2. Instructions for users who search a donation in their name:
What you need to do
Post in the Donate for Me topic that you search for a donation of a certain amount and you offer forum gold
Send the forum gold to a Trusted or Mediator and ask him to confirm in this topic that he holds your FG. You can find ALL Trusteds and Mediators here.
Then someone will donate for you. It may take some days or only a few minutes, depending on your offer.
After you have been donated, reply in the topic or PM the mediator confirming that "this and this" person donated to you, and the Trusted or Mediator can send him (the person who donated for you) the FG
Example for a good request:
Searching for someone to donate $25 for me. I am offering 750 FG which I sent to GodsBlackNight who will act as a Mediator.