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Feb 17 2015 11:44pm
Quote (sylvannos @ Feb 18 2015 12:12am)
So you're advocating people shouldn't use certain medicines because of possible side effects? Penicillin can cause death, but we're not going to start advocating we should stop administering it to patients.

From your own article:

...so like a 0.0004% to 0.08% chance of children developing an allergic reaction. Seriously, you have a0.014925373% chance of dying in a car accident on any given day. There's probably a higher chance of your child dying on the ride to school.



clearly you can't read as well...because i never said that....how about your scrub ass doesn't put words in my mouth that I didn't say? ok ?


As I stated, the risks should be disclosed to everyone, and then the choice given to them if they want to proceed or not

This post was edited by bitg_pj on Feb 17 2015 11:45pm
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Feb 18 2015 12:21am
Quote (bitg_pj @ 18 Feb 2015 05:43)
Agree with bolded , but to say that vaccines are "safe" is really ignoring the potential risks, however slight it may be is my only point.

Vaccines are safe. They are safer than walking around your home, safer than walking down the street and much safer than eating a jar of chunky peanut butter.

Should probably stop feeding your daughter solid food as well. Do you know what kind of a choking risk you're inflicting on her every time you let her eat a chunk of carrot? Get your kid the chickenpox vaccine for fuck's sake.

This post was edited by Scaly on Feb 18 2015 12:22am
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Feb 18 2015 01:32am
Anti-cop, anti-science, anti-God...it's like he's intentionally burning away the most important resources in his life so he can have something to blame his failures on.
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Feb 18 2015 02:07am
Don't ever go to a casino buddy.

Probability just seems to be too difficult for you :(
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Feb 18 2015 03:02am
If you believe in God you don't need vaccines.

Also, my friends sister received a vaccine when she was a child and she became paralyzed and received numerous amounts of medical conditions from the vaccination. Do not vaccinate.
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Feb 18 2015 05:25am
Quote (lxxgatmanxxl @ 18 Feb 2015 04:02)
If you believe in God you don't need vaccines.

Also, my friends sister received a vaccine when she was a child and she became paralyzed and received numerous amounts of medical conditions from the vaccination. Do not vaccinate.

bullshit meter just redlined
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Feb 18 2015 05:31am
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Feb 18 2015 05:36am
Quote (bitg_pj @ Feb 17 2015 09:44pm)
clearly you can't read as well...because i never said that....how about your scrub ass doesn't put words in my mouth that I didn't say? ok ?


As I stated, the risks should be disclosed to everyone, and then the choice given to them if they want to proceed or not

The risks are disclosed to everyone...you're presenting a non-argument about medication side effects as though there's some kind of debate. The only debate is between those mischaracterizing the effectiveness of vaccines and those who aren't stupid to think injecting something into your body has risks.

It's really shitty these kids were hurt by their reactions to vaccines. But this discussion is on-par with creationism vs. evolution and which one should be taught in schools. You're completely overstating the dangers of vaccines. The "other side of the vaccination argument" is a total strawman. Your original post is insinuating people shouldn't get vaccines because there's a one in 250,000 chance they may have an allergic reaction. The reality is the risks you perpetuate are higher than contracting the diseases themselves due to everyone being vaccinated and having herd immunity.
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Feb 18 2015 05:47am
Beta blockers have killed people too

FDA should ban them
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Feb 18 2015 07:37am
My friend doesn't vaccine since he joined falun Gong, should i keep my family far from him ?
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