Quote (Tetu_880 @ May 1 2015 08:29am)
looks far better than the older versions, but again the lighting is off, better, but still off. Some things to consider:
- Unless you show secondary light sources, it is assumed there is 1 light source, all light should be coming from that source and should be obvious visually.
- You longer backgrounds have an indirect light source coming from the top, your buttons have a direct light source spotlight from the direct middle, and your inventory slots have light from an upper left indirect source.
- Your login screen has different lighting on it's background then the rest of your menus, not sure why. Stay consistent in UI design unless there is a solid reason for a change (to call attention/grab user focus).
- Your buttons text does not seem to interact with light, and they all vary in brightness.
- The bright red lining on your buttons is far too bright, where is it getting the light to be this bright? What material other than an actual light source is causing this to appear to bright? If it is a light source, it should protrude some light to it's surrounding as any other light source would do.
- Shadows being cast from a direction taper off near the end of the shadow, think about that on your longer menu's backgrounds.
- Your font choice does not match your design pieces IMO, this doesn't really say delicate to me, not to mention you want clarity on menu's and very thin text does not provide that in most cases.
Menu's generally void having abnormal lighting in most games going with a simple light direct lighting or completely ignoring lighting altogether, not only to prevent distraction and keep the user/player focused on their actual goals, but also to keep it simplified and clear to a user.
The main thing I can say is when using lighting, be consistent. I have said this at least a few times in my responses but I guess it just keeps going over your head or you don't understand what I mean perhaps. Anyways, this is still much better than your older attempts, the style is slightly better established and it has a better overall feel. Also, I am not the only one with opinions on how things should appear, if you like something the way it is or whoever you are making this for likes something the way it is, that is fine. I am just trying to give general tips and advice.
You're hard to please.
I focused more on lighting, truly.
Guess i'm just not getting it exactly right.
Personally I like how the font looks and goes with the elements.
Thanks for pointing out the login screen problem.. not sure how I didn't notice, anyways I've fixed that so far.
Guess i'll see what I can do about improving lighting so far and then move on to more components.
Thanks for the help again, tetu.