Well, friend came over yesterday and played nurse and didn't let me play on the computer, so didn't do anything yesterday..
Anyhow, I never did figure out how to do certain parts on Xandria's tutorial (http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/8596/tuttut.png), however, I just used c4ds that worked with my colour palette a bit better -
I really don't like c4ds.. or bright colours.. or anime, but I couldn't find any half decent renders that I liked.
Left side looks pretty horrible and lighting is less than stellar, but eh.
Quote (Awer @ Apr 12 2013 07:54am)
Hmm, those c4ds are quite a lot nicer than the ones I had. Thank you.
Here it is with a bit more shoulder, I had to change some stuff as it looked pretty horrible after doing it.