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Posts: 60,893
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Feb 17 2015 09:57pm

I will start by stating I am not against vaccinations....I think the good HEAVILY outweighs the bad, but the BAD exists, and it is horrible and traumatic I think more light needs to be shed on this so we demand even safer vaccinations and scheduling of vaccinations to avoid these debilitating and deadly side effects...
Stating that vaccines are safe is an inaccuracy .... there is risk involved, albeit a small risk.

Read some of those stories and see if you don't see why the parents urge caution around vaccines...I'm not saying don't do it....But for instance I refused the chicken pox vaccination after accepting all the other vaccinations...I saw no purpose for it for my daughter , as chicken pox death rates were like 1-1.5/100000 cases in the pre vaccination world for chicken pox...more likely to have serious complications from the vaccine than die from chicken pox.

But it must be up to each parent to decide for themselves if that risk/reward is worth it.
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Feb 17 2015 10:00pm
Give her the chicken pox vax it prevents shingles.
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Feb 17 2015 10:02pm
Yay anecdotes from the least qualified to assess the situation, grief riddled parents.
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Feb 17 2015 10:05pm
How rare? A CDC list of possible vaccine side effects notes that, for MMRV, the risk of a severe allergic reaction is “fewer than 4 per million,” while the risk of serious incidents including brain damage, it says, “occur so rarely, we can’t be sure whether they are caused by the vaccine or not.”

Phil, the anti-scientist. It's hard to break away from the government paranoia, eh?
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Feb 17 2015 10:12pm
So you're advocating people shouldn't use certain medicines because of possible side effects? Penicillin can cause death, but we're not going to start advocating we should stop administering it to patients.

From your own article:

Quote (Yahoo News)
How rare? A CDC list of possible vaccine side effects notes that, for MMRV, the risk of a severe allergic reaction is “fewer than 4 per million,” while the risk of serious incidents including brain damage, it says, “occur so rarely, we can’t be sure whether they are caused by the vaccine or not.” Other possible risks range from febrile seizures (about one child in 1,250 for MMRV) to a fever of 105 or higher (about one child per 16,000 for DTaP). Notes the CDC spokesperson, “Years of testing are required by law before a vaccine is licensed and distributed. Once in use, vaccines are continually monitored for safety and efficacy. As a result, the United States currently has the safest, most effective vaccine supply in history.”

...so like a 0.0004% to 0.08% chance of children developing an allergic reaction. Seriously, you have a0.014925373% chance of dying in a car accident on any given day. There's probably a higher chance of your child dying on the ride to school.


Quote (IceMage @ Feb 17 2015 08:05pm)
Phil, the anti-scientist. It's hard to break away from the government paranoia, eh?


This post was edited by sylvannos on Feb 17 2015 10:13pm
Posts: 35,291
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Feb 17 2015 10:21pm
Sounds like vaccines are more effective than birth control. I guess birth control isn't safe!
Posts: 6,017
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Feb 17 2015 10:29pm
Quote (bitg_pj @ 17 Feb 2015 22:57)
But it must be up to each parent to decide for themselves if that risk/reward is worth it.

Sure, as long as the child isn't allowed to associate with other children and infect them.
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Feb 17 2015 10:33pm
...you are trying to play both sides of the coin . You are an anti-vaxxer but fear the mockery that comes with admitting it .
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Feb 17 2015 10:42pm
All medication has possible side effects. If you're ok with giving your kids any medication at all you should be ok with giving them vaccines. If you're not gonna vaccinate your kid because of the possibility of a rare side effect then you're a moron.
Posts: 60,893
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Feb 17 2015 11:43pm
Quote (nobrow @ Feb 18 2015 12:00am)
Give her the chicken pox vax it prevents shingles.

No thanks.

If she decides she wants the shingles vaccine when she's an adult it's available.

Quote (Scaly @ Feb 18 2015 12:42am)
All medication has possible side effects. If you're ok with giving your kids any medication at all you should be ok with giving them vaccines. If you're not gonna vaccinate your kid because of the possibility of a rare side effect then you're a moron.

Agree with bolded , but to say that vaccines are "safe" is really ignoring the potential risks, however slight it may be is my only point.

Quote (WidowMaKer_MK @ Feb 18 2015 12:33am)
...you are trying to play both sides of the coin . You are an anti-vaxxer but fear the mockery that comes with admitting it .

Were I an anti vaxxer I wouldn't have let the health care professional provide her with her shots.... I don't love vaccines, and I think there are some real potential dangers with them, but as stated, the risk is an extremely low percentage....but to watch you guys dismiss the concerns as if they don't exist kinda pisses me off...especially when there are people out there who's lives have been ruined by vaccines...we should be pushing for them to be less dangerous than they are now...not just tolerant to the risks and going "oh well"

Quote (Cellmat @ Feb 18 2015 12:29am)
Sure, as long as the child isn't allowed to associate with other children and infect them.

You don't get to deny someone their basic freedoms because they won't inject themselves unfortunately ... not having a vaccination doesn't mean you are going to infect someone.

Quote (thundercock @ Feb 18 2015 12:21am)
Sounds like vaccines are more effective than birth control. I guess birth control isn't safe!

Birth control is optional....if you don't like the risks....you don't take it...

Quote (IceMage @ Feb 18 2015 12:05am)
Phil, the anti-scientist. It's hard to break away from the government paranoia, eh?

I'm not anti science...evidence shows the harm caused by not vaccinating vs vaccinating is much higher....the science also shows there are some potentially deadly or debilitating side effects on rare cases from taking vaccines....

As I stated, I already did the math, and decided that every vaccine with the exception of chicken pox was warranted in my beliefs and accordingly vaccinated my daughter for them.

On EVERY single medication i've ever gotten I've had the potential harms given to me in writing, and by the pharmacist....for myself, for my wife, for my daughter...

Guess when I didn't have any of the potential harms provided to me...when I was vaccinating my daughter...they don't want to scare people into not taking the vaccine, so they figure it's ok to just not tell people the risks
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