.
All I can do is keep on searching.

Yeah, there are always risks involved. That is why they call it faith. You believe something without knowing all the answers. The Bible talks about faith a lot.

I'll even directly quote what I put in that other thread.

y. I already answered that first question earlier. If I'm at work and there is an armed robbery hold up I have created in my own 'narrow mind' what I would do and how I would act. Unfortunately what you create in your own mind is never what actually happens.
I guess we won't know what will truly happen until it actually does happen.

I can tell you this though sylvannos, unlike girls when they give their word on something, you have my word that if or when that day does come and I come through the other side alive you have my word that you will definitely hear all about it. Since I explain events in great detail you will have a very clear picture as to what will have happened.

Ofcourse that day has yet to come sylvannos, that day has yet to come.

Lol'd @ the bold.

This is why people have problems with religion. You guys are too melodramatic, deal in absolutes, and act as though there's some cosmic battle between good and evil going on that will decide the fate of the universe. This leads to illusions of grandeur that some important event will occur to prove your faith.

I hate saying this, because it's childish, but holy fuck you need to get laid.

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Jan 25 2014 08:16am
Quote (CPK001 @ 25 Jan 2014 12:19)
Yeah I agree that I do need to find a girlfriend so that I can focus on something. ...

let me give you a hint, while you have the attitude

...unlike girls when they give their word on something, you have my word ....

you will not find a good girl
you wouldn't deserve one either
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Jan 25 2014 10:47am
He's 38 years old, never kissed a girl.
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Jan 25 2014 11:41am
Quote (Caedus @ 25 Jan 2014 13:17)
He's 38 years old, never kissed a girl.

same pattern on the table, same clock on the wall.
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Jan 25 2014 01:10pm
Quote (PesChye @ Jan 25 2014 12:41pm)
same pattern on the table, same clock on the wall.

Someone got it. A little surprised.
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