I recently got into 3D Modeling with MAX, and I'm just a bit confused. I keep noticing that when I try to make a rounded organic object (such as a human) and manipulate certain vertices, the polygons that are involved with the vertices become bent / slightly twisted. I was told that it's okay by someone, but I don't know if I believe that. The way I thought 3D modeling worked, was that there are no round areas on a model. What appears round only looks that way to the human eye, but when you zoom in close you can notice that it is composed of flat polygons that angled to make something that appears round. Can anyone explain this to me so that I can have a better understanding? I'm having a hard time progressing because of this confusion.
To me, this picture looks like to create the rounded shape, each polygon remains flat and doesn't twist in different directions. I don't know if it's the angle of the image, or if it's the lighting, or whatever. But I just thought polygons should only be angled, and not twisted.
http://i.imgur.com/k0rynOB.jpgIn this picture, it looks fine from the left and perspective views, but if you notice the front view, the polygon selected is being twisted in different directions. I'm very new to the whole thing, I've only started a few weeks ago, but doesn't that seem kind of strange?
http://i.imgur.com/sZEk2ZU.jpgI keep having the issue too. I can't model any organic shape without it happening. And when I notice it, since I THINK it's wrong, I'm discouraged from progressing. I keep trying to think of ways to make it not twist that way. But again, I'm a beginner and I don't even know if it IS wrong or not. Can anyone enlighten me on this? Please / thanks.