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Posts: 26,145
Joined: Aug 6 2010
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Oct 12 2015 06:58pm
First smudge attempt ever !

I'm rdy to get stones
Posts: 213
Joined: May 12 2014
Gold: 1,250.00
Oct 23 2015 09:35am
You have got good render placement, and the text placement isn't terrible, though it would be better closer to your focal point. That said Drop the text. It stick out, is not blended at all, and takes away from your focal point.
The text is doing nothing to help your tag. I'd recommend only adding text if it's necessary, or you really feel that it can help your tag. Don't simply slap on text for the sake of slapping on text. What function does the text serve?
If it doesn't serve any function for anything artistic, scrap it.

Despite the good render placement, your render looks kind of low quality. When taggin try to use high quality sources as much as possible.
It's also not blended into the smudge at all. It looks like there is a smudge, and then you placed the render on top of it. When smudging you can actually smudge the render into the background. This will help with blending.
I don't know if you've seen this video, but it might help a bit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7RvFKe6Bxw (Yes, it's in Italian, but you can still watch it to gain technique)

As for the smudge itself, I'm not a smudge expert, but some of the smudge looks rushed. For instance, the bottom left corner seems like a single stroke.
Additionally, you can kind of tell that the red is slapped on afterward. It looks messy, especially on the left side.

The best thing to do is be patient when smudging. Don't expect it to be quick. The best tags can take hours to make, which is a lot different than making a usual tag, which wouldn't take more than an hour, max.

A bigger canvas might help you as well. The 400x150 is limiting.

Edit: Also, drop the soft brush lighting in the upper right.

This post was edited by Friedrich on Oct 23 2015 09:39am
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