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Jan 6 2017 07:32pm
Quote (ofthevoid @ Jan 6 2017 06:46pm)
I know it's not easy, nor am i claiming it's easy. All i'm saying is with enough time it can be learned. I took one math course during my first bachelors and i used to be dreadfully scared of math. Now i'm taking calculus and i'm going for math-heavy degree. On the other if you would of asked me to write a book that's not absolute trash it might take me a lifetime to do so.

Most of the time at the undergrad level the only creativity you are doing is zeroing in on exactly what field/sub field you will focus your studies on. Of course if you are a molecular biologist, you pretty much know what sub field you will be focusing your studies in grad school. You use previously established methods of research and you build your research on work that has largely already been established. If you are some true genius, you will make a mark in graduate school not in undergraduate so spare me the creativity you do in undergrad when you're just deciding exactly what you want to study.

The thing is there's nothing to respond to here. I could tell you that you're wrong on just about everything, because you fundamentally know nothing about the field, but you wouldn't take it in, because you know nothing about the field.
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Jan 6 2017 07:33pm
Quote (ChrisKz @ Jan 6 2017 06:26pm)
Read some Melville. Moby Dick. If you haven't read it. READ IT. You will learn what language can do!

Few years ago when i was still in school i began too but it was too long of a read with work, school and everything else so i only got like 1/4 thru it before having to return it to the library lol. I remember it being very verbose, not in a bad way though. I think i'll give it another shot when i finish the current book i'm on.

Quote (Thor123422 @ Jan 6 2017 06:32pm)
The thing is there's nothing to respond to here. I could tell you that you're wrong on just about everything, because you fundamentally know nothing about the field, but you wouldn't take it in, because you know nothing about the field.

Dude i'm not trying to minimize or diminish your studies. I love science and i find it fascinating, just don't put other disciplines down. Doing that reveals more about you than the person you're attempting to put down.

This post was edited by ofthevoid on Jan 6 2017 07:36pm
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Jan 6 2017 07:33pm
Quote (ofthevoid @ Jan 6 2017 07:13pm)
My ex girl friend took organic chemistry. She spent many hours studying it. I forget which class it was for but i used to quiz her on hormones pertaining to the digestive system. I was clueless, but the many hours she spent studying the subject let her understand the functions and so on. Once again, i'm not claiming it's easy, or that everybody is willing to put in the effort of studying 8 hours a day, my point is, if you truly are determined enough it's doable. I can will all i want to be the next Ernest Hemingway and spend the next 50 years building my craft as a writer, and guess what i'll never get there.

You could put in a million hours and you'd never be a Feynman either. What does that have to do with the cost of eggs in china?
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Jan 6 2017 07:46pm
Quote (ofthevoid @ Jan 6 2017 06:13pm)
My ex girl friend took organic chemistry. She spent many hours studying it. I forget which class it was for but i used to quiz her on hormones pertaining to the digestive system. I was clueless, but the many hours she spent studying the subject let her understand the functions and so on. Once again, i'm not claiming it's easy, or that everybody is willing to put in the effort of studying 8 hours a day, my point is, if you truly are determined enough it's doable. I can will all i want to be the next Ernest Hemingway and spend the next 50 years building my craft as a writer, and guess what i'll never get there.

Another thing that you need to be able to do in the example of OChem is picture a 3 dimensional molecule in your mind, and be able to rotate that that molecule to determine the R/S characteristics of it.

You can say that it is simple blah blah blah all you want but I went to the chemistry department chairs office hours to get help with it and he was even struggling on some stuff. This is a guy with a PhD in bio-chem who took graduate level organic and has had tenure at two different universities (moved because of wifes career).

It really doesn't matter how many times that you say something is simple or just about anyone can learn it yatta yatta. There are many students that just can't.

This is just one subject too. Human Anatomy/Physiology and Bio-Chem (first term) had literally around 30-40% of the students on the day of the final as there were after the first week of class...and these are classes that take a couple years of hard science classes to even get into...meaning that the 60% of students who couldn't hack it in the prereqs weren't even counted in this.

Funny thing is every time I asked my professors if this was normal (it just seemed weird to me) and they said that more or less every term is the same.

Writing is something that takes creativity...and I imagine that writing a good book does take a lot of forward thinking and intellect. Don't get me wrong, when I read stuff like the Wheel of Time series or Game of Thrones I definitely appreciate the skill and dedication required to make those the marvels that I believe them to be (meaning that I think they are good books)...but as far as how simple/easy you seem to believe the hard sciences are...I don't think your analysis of it could be further from the truth.
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Jan 6 2017 07:48pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ 6 Jan 2017 17:33)
You could put in a million hours and you'd never be a Feynman either. What does that have to do with the cost of eggs in china?

It means "I can fully comprehend and understand these works and think that they're great, whereas even grasping a loose understanding of Feynman is way too hard, therefore the former is probably better."

I mean

If I had to guess.
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Jan 6 2017 07:50pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ Jan 6 2017 06:33pm)
You could put in a million hours and you'd never be a Feynman either. What does that have to do with the cost of eggs in china?

I think the issue is he really believes that anyone could learn the hard sciences.

That is not the case.

I also think it's funny he keeps acting like "Well if you had 2 years to learn a 12 week O Chem Quarter, you could totally do it" when part of the struggle with doing the hard sciences is that you literally only have 2-3 weeks to learn this complicated shit and then you are tested on it.

Fuck, give me 4353426 hours to write a good book and I bet I could do it easier than I could learn a years worth of graduate level bio/chem/physics/math.
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Jan 6 2017 07:54pm
Quote (Perseverance1 @ 6 Jan 2017 21:50)
I think the issue is he really believes that anyone could learn the hard sciences.

That is not the case.

I also think it's funny he keeps acting like "Well if you had 2 years to learn a 12 week O Chem Quarter, you could totally do it" when part of the struggle with doing the hard sciences is that you literally only have 2-3 weeks to learn this complicated shit and then you are tested on it.

Fuck, give me 4353426 hours to write a good book and I bet I could do it easier than I could learn a years worth of graduate level bio/chem/physics/math.

I highly doubt that.
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Jan 6 2017 07:56pm
Quote (Perseverance1 @ Jan 6 2017 06:46pm)
Another thing that you need to be able to do in the example of OChem is picture a 3 dimensional molecule in your mind, and be able to rotate that that molecule to determine the R/S characteristics of it.

You can say that it is simple blah blah blah all you want but I went to the chemistry department chairs office hours to get help with it and he was even struggling on some stuff. This is a guy with a PhD in bio-chem who took graduate level organic and has had tenure at two different universities (moved because of wifes career).

It really doesn't matter how many times that you say something is simple or just about anyone can learn it yatta yatta. There are many students that just can't.

This is just one subject too. Human Anatomy/Physiology and Bio-Chem (first term) had literally around 30-40% of the students on the day of the final as there were after the first week of class...and these are classes that take a couple years of hard science classes to even get into...meaning that the 60% of students who couldn't hack it in the prereqs weren't even counted in this.

Funny thing is every time I asked my professors if this was normal (it just seemed weird to me) and they said that more or less every term is the same.

Writing is something that takes creativity...and I imagine that writing a good book does take a lot of forward thinking and intellect. Don't get me wrong, when I read stuff like the Wheel of Time series or Game of Thrones I definitely appreciate the skill and dedication required to make those the marvels that I believe them to be (meaning that I think they are good books)...but as far as how simple/easy you seem to believe the hard sciences are...I don't think your analysis of it could be further from the truth.

I'm not talking about splitting the atom here or doing research that will earn a nobel prize in physics. I'v been thru college and i'v seen people get thru science degrees. Never with ease but they did, you act as if it takes some special capacity for intellect to be able to pass these courses, it does not. The average human being, dedicated and driven enough can pass these courses. The school i went had massive amounts of Asians doing quite well in these fields. It's not because these Asian students are somehow genetically superior, allowing them to maintain & understand the information better. It's literally because they would spend 8+ hours of studying. The science courses you listed are only hard because so much is compressed in a very short time, so naturally many people flunk out that are not ready or dedicated enough to spend their lives studying.

This post was edited by ofthevoid on Jan 6 2017 07:57pm
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Jan 6 2017 07:56pm
Quote (Perseverance1 @ Jan 6 2017 07:50pm)
I think the issue is he really believes that anyone could learn the hard sciences.

That is not the case.

I also think it's funny he keeps acting like "Well if you had 2 years to learn a 12 week O Chem Quarter, you could totally do it" when part of the struggle with doing the hard sciences is that you literally only have 2-3 weeks to learn this complicated shit and then you are tested on it.

Fuck, give me 4353426 hours to write a good book and I bet I could do it easier than I could learn a years worth of graduate level bio/chem/physics/math.

Quote (AiNedeSpelCzech @ Jan 6 2017 07:48pm)
It means "I can fully comprehend and understand these works and think that they're great, whereas even grasping a loose understanding of Feynman is way too hard, therefore the former is probably better."

I mean

If I had to guess.

It really just comes down to the fact that they are both completely illiterate in the sciences. The funny thing is they got all defensive over something that isn't a controversial statement. Administrators above department level at universities ensure majors like English are easy to retain students.
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Jan 6 2017 07:58pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ 6 Jan 2017 21:56)
It really just comes down to the fact that they are both completely illiterate in the sciences. The funny thing is they got all defensive over something that isn't a controversial statement. Administrators above department level at universities ensure majors like English are easy to retain students.


fuckin hypocrite

This post was edited by ChrisKz on Jan 6 2017 07:59pm
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