Quote (thefriarmichael @ Jul 16 2014 02:25pm)
I am not offended. People can toss around negative drool all they want. But I am entitled to think it's mean, not constructive, and pointless. If you offer negativity and not a shred of advise. Then there is no advise to even judge. It's a waste of your keyboard.
And how it is done here, is not up to any one person. Or anyone claiming to speak for the who sub forum with comments like, "we don't like you". This sub forum is the make up of all the people who post here. In their glorious variety. If everyone was exactly the same it would be a pretty pointless place to visit.
Theres a lot of unwritten rules to this subforum, and most people never figure them out unless they actually want to improve and stick around long enough.
If you actually want to learn something, listen.
1. These unwritten rules have been in place long before you got here, accept them, they aren't gonna change.
2. Have ONE thread with all your work in it, no need to keep making a new thread for every piece.
3. Follow tutorials first, don't try to be too creative too early, monkey see, monkey do.
4. Be critical of yourself. If someone says "spend more time and read tutorials", ask yourself why they would say that? It's probably because he can tell you didn't read a tutorial and you didn't spend enough time on it.
5. And this is an important one- Don't get butthurt when people are mean to you at first. It's not simply "we don't like you", its more "we don't like you until you have proven willingness to learn". Sometimes people will just be mean around here, maybe too mean for my taste, they are testing you.
6. When someone types up a long response in here, listen to them, I'm 90% sure this post, just like Tetu's post, is gonna fly right above your head.