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Posts: 51,948
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Jun 18 2018 06:59pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ Jun 18 2018 07:46pm)
There are plenty of truths you can't say.

Sure, you can't divulge national security secrets. But as a defense for being accused of spoiling the jury pool by telling them truths, where a trial is about the pursuit of truth? Not so much.
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Jun 18 2018 07:20pm
Quote (Santara @ 19 Jun 2018 00:59)
Sure, you can't divulge national security secrets. But as a defense for being accused of spoiling the jury pool by telling them truths, where a trial is about the pursuit of truth? Not so much.

Did he tell them the truth? How would you know? Have you seen the evidence?
Were all these men definitely kiddy rapists? Fuck knows. Probably... but we don't know exactly what the evidence against them is and neither does Tommy. He's also not a lawyer for the prosecution. It isn't his place to tell the jury anything. Truth, speculation or otherwise.

But none of that really matters. See this isn't just about this one case. It's about the system by which we dispense justice and the processes by which we try to ensure that justice is as impartial and you know... 'just' as possible. Interfering with that process in any manner is unacceptable. Interfering with it in such a manner as to jeopardise the legal processes that try to ensure a fair trial for all is irresponsible, immoral and rightfully criminal.

Like I said earlier - people have a right to be tried by an unbiased jury. If the defence can argue that the jury is biased they could force a retrial or even a mistrial. Because preserving the integrity of the process by which justice is done is more important than any individual case these despicable child molesters and rapists could possibly go free thanks to Tommy. That deserves more than 13 months in prison. He's getting off lightly - especially considering this is his second time committing the same offence and he was still under a suspended sentence from his previous.

Quote (Santara @ 19 Jun 2018 00:32)
Speaking the truth is not a crime.

Pretty sure I could easily think of several examples where it is. Even in America. It's all about how, when and where you 'tell the truth'.

This post was edited by Scaly on Jun 18 2018 07:23pm
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Jun 19 2018 03:38am

We need a UK topic. But until then...

Britain has lost the war on cannabis: former Conservative leader


“The idea that this can be driven off the streets and out of people’s lives by the state is nothing short of deluded,” Hague wrote in the Daily Telegraph newspaper. “This battle is effectively over.

“When a law has ceased to be credible and worth enforcing to many police as well as the public, respect for the that law in general is damaged.”
Posts: 48,786
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Jun 19 2018 11:40pm
Quote (Scaly @ Jun 19 2018 12:20pm)
Did he tell them the truth? How would you know? Have you seen the evidence?
Were all these men definitely kiddy rapists? Fuck knows. Probably... but we don't know exactly what the evidence against them is and neither does Tommy. He's also not a lawyer for the prosecution. It isn't his place to tell the jury anything. Truth, speculation or otherwise.

But none of that really matters. See this isn't just about this one case. It's about the system by which we dispense justice and the processes by which we try to ensure that justice is as impartial and you know... 'just' as possible. Interfering with that process in any manner is unacceptable. Interfering with it in such a manner as to jeopardise the legal processes that try to ensure a fair trial for all is irresponsible, immoral and rightfully criminal.

Like I said earlier - people have a right to be tried by an unbiased jury. If the defence can argue that the jury is biased they could force a retrial or even a mistrial. Because preserving the integrity of the process by which justice is done is more important than any individual case these despicable child molesters and rapists could possibly go free thanks to Tommy. That deserves more than 13 months in prison. He's getting off lightly - especially considering this is his second time committing the same offence and he was still under a suspended sentence from his previous.

Pretty sure I could easily think of several examples where it is. Even in America. It's all about how, when and where you 'tell the truth'.

Speaking the truth is not a crime, great lets get julian assange and snowden out asap :D
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Jun 20 2018 10:05am
Quote (Ghot @ Jun 19 2018 10:38am)
We need a UK topic. But until then...

Britain has lost the war on cannabis: former Conservative leader


Yes, and rightly so. It’s nobodys business if you want to smoke weed when you’re not harming anyone else.
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