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Feb 3 2016 07:11am
Most people have made up their minds as to what they believe in.

If we go back a few hundred years, let's say back to the days of Newton, people would still explain the laws of the universe to be governed by God. Newton said that the invisible hand of God would make the planets stable in their orbit around the Sun.
Today we have some pretty good equations that explains these stuff without the need of God to be directly involved as far as we know.
When Napoleon asked Pierre-Simon Laplace why there was no mention of God in his book on the system of the universe Laplace replied, Je n'avais pas besoin de cette hypothèse-là. ("I had no need of that hypothesis.").
The Catholic Church declared war on free thinkers and science back in the dark ages - which did a pretty big harm to the belief in God all the way up to this day.

Science continues in their mission to explain the universe and origin of life without the mentioning of God.

There's a couple different hypothesis to how the universe came into existence out of nothing. Everything is believed to be random and lucky coincidences that even let to the universe being able to experience itself by creating life and human beings with a highly (evolved) consciousness. But the idea that matter as we know it came into existence out of nothing is even more illogical than if it was God who created everything. Nothing can't create something. The sort of energy that quarks etc. are made of must have come from a different source than we know of. Life itself, DNA, RNA, amino acids, and the whole way cells works together and communicate... How can you be so convinced that information like DNA has evolved by itself?

Right now in the way the system is we're isolating ourselves and we treat other people like they are not even human beings. Because peoples conciousness has been toxicated for so long and live by their primitive senses and not the once that make them unique and human.

People even laugh about the idea of a creator even though it sounds even more possible than the scientific explanations. Science leads nowhere in a direction of hope where as belief leads directly to the source of all hope.

My take on this is that only through Jesus Christ are we saved from this world and from spending an eternity away from the presence of God. That might sound unfair to someone who is not believing but it's something that you choose by your own free will. There's even a bunch of prophecies about the coming of Jesus hundreds of years before he was born:

Isaiah 53:3–7
“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.”

But if prophecies, the idea that something can't come from nothing but has to be created by something bigger than us, and the idea that life can't evolve by itself into complex life, and probably countless of more reasons then let's have a debate.

So what is your stance towards all of this and what are your explanations?
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Feb 3 2016 07:16am
...I believe in God , I accept science . There , that wasn't that hard .
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Feb 3 2016 07:28am
Quote (WidowMaKer_MK @ 3 Feb 2016 14:16)
...I believe in God , I accept science . There , that wasn't that hard .

First of all I love science myself and of course I accept it. I've watched everything I could get my hands on with people like Brian Greene, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku etc.
My problem with science and especially atheism is that it has become almost like a religion in itself. It's like a war on God and a mission to disprove God.

But to what extend do you accept science before it conflicts your belief in God? The creation of the universe? Life? What we might call miracles?

This post was edited by LazyDazy on Feb 3 2016 07:30am
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Feb 3 2016 07:35am
What's this a Science vs Magic thread.... lol

Corpses can't reanimate.
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Feb 3 2016 07:47am
when Jesus said that would send the consoler.
Here are all the answers:
religion, science and philosophy

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Feb 3 2016 07:49am
Quote (Morphmcmanerson @ 3 Feb 2016 14:35)
What's this a Science vs Magic thread.... lol

Corpses can't reanimate.

Corpses can't ''reanimate'' if you do not believe that you have a soul and by the sounds of it you don't.
Have you have noticed in your life a voice in your head telling you when did something that it was wrong? Or have you felt that the way you live your life is not what it's meant to be? Try to be honest.
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Feb 3 2016 07:52am
Quote (LazyDazy @ Feb 3 2016 08:49am)
Corpses can't ''reanimate'' if you do not believe that you have a soul and by the sounds of it you don't.
Have you have noticed in your life a voice in your head telling you when did something that it was wrong? Or have you felt that the way you live your life is not what it's meant to be? Try to be honest.

No corpses can't reanimate because of Decomposition.

A science you reject, no doubt because of the voices in your head.

This post was edited by Morphmcmanerson on Feb 3 2016 07:52am
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Feb 3 2016 07:55am
That is an interesting thread. I do not believe in god and I totally accept and love science. And I don't think that science is a war to disprove God as you do. Many scientists were believer, in God or anything else approches to God, like a Superior Power as Francs Maçons do.
Personally, I do think God does not exist as a "Man with super power" but I can understand the concept of God (note that I don't say I accept it). Some people have their own background and believe in God (when I'm speaking about "God" I am mainly speaking about a "Superior Power") because they need to relate to something, they simply need to believe in something because they can't understand some things.

For a scientist, things are different. God and Science are two differents universe who can sometimes cross. As I said earlier, a scientist can believe in God. But his works will not be based on God. A scientist, because of his job, can't rely on God to explain things. If something is here and he can't explain why, he will search. Maybe he will find, maybe not.
It is not because he did not find that he will say "ok, I did not find so let's say God is responsible of this". No. Maybe (and probably) it's due to a lack of knowledge. If it is the case, whatever ? The scientist will work on something else where the religious will say "nope, it's god work, everything is god work anyway".

By the way, the religion for a scientist and for a ... religious, do not have the same definition. For me, as a scientist, I believe that the religion is something about emotions of sympathy and humanity exactly as I believe the sciences are. And because of this, I think there is no conflict between my type of "religion" and science.

But I do not believe in the Bible religion, where god made mens in 6 days, split the sea, made first woman form Adam's rib ... That's not what I call religion, I call that fiction.

The main problem I have with some religious people is their extremism. They are stubborn and narrow minded.

Note : excuse me if I did some grammatical mistakes or didn't have use the good word, english is not my native ^^.

This post was edited by Bremen on Feb 3 2016 07:59am
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Feb 3 2016 07:56am
Quote (Morphmcmanerson @ 3 Feb 2016 11:52)
No corpses can't reanimate because of Decomposition.

A science you reject, no doubt because of the voices in your head.

the word resurrection affront the natural laws that were created by the supreme intelligence of the universe (God).
Reincarnation is the most logical interpretation for this.
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Feb 3 2016 07:59am
here's a couple different hypothesis to how the universe came into existence out of nothing. Everything is believed to be random and lucky coincidences that even let to the universe being able to experience itself by creating life and human beings with a highly (evolved) consciousness.

Life is more meaningful if it was "random chance".
I don't know whats up with people saying we are highly evolved. I guess its a ego thing. We are not highly evolved. We continue to evolve as time goes on.

But the idea that matter as we know it came into existence out of nothing is even more illogical than if it was God who created everything. Nothing can't create something. The sort of energy that quarks etc. are made of must have come from a different source than we know of. Life itself, DNA, RNA, amino acids, and the whole way cells works together and communicate... How can you be so convinced that information like DNA has evolved by itself?

I myself don't accept something came from nothing crap. It's almost saying God did it IMO.
As far as DNA RNA coming about. Take a look at this experiment that was done in the 1950s

We only know so much how life came to be "Abiogenesis"
I don't think its a Theory yet though.

People even laugh about the idea of a creator even though it sounds even more possible than the scientific explanations.

It depends if you believe it to be a God that has been written about. (Yahweh, Zeus, Other 5000 Gods) Yes if you claim those did it. I'll laugh.
If you claim a God thats never been written about. I could see why you would believe that. Then again I would be asking for evidence.

My take on this is that only through Jesus Christ are we saved from this world and from spending an eternity away from the presence of God. That might sound unfair to someone who is not believing but it's something that you choose by your own free will. There's even a bunch of prophecies about the coming of Jesus hundreds of years before he was born:

What makes you believe Yahweh is the true God vs the others?

As for your quote of Isaiah 53. Its disputed on who Isaiah was refering to. The Jews believe it to be the nation of Israel.
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