Quote (ericswanson_19 @ Nov 11 2016 01:59am)
it's not.
entry level computer science classes will teach you how to write a simple program to do exactly what he described. works best when the background and the image you want to remove the background from are the exact same (lighting, positioning, etc.).
ofc that's one step further and isn't in photoshop (that i know of)
you're best off not being lazy and just using the tools you're given.
eraser tool /
background remover tool /
magic erasor tool, pen tool, quick selection tool /
magic wand tool, lasso tool
the bolded ones are the lazy/quick tools that should help you with what you want.
if you're comparing two images to a greenscreen, then it should be very simple with the magic eraser/wand tools. you might have some quality loss on the edges of your image that you're making transparent. if you want quality cuts, you're gonna have to go in and do work by hand.
if you're trying to cut an image with say a landscape in the background rather than a single plain color, you might as well start with the eraser and pen tool rather than wasting your time with the magic tools.
Quote (Gratuitous @ Nov 19 2016 03:04pm)
It is you have to create a clipping mask not 100% sure on how to do it but i know you can
pretty sure you still have to create the shape of the image you want to clip. he wants something lazier.
so tl;dr
take some computer science classes and learn how to do this
or stop being lazy and spend a few minutes with the tools given