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Apr 5 2024 10:17am
Quote (SBD @ 5 Apr 2024 10:38)
What you say and what's in practice does not align. People claim they respect the nature god. They absolutely know littering is bad and yet do it anyways. It's not ignorance its willingful negligence. I could list the inconsistencies of acknowledge deities that are respected and then the opposing actions that are directly contradictory.

Watching the bodies burned by the river, they can't even wash them with the river water anymore because its so disgusting so they have to use bottled water and then toss the bottles into the river directly after. It's almost comical.

Their belief is absolutely that God is judging and keeping count of good and bad deeds. Nearly everyone spoke of good and bad karma and God tracking what you give and you will get on return after death what you gave in life. For instance I gave out chocolate and they said I'll now get that chocolate in return after death.

Study vs actual peoples current day prtatice and belief is likely to not align at all.

It actually does align. There is no "nature" god as most Hindus are idol worshippers. To them everything is God or in the case of Buddhism nothing is God. Can you name this nature God for me?

Their ritual practices are just out of your scope or perception. Being a tourist and seeing the filth they live in is different from staying their for months and attempting to understand their culture.

They still adhere to a caste system. People in the lowest caste believe they can never get out and will be born into the brahmin caste in the next life. A lot of people laugh when they see Hindus bathing in sewage water. Shit running down the sides of the street. Drinking that very same water. But where are they to go? They are literally as trapped as me or you if not more. Notice how you had the opportunity to travel there and you seem very ungrateful and judging of them instead of you realizing they live in hell while you live in heaven so to speak. You should also never give out chocolate or "good food" because you are giving them false hope. They are the same culture/religion going back thousands of years and they've changed very little. They care more about their relationship with their God above all else.

You are looking down upon a culture that has been exploited for over a thousand years. Where are you from again? Canada? You've never known that level of suffering/exploitation.

It's actually comical to me that you aren't seeing that aspect of it.

I can guarantee you though that those very same people are content. Westerners have constantly sought material gain at any cost.

Are the Hindus and Buddhist behind all those Abrahamic holy wars?

Have Indians or Buddhist sought to spread their "beliefs" through bloodshed? No.

What you saw is the karma that Indians pay because 1st world countries don't give a fuck about anything but their own interest.

All the things people bitch about on a daily basis. All the privileges we all have and take for granted. Were gained through exploitation.

You are making assumptions as to why they do something a certain way and not understanding the significance it means to them.

They are happy living in squalor and just worshipping their God day and night whereas people from the West say God isn't real look at those savages and how they live. Not realizing how their ego/desire are shaping their belief/action.

Do you think if you were born in India in the lowest caste that you'd get out of it because you are "so smart" and you don't believe in God? or would you be just as stuck as they are?
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Apr 5 2024 10:17am
Well in biblical terms Lord means jealousy and God means fear.
I personally like the fear part
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Apr 5 2024 10:19am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 4 2024 08:22pm)
A pretty simple question, or is it? I would love to hear your opinion, PaRD

I dunno buy a bible from Trump all your info is in there.
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Apr 5 2024 10:29am
Quote (Handcuffs @ 5 Apr 2024 10:56)
"God", in all its forms and iterations across history and culture, remain centrally connected to death anxiety for all mortal beings. A conscious mind yearns for some kind of significance, meaning, or purpose to all the suffering and uncertainty that they experience while alive, and it is too painful to the psyche to accept that you (we) are not special, that there is nothing after death, and that there is no God(s), Oneness, or Grand Unified Consciousness on the other side of death.

This death anxiety you speak of comes from Western Abrahamic religions who say God is judging you based on your deeds/actions and you are going to heaven/hell based upon that.

This is why Christians, Muslims, and Jews are so panicked that they aren't living up to Gods expectations when in reality they are God and only your own expectations for yourself exist.

I would know I was raised Catholic and definitely had the fear of God in me but after studying Eastern philosophy all those notions fade away. Everything you mentioned in terms of death anxiety has specific philosophies surrounding it. If you studied it you'd know that for anything man can contemplate in his mind there is a scripture or type of yoga that supports that. Some sects say God doesn't exist there is no purpose. Other side says God exists and God is the purpose. Another will say you are both wrong.

The Eastern philosophies have an answer for EVERY question you may have regarding this existence. The Western philosophies say, "You can only believe this or God hates you".

Quote (thesnipa @ 5 Apr 2024 10:59)
Atheism is humanity's way of coping with lack of confidence.

Exactly and until you believe in yourself and know thyself you'll always be living in fear of some unknown instead of accepting some things are not knowable namely God.

Quote (Budgeting @ 5 Apr 2024 11:05)

there is a reason why dogs are man's best friend.

Because it's easier to be friends with something that loves you unconditionally. A dog will never judge you or belittle you. Only humans are capable of that level of degeneracy. :wallbash:
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Apr 5 2024 10:36am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 09:29am)
This death anxiety you speak of comes from Western Abrahamic religions who say God is judging you based on your deeds/actions and you are going to heaven/hell based upon that.

This is why Christians, Muslims, and Jews are so panicked that they aren't living up to Gods expectations when in reality they are God and only your own expectations for yourself exist.

I would know I was raised Catholic and definitely had the fear of God in me but after studying Eastern philosophy all those notions fade away. Everything you mentioned in terms of death anxiety has specific philosophies surrounding it. If you studied it you'd know that for anything man can contemplate in his mind there is a scripture or type of yoga that supports that. Some sects say God doesn't exist there is no purpose. Other side says God exists and God is the purpose. Another will say you are both wrong.

The Eastern philosophies have an answer for EVERY question you may have regarding this existence. The Western philosophies say, "You can only believe this or God hates you".

Death anxiety does not originate from Western Abrahamic religions; it is a characteristic inherent to mortal conscious experience.
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Apr 5 2024 10:40am
Quote (zorzin @ 5 Apr 2024 11:17)
Well in biblical terms Lord means jealousy and God means fear.
I personally like the fear part

Right but who are you to fear?

Who are you?

When you read a scripture especially the Bible you are the "I" in it.

It is you who is reading it in your own mind. God is not reading you the Bible. You are.

There is no separation it was just the Western philosophies that said, "You aren't God. You aren't Christ. You are a nobody" and that was beneficial because the FEAR created a structure that put people in line aka controlled them.

That never happened in Eastern philosophies. That's why they don't fear death because they see life as going on regardless instead of, "You did good now come sit next to me on this golden throne in this heavenly body".

Quote (theCrossbones @ 5 Apr 2024 11:19)
I dunno buy a bible from Trump all your info is in there.

You don't have to read the Bible to know God. You don't have to read any scripture at all. You can do nothing and you'll still have that word "god" floating around. So even if you say God doesn't exist(which is normal) it doesn't magically make you a good person. You still have a moral/ethic understanding without any encounters with religious texts.

This is why a lot of people are atheists because they do good and avoid doing bad and don't need a God to tell them if they are right or wrong they simply know it in their heart to be true. Can they do bad and think its good? Of course. Can they do good and it actually be bad. Yup. You are the one in your own mind who comes to that realization. God doesn't come down with a magic wand and tap you on the shoulder and say, "You are on the right path".
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Apr 5 2024 10:41am
"Who" is a better question in my opinion. He is our creator.
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Apr 5 2024 10:42am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 09:17pm)
It actually does align. There is no "nature" god as most Hindus are idol worshippers. To them everything is God or in the case of Buddhism nothing is God. Can you name this nature God for me?

Their ritual practices are just out of your scope or perception. Being a tourist and seeing the filth they live in is different from staying their for months and attempting to understand their culture.

They still adhere to a caste system. People in the lowest caste believe they can never get out and will be born into the brahmin caste in the next life. A lot of people laugh when they see Hindus bathing in sewage water. Shit running down the sides of the street. Drinking that very same water. But where are they to go? They are literally as trapped as me or you if not more. Notice how you had the opportunity to travel there and you seem very ungrateful and judging of them instead of you realizing they live in hell while you live in heaven so to speak. You should also never give out chocolate or "good food" because you are giving them false hope. They are the same culture/religion going back thousands of years and they've changed very little. They care more about their relationship with their God above all else.

You are looking down upon a culture that has been exploited for over a thousand years. Where are you from again? Canada? You've never known that level of suffering/exploitation.

It's actually comical to me that you aren't seeing that aspect of it.

I can guarantee you though that those very same people are content. Westerners have constantly sought material gain at any cost.

Are the Hindus and Buddhist behind all those Abrahamic holy wars?

Have Indians or Buddhist sought to spread their "beliefs" through bloodshed? No.

What you saw is the karma that Indians pay because 1st world countries don't give a fuck about anything but their own interest.

All the things people bitch about on a daily basis. All the privileges we all have and take for granted. Were gained through exploitation.

You are making assumptions as to why they do something a certain way and not understanding the significance it means to them.

They are happy living in squalor and just worshipping their God day and night whereas people from the West say God isn't real look at those savages and how they live. Not realizing how their ego/desire are shaping their belief/action.

Do you think if you were born in India in the lowest caste that you'd get out of it because you are "so smart" and you don't believe in God? or would you be just as stuck as they are?

Its not specific, just like the hundreds, if not thousands of "gods" they talk about. Dog, river, guests, etc. etc. There's thousands. Again you can read a book or you can actually go see what is being praticed. I went up along the Tibeten boarder, each town had something different from the next that just differed on what gods they believed in. Some believed in random ones that dictated their pratices, some believed in more traditional ones that dictated pratices such as death rituals, sky burial, vs river, vs land, vs fire, things like that.

Go to Nepal in those small communities and say there's no nature god / diety to them and get laughed at. Many are ringing the bell around their rock collections in the morning to show respect to their nature god.

I am not judging them, I just notice clear inconsistencies, do you need to toss your garbage out the window as you drive or walk along a trail? No. I did take time to learn, best you have is a book with no real world experience.

Lmao, I give chocolate to my guide and other guides because I am eating it in front of him and in any country I would share food when im eating in front of people randomly in that scenario, West, East, dosen't matter. I don't give to children randomly because it would incite begging.

I am also very away of the Cast system and you simply are making all sorts of assumptions over what I am saying because I think you have some moral superiority online issues. I agree their system of belief is vastly better than Western's, seeing beauty in everything is vastly better than seeing it in nothing which is typically what the Western world as develoved in, if that means seeing many gods that's fine. You just asume I don't agree with their system because I noticed inconsistency and again that's you just thinking you hold some moral superiority online so you just constantly jump to assumptions.

This post was edited by SBD on Apr 5 2024 10:52am
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Apr 5 2024 10:54am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 4 2024 11:22pm)
A pretty simple question, or is it? I would love to hear your opinion, PaRD

A non-material entity that is completely in tune with the flow of the order of the cosmos. Just as the souls of Krishna and maybe even Jesus.

We probably share the same beliefs about several anthropomorphic deities like Indra and Agni.

Quote (thesnipa @ Apr 5 2024 11:59am)
Atheism is humanity's way of coping with lack of confidence.

Erwin Shrodinger said a similar thing. Belief structures can often become a crutch with which we use to crawl through life.

He was a notable atheist as well, even though he gave aspects of Hinduism his respect later in life.
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Apr 5 2024 10:54am
Quote (Handcuffs @ 5 Apr 2024 11:36)
Death anxiety does not originate from Western Abrahamic religions; it is a characteristic inherent to mortal conscious experience.

So no other living creature has such death anxiety and automatically accepts it's fate regardless.

Only when humans made it out of "survival" did they even develop a language to try and give meaning to the meaningless.

Only when humans could SIT and DWELL did they begin to postulate that. For thousands of years humans didn't have the luxury to "think" and "ponder"/ "contemplate" unknowns. They were literally just trying to survive the day.

The origin of that death anxiety is almost entirely from that western ethos. People in the EAST accepted that destruction and creation were one and the same whereas in Abrahmic faiths like I said the destructive part of human nature is controlled by some sinister force/entity like the Devil/Jin/etc. all fabrications of the mind. The EAST bows to Kali(the goddess of destruction) because without her creation doesn't exist. Everything is destroyed and reborn but only the west see's destruction as the work of a "bad god" because their scriptures lead you to believe only "God" has power and you are nothing.

Long before Jesus said, "I am the father, the son, and the holy spirit" Buddhist were saying the exact same thing. Jesus was just the first to be killed for saying it.

In Eastern philosophy you are GOD and so all things fall on you. Whereas in Western philosophy you could never be God and to think that is blasphemy.

God means different things to different people across different cultures/traditions.

East says the power of God is within you(much like Jesus when he said the Kingdom of heaven is within you). West says bow down before Almighty god or face his wrath. Fear leads to faith and that's why Western religions(Abrahmic) have succeeded in spreading their religion. Fear of God. "Oh no if we don't convert these people God will punish us". "Oh no if I do something bad God will punish me". That's a fabrication of the mind.
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