I am currently looking to edit .ico and .cur file types within Photoshop CC, and it does not support the manipulation of these file extensions by default.
I am aware of Photoshop's ability to support Plugins. I am interested in finding a reliable source of plugins for Photoshop CC. Adobe's site is lacking in updating their website's content to advocate their latest software. Much of their Photoshop related support forums and information is provided towards previous versions.
So, I am hoping that a user here has the ability to find, or already know of a location that keeps a constant stream of support for the latest innovations regarding Adobe's Photoshop. With that said, a direct link to .ico and .cur manipulating extending plugins would be eggcellent.
Although I am requesting Photoshop plugins, I am not offset by the recommendation of specific .ico & .cur file manipulators, provided they are freeware.