If this isn't allowed here, can someone please tell me which forum this should be in?
I need someone to put together a "Value Statement" or "What do we stand for" (http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/value-statement.html)
The piece should be a couple of short paragraphs, based on these words.
This needs to be done in the next 1 HOUR and the winner will get 500fg!!
Background of the company:
A web design and digital marketing company with over 100 employees specialiing in web design, SEO, PPC, Social Media and Google AdWords.
Here are the words and phrase to be used o this:
Right Advice 1st Time
Make Money
Consult 1st - Sell 2nd
Different to Industry Competitors
Taking a Genuine Interest in our Customers
Create Trust between our Companies
Helpful & Caring
Be Passionate
Reliability - Do what you say
Communication - Internal/External
Performance - Honesty/Manage Expectations upfront
Billing - Be Clear on Stage Payments
Understanding Investment of time required
What is included and what is not included
Be Fair
Create Relationships
Take Ownership
Go the Extra Mile
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