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Jan 30 2009 10:32am

I tried a few different builts to make a hell rushed good mannered blizzard sorc respecting the TvT rules created by ferdia and me on EUSCNL:

- no precast (casting and going back to stash)
- no thundergods
- no double ravens (only 1 raven allowed)
- no guardian angel
- no snowclash
- no cleglaws gloves
- no items with <tab> charges
- no pots
- no more replenish life than 30
- no chicken play
- no afk during tvt
- no slower missiles
- no namelock ww
- no decrepify
- no iron maiden
- no boneprison
- no holy bolt

General Information:

This blizz sorc is built for PvP and TvT. A lot of people made the mistake to go for maximum dmg output, but that's no good idea. We want more than 2k mana and nice mana regeneration on our built, so we don't get rendered useles after 1 GA/FB hits us, because we are neither a fire sorc with high mana regenerate from warmth nor a light sorc with low teleport costs due to a high teleport lvl.
About the question wether to go for mastery or blizz dmg, I decided to go for mastery, because the more res your enemy as to compensate, the weaker he will usually be (f.ex. ama loses 120 ed when using 120 cr / 60 ias armor). Especially in TvT you will have an advantage because the whole enemy team has to get high res, that means they are not only weaker against you but also against the other players in our team.


The items I use are expensive, but I try to find a cheap solution for poor people, as well. So here are the items you should try to find and behind them I listed the items of my blizz sorc "Deeply":

Helmet: 2 cold 20 fcr str,dex,mana,rl,res - 2 cold 20 fcr 30 frw 8 str 8 dex 8 energy 85 mana 4 dmg reduce
Amu: 2 cold 10 fcr str,dex,mana,rl,res - 2 cold 10 fcr 103 mana 5% mana regen 33 light res
Weapon: spirit crystall sword 35 fcr 1xx mana x abs and 2 sorc/cold 20 fcr 3 blizz mana orb - eth spirit cs 35/112/8 and 2 sorc 20 fcr 3 blizz 2 cold mastery 148 mana 22 fire res 5/-5 orb
Shield: whist "shael", lidless (for PvP), whist "um" (for TvT) - whist "shael", whist "um", eth lidless "um"
Switch: memory 9 es ca,ench,ts - memory 9 es 6 ca 6 ts (couldn't find a nice ench memory yet..)
Armor: viper with stats jewel (7 fhr if your boots don't have fhr) or a saphire - viper 35/13 8 str 8 dex 8 energy 15 mana
Belt: 10 fcr 24 fhr life mana res - 10 fcr 24 fhr 58 life 19 mana 28 cold res and 10 fcr 24 fhr 50 life 17 mana 30 light res
Ring: sojs - sojs
Gloves: eth frostburns - eth frostburns
Boots: fhr (don't need fhr here if you use a 7 fhr jewel in your viper) less than 41 mana frw,res,dex - 30 frw 10 fhr 40 mana 5% max mana 9% mana regen 18 fire res

Grand Charms: 5-7 * cold skillers with less than 31 life - 6 * 30 life cold skillers
Small Charms: 19-25 * scs with life and 17 mana - 22 * 20 life / 17 mana scs


With your full equip you need to have 50 str for eth frosts and 100 dex for max block with whistans. Out the rest into energy, none in vita.
Put 1 into teleport and 1 into warmth. Max cold mastery and blizzard and put the rest into ice blast.


My char (without barb) does 1.3k ice blast and 2.7k blizzard dmg in the block setup, 1.5k ice blase and 3.3k blizzard dmg in the non block setup. He has around 800-850 life and 2500 mana, 100+ res without anya, 110% mana regen.


Bowas: You should avoid teleporting in patterns that are easy to discover for your enemy. Change the directions of your teleport every now and then, don't stand still for too long. Cast your blizzard above slow amas, get close and spam ice blasts on them to get them into passive-skills lock (they avoid/dodge your attacks and cannot attack or move). Some bowas have a lot of frw, it's useles to cast blizzards above them because it won't hit them if they move fast. Guess their movements and cast blizzards and ice blasts where you think they will run to.

Hammers: Never stand still on 1 spot longer than it needs to cast a blizzard - they will sync you down. Spam blizzards near yourself in the direction where you think he's charging your from and cast ice blasts into the same direction. Remember, they have to come to you. If they run out of mana and try to regen with medi, teleport into their screen and spam blizzard and ice blasts on them. Keep 'em always busy. If won't discuss a duel vs a foh, because this is a gm guide.

Barbs: Don't get too close, high frw barbs will sync as well. If you don't make any mistakes, he will never hit you.

Javas: Same as Barbs.

Traps: This can be tough, you have to be quick here. Don't play offensive against them, they will MB lock you and their traps are gonna kill your pretty fast, they drain mana very quickly. Keep your distance, cast blizzards above them, when they are in your screen, but don't stay there long, else traps will hit you and he will MB lock you. Remember that blizzard hits can be blocked if he uses 2 claws. If you teleport and attack quickly and if your aim is good, you will beat them. Kickers will try to DF you, just spam a blizzard above you and teleport away, he will teleport into your old spot and gets hit by blizzard. Do that a few times to kill him. Keep your spirit on, because you will need the fhr.

Sorcs: Use your non block setup, an orb with huge dmg and high mana and lidless "um". Don't ever try to tank a FB (even if he has low life!), his dmg is way higher than yours. Your advantage over FB and light sorcs is that you can namelock them if they don't play offensive, f.ex. when they try passive laming to regen mana/life. Although namelock won't work if they tele far away, anyways give it a try. If your enemy plays offensive, spam blizzards besides you, wait for him to teleport near you, then teleport a few meters away quickly and spam ice blasts on him but don't stay long on 1 spot, always keep on teleporting (teleport, shoot 2-3 times, teleport, etc..). If you do that well, he won't hit you and he will die in the blizzard or by ice blasts.

Necs: Use non block setup. Avoid getting hit, don't get too close. Spam blizzards above them and they will die pretty fast. They won't be a problem for you.

Druids: Always stay away at least 1 screen from shapers, spam blizzards above the ways they use to reach you and you won't have any trouble. Sadly I've never seen a good ele druid, neither tornado nor fire.

If not mentioned otherwise, always use your block setup.

Last Words:

Well that's the first guide I've ever written, I hope it's easy to understand and answers all your lvl 49 blizzard questions.
If you see any flaws, don't hesitate to tell me about them.

Thanks for reading and enjoy!
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Jan 30 2009 10:50am
If your enemy plays offensive, spam blizzards besides you, wait for him to teleport near you, then teleport a few meters away quickly and spam ice blasts on him

Please rewrite in English.

J/K nice guide.
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