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Sep 17 2016 03:13pm
Quote (Sylencer)
What happened is The HOLY SPIRIT came to me, and I got born again.

Dude it's time to see a doctor...

This post was edited by Saucisson6000 on Sep 17 2016 03:13pm
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Sep 17 2016 03:24pm
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ Sep 17 2016 05:13pm)
Dude it's time to see a doctor...

Did you notice the statement right next to that one?

Where I explained I also thought I might, but that it wasn't that?

Did you see, that I've seen many doctors?
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Sep 17 2016 03:31pm
Quote (Sylencer @ 17 Sep 2016 22:24)
Did you notice the statement right next to that one?

Where I explained I also thought I might, but that it wasn't that?

Did you see, that I've seen many doctors?

no, sorry didnt know you were REALLy sick, please accept my apologizes.

well... i hope you will find peace in la boca as soon as possible and i wish you the best i can, sincerly.

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Sep 18 2016 05:52am
Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Sep 18 2016 12:55am)

So how does this great flood, if it can be proved to have happened (which it can't) prove the existence of your god?

Let's take a look at what we do when there is a huge storm.

In Australia, what happens when it starts storming is this: Most of us smart people all go undercover and stay inside and just watch the storm while we can't do anything about it. If there is a big flood then the roads will be cut off and there is nowhere to go.

I don't see how the way the people back then would have done anything different. "Oh it is raining, better get inside until it stops."
By the time the water would have got to their doorsteps it would have been pretty much too late. All means of escaping would have been blocked off by water. That and the rain would still be pouring down.

Now let's just say for argument sake that by some God given miracle some humans managed to survive this massive flood. You have yet to explain how all of the animals would have survived. Maybe some animals might have been saved by some humans, going that far. Then there are the wild animals.
Even if you try to help the wild animals, with some animals that won't work. What do you think would happen if you approached a lion or a bear? They would attack and kill you on site. They would have drowned in the flood, then would have become extinct.

So explain to me how the wild animals would have survived such a cataclysmic flood. Perhaps you could start with the elephants? How do you save an elephant from drowning?

If they were not saved by the ark, how else would they have been saved? The wild beasts ofcourse.
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Sep 18 2016 06:41am
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 18 2016 12:52pm)
Let's take a look at what we do when there is a huge storm.

In Australia, what happens when it starts storming is this: Most of us smart people all go undercover and stay inside and just watch the storm while we can't do anything about it. If there is a big flood then the roads will be cut off and there is nowhere to go.

I don't see how the way the people back then would have done anything different. "Oh it is raining, better get inside until it stops."
By the time the water would have got to their doorsteps it would have been pretty much too late. All means of escaping would have been blocked off by water. That and the rain would still be pouring down.

Now let's just say for argument sake that by some God given miracle some humans managed to survive this massive flood. You have yet to explain how all of the animals would have survived. Maybe some animals might have been saved by some humans, going that far. Then there are the wild animals.
Even if you try to help the wild animals, with some animals that won't work. What do you think would happen if you approached a lion or a bear? They would attack and kill you on site. They would have drowned in the flood, then would have become extinct.

So explain to me how the wild animals would have survived such a cataclysmic flood. Perhaps you could start with the elephants? How do you save an elephant from drowning?

If they were not saved by the ark, how else would they have been saved? The wild beasts ofcourse.

They would have survived by finding higher ground. :huh:

It's quite simple, when you think about it.

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Sep 18 2016 08:12am
Quote (GetOnYourKnees @ Sep 18 2016 10:41pm)
They would have survived by finding higher ground. :huh:

It's quite simple, when you think about it.

Let's even go down that path, even though you are undermining the cataclysmic flood. If everything but the mountains were flooded then EVERYTHING below that would have been flooded. If everything below the mountains were flooded, how long would it take for the water to subside? Half a year? A few months to be generous? How does everyone live in a small location when surrounded only by water? Let's forego the part where would be no vegetation to eat as they would be living only off water.

All the remaining survivors are stuck together, humans and animals, friendly and wild alike. Do you even know what happens when you are stuck in a large crowd with nowhere to go? Add in the fact there is no food to eat, only water to drink. There is no shelter or beds either. Do you honestly think everybody will live in harmony for the next few months?

I tell you the truth, the wild beasts would have killed and hunted the remaining survivors, be it animals or humans. They all go hungry and kill to eat. The humans, especially the males, would not have been able to spend time alone. They would have fought each other and it would have been total chaos. When they fight this time, they cannot walk away from it all because there is nowhere to go. Living only off water makes you hungry, hungry people are cranky people and cranky people are more prone to fight.

I tell you the truth, even if they survive the flood then they almost certainly would have never survived the aftermath.

Then again, this flood did flood even the mountains in its entirety. There was no more high ground to go to in actuality.
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Sep 18 2016 09:13am
Quote (CPK001 @ Sep 18 2016 03:12pm)
Let's even go down that path, even though you are undermining the cataclysmic flood. If everything but the mountains were flooded then EVERYTHING below that would have been flooded. If everything below the mountains were flooded, how long would it take for the water to subside? Half a year? A few months to be generous? How does everyone live in a small location when surrounded only by water? Let's forego the part where would be no vegetation to eat as they would be living only off water.

All the remaining survivors are stuck together, humans and animals, friendly and wild alike. Do you even know what happens when you are stuck in a large crowd with nowhere to go? Add in the fact there is no food to eat, only water to drink. There is no shelter or beds either. Do you honestly think everybody will live in harmony for the next few months?

I tell you the truth, the wild beasts would have killed and hunted the remaining survivors, be it animals or humans. They all go hungry and kill to eat. The humans, especially the males, would not have been able to spend time alone. They would have fought each other and it would have been total chaos. When they fight this time, they cannot walk away from it all because there is nowhere to go. Living only off water makes you hungry, hungry people are cranky people and cranky people are more prone to fight.

I tell you the truth, even if they survive the flood then they almost certainly would have never survived the aftermath.

Then again, this flood did flood even the mountains in its entirety. There was no more high ground to go to in actuality.

I didn't say mountains, I said higher ground.

@ bold: where's your proof? You've 'suggested' that there may have been a flood that submerged the grand canyon, but what about elsewhere? The Grand Canyon is, after all, a canyon.

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Sep 18 2016 04:00pm
These comments indicate that if there weren't rainbows, there'd be another flood.

I'm curious how many other people have seen the words CEAP ON?

Once when I was in the service, I got promoted to Corporal.

So everybody's in formation, and they announce the promotions.

Then, everybody that got promoted, gets to step forward, and the two biggest guys in the platoon, hit each one of them in the shoulders.

Then it was my turn. I stepped up.

They secretly picked a number between 1 and 3, and then they were going to hit me on that number.


POW! They both kneed me in my thighs! HARD!


HEH! Ya, straight to the ground. They carried me to a cot.

You can't believe how much that hurts.

They call that getting your bloodstripes. I learned that then.

You just never know what's coming.



Childishness is an interesting sujbect.

In some ways it is bad to be childish.

In some ways it's wise to be child-like in your thinking.

Like getting born again.

And believing in miracles.

And when it comes to the flood, (and other miracles,) what questions would a CHILD ask about it?

THOSE would probably be the wisest and most revealing questions.


Where did all the water come from, and then where did it go?

That's the first one to answer.

(It's apparently in an expanse inside the Earth.)


I covered religion in Post 109.

There is no purgatory, see the Bible Catholics.

There's Heaven, Hades and Hell. Everybody that's going to hell, goes to hades first.

Hades is a huge, hell-like firepit, in the center of the Earth.

I once heard a man on TV talk about his personal experience.

He died in a hospital. Next, he was sinking into hades.

He saw it below him, and he described it to us on TV.

He said he screamed out for JESUS repeatedly.

And the next thing he knew, he was back in his body.

John Hagee once told a story about a punk.

A man came into his church one day, and made a scene.

He shouted F GOD this and F GOD that, in the church, and then he left.

Then pastor Hagee gets a phone call, shortly after.

One of his flock was in the hospital, and they wanted him to come down.

He was walking by a construction site, and some metel pipes broke loose and crushed him.

When Pastor Hagee got to the hospital, he heard a man screaming.

He went to him. He was clawing his matress hard, screaming about flames.

He practically screamed his head off, and then he died.

(It was the same man.)

True story. Ask him.

Take care.

I'll share more stories and music going forward!


This post was edited by Sylencer on Sep 18 2016 04:28pm
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Sep 18 2016 05:49pm
Yes, He is the son of God.

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