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Feb 1 2018 08:34am
Here is what could be the representation of the organization of our society from a social point of view: two squares that intersect.

This is not the current system yet.
Currently, there are significant inequalities between different cultures.
This is not the current system yet, but it could become so, and I think it would be a good thing.

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Feb 1 2018 08:43am
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Feb 1 2018 11:35am
I like to analyze the dates that I find, and in particular the figures of a year.

Take for example the year 1972.
Is 72 a multiple of 19?
No, 19*4 = 76
19*8 = 152
19*18 = 342

Is 1972 a multiple of 19?

So, I do not really like the number(s) that correspond to this year.
Years that I like are the years 1854, 1872, 1957, and more.

I like playing with numbers that way. Sometimes I also play with the numbers for the day and the month.
I was born on December 6, 1992, and my paternal grandmother was born on June 12, 1926 (3 years before the 1929 crisis).
1992 is a multiple of 6, and even 12.
1992/6 = 332

1926 is a multiple of 6.
1926/6 = 321

My paternal grandmother lived in World War II, but she lived in Algeria.
When she entered the classroom, she was forced to do the Nazi salute, and to recite certain things.
But she told me that she lowered her head, and she was only pretending. She did not recite well what to recite.

My paternal grandmother has always had a lot of Arab friends, especially girls.
Yet she did not necessarily get along well with the Arabs. She had a tendency to be suspicious of them when she saw them in the street.
My paternal grandmother always found it very important to be nice, and I think she did not think they were nice.
After all, it was they who chased her out of Algeria, despite the fact that she was small, frail, fragile, and spoke very good Arabic.

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Feb 1 2018 11:37am
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Feb 1 2018 01:33pm
Let's talk about Winston Churchill.

Winston Churchill is the descendant of John Spencer Churchill, the first duke of Malborough.
Here is a popular song about this ancestor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DEHJLd8QRz8

John Churchill made a major victory in Blenheim, Germany, against Louis XIV, the very powerful "Sun King".
As a reward for this victory, Anne, Queen of Great Britain offers Malborough a lot of money to build a palace, the Woodstock Palace.

It is in this palace that Winston Churchill grows up.
The duke's victory is glorified, and, in the palace, we can see lions (emblem of Great Britain) which grip roosters (emblem of France).

L’Allemagne devient trop forte. Nous devons l’écraser.

Germany becomes too strong. We must crush it.

W. Churchill, 1936

Nous obligerons Hitler à mener cette guerre, qu’il le veuille ou non.

We will force Hitler to wage this war, whether he wants it or not.

W. Churchill, 1936

Cette guerre est une guerre anglaise et son but est la destruction de l’Allemagne.

This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany.

W. Churchill, 1939

Il faut bien comprendre que cette guerre n’est pas contre Hitler ou le National-Socialisme, mais contre la force du peuple allemand, qui doit être écrasée une fois pour toute, indépendamment du fait qu’elle soit entre les mains d’Hitler ou d’un prêtre jésuite.

It must be understood that this war is not against Hitler or National Socialism, but against the strength of the German people, which must be crushed once and for all, regardless of whether it is in the hands of Hitler or of a Jesuit priest.

W. Churchill, 1940

I find that Winston Churchill had a rather bad behavior in the years before the Second World War. I do not deny that he was a very smart leader, and very much appreciated.
But I think that if he had had a different attitude, all these crimes might not have been committed.

For Winston Churchill, it is imperative that the capital of France is liberated by the leader of the free French forces, Charles de Gaulle.
And in 1944, he helped Charles de Gaulle to fulfill this mission.

Churchill voit bien que les américains veulent instaurer une sorte de protectorat militaire dans les territoires reconquis sur l'Allemagne. Et là, il sauve la France en tant que patrie en envoyant de Gaulle.

Churchill sees that the Americans want to establish a kind of military protectorate in the reconquered territories of Germany. And here, he saves France as a homeland by sending de Gaulle.

Guy Gauthier, historian, Secrets d'histoire - Churchill, le lion au coeur tendre, 2016

Mon grand-père a toujours reconnu en de Gaulle l'âme de la France, et il a toujours considéré qu'il était le seul Homme capable de sauver le destin du pays.

My grandfather always recognized de Gaulle as the soul of France, and he always considered that he was the only man capable of saving the destiny of the country.

Nicholas Soames, grandson of Winston Churchill, Secrets d'histoire - Churchill, le lion au coeur tendre, 2016

Winston Churchill did something important after the war, helping de Gaulle rebuild France.

Here is a gift offered by General de Gaulle to Winston and Clementine Churchill:

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Feb 1 2018 01:44pm
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Feb 1 2018 02:33pm
I will now ask a very delicate question.
From a pragmatic point of view, was there anything positive that came out of this war (war declared by Winston Churchill according to his words and / or declared by Adolf Hitler)?

World War II created a tremendous amount of misery in the Jewish community.
If there was an ounce of Jewish carelessness about the importance of organizing a healthy and stable society, it is certain that it has disappeared.
All these misfortunes created have forced the Jews to blossom, to grow, to be able to bear all this misfortune, all this despair which weighs on the society.

It seems to me that this has allowed us to place ourselves beyond the reach of certain criminals (often of Muslim culture), sometimes too casual.
Crime is something extremely serious, and it is often caused by excessive casualness.

I think that one of the lessons to be learned from World War II is that a criminal act is often due to excessive casualness.
In our time, many murders are committed in the USA and in Russia, and I find that this is something very serious.
I think it should be one of the top priorities of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to fight crime in their country.

Here are some figures of the homicide rate by country (per 100,000 inhabitants per year):

South Africa 34.27
Russia 11.31
United States 4.88
India 3.21
France 1.58
Saudi Arabia 1.50
Israel 1.36
China 0.74


We see that China is a country that stands out for the low crime rates there.
I think it's something that deserves admiration.

It's important to fight crime within countries.
It seems to me that there is a correlation between crime and carelessness (désinvolture).
If flippancy reigns then it is the fascists who risk coming to power.
I like the USA, but I find it really too serious that the rate of homocides there is so high.

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Feb 1 2018 02:35pm
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Feb 1 2018 03:42pm
I know many words and phrases in the Arabic language.
The word that I find most interesting is the word "mortof".
A "mortof" is a highly malicious person.
A "mortof" is a person so ill-intentioned that he/she is aware of having bad intentions, and that it does not bother him/her.
A "mortof" is someone who is actively trying to do bad things.

Sometimes, malevolence is unconscious, and lies only in negligence.
A "mortof" is not that: a "mortof" is a person who is aware of what he is doing, and who is actively working to do the wrong thing.

This notion is an important concept in Muslim culture.
I said, since the beginning of my blog, that people of Muslim culture cultivate this particular intelligence that is over-interpretation.

And there is a particular perception of the "mortofs" within this culture.
If we over-interpret, if we allow ourselves to have a little of this intelligence, then the "mortof" is a person to neutralize urgently, in violence if necessary.

It seems to me that Muslims have an important vigilance not to be considered as "mortofs".
They make great efforts to show that they do not have malicious intent in a conscious way.

They tolerate the mistakes of others, and they sometimes do unintentional mistakes that call into question their benevolence.
But overall, they refrain from having a conscious malevolence.

I think it's an important part of their culture.

I think this is a very unknown concept in Europe, Asia, and America.
And I think it would be an asset for other cultures to incorporate this notion as well.

Thus, conciliation would be easier between the Muslim community and communities of other cultures.
Knowing this, I think the international community could put pressure on people of Muslim culture, to force them to cultivate well their particular intelligence, and to deter them from committing crimes.

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Feb 1 2018 03:45pm
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Feb 3 2018 05:47am
There is something important that you need to know about this blog.

This blog is not only used to present my work, objectively, and from a purely scientific point of view. I am a scientist, certainly, but I am also and above all a human. It's an important notion for me. The social sciences are special because they are extremely complex. We do not even know which parameters need to be studied, we do not have an exhaustive list of the parameters that must be studied. Some things are far too subtle. For example, to know that someone is lying, one may need to identify a particular smell. The social sciences are extremely complex, and that is why most of the time we can only rely on our instinct.

The social sciences are extremely complex, and if you have a purely scientific approach, then you will not be able to do anything interesting. The social sciences are one of the most fundamental, most indispensable areas for our society to be in good health. We have no other choice, to fully explore the social sciences, than to leave our usual status as objective scientists. We are not objective in the social sciences. Social sciences are a necessity. And if we have a purely objective approach, we will not succeed in doing anything. We are not objective in the social sciences, and we must be aware of that. We must still try to work properly, and to have as much objectivity as possible, knowing that it will not be possible to be totally objective because the social sciences are too complex.

I went astray, because that was not what I wanted to tell you.

What I was saying is that my blog does not present my work in a methodical way.
In my blog, I do not present my work by talking about one chapter, then another.
It is voluntary.
My blog is not only meant to share my many understandings, and to encourage active pacifism.
My blog also aims (and perhaps more importantly) to make me known.
I want you to learn to understand me.
Too many atrocities have been committed.
In the name of decency, I demand (j'exige) that you learn to understand me.

What is shocking in the Second World War is not just the attitude of the Nazis.
What is shocking is also the attitude of Winston Churchill, who declares war on Germany despite the collateral damage it would cause.
What is shocking is the attitude of Winston Churchill who refuses Germany's peace proposal.
What is shocking is that Winston Churchill sees no other possibility than war.
It is something very shocking, that this need to go to war.

What is shocking is this triad:
  • the need to go to war
  • collateral damage is inevitable, which will particularly affect people of Jewish culture
  • ignorance of Jewish culture

In declaring war, Winston Churchill actually sentenced millions of Jews.
In declaring war, Winston Churchill indirectly admitted that the social sciences were insufficient.
In declaring war, Winston Churchill indirectly admitted the lack of thoughtfulness of English and American societies.

If the Americans and the English had had more love towards the Jews, maybe all this would not have happened.

It's something important for me.
Through my blog, I want people to understand with their own understandings.
Through my blog, I want people to witness my fight against despair.
Through my blog, I want people to witness my good intentions, my kindness and my intelligence.

Witnessing good intentions, despair, and kindness is not something a totally objective scientist can do.

For events like the Second World War not to be repeated, I think it's imperative that people understand that I, like many Jews, do not just work for my community: I care about the whole of the global society.
It seems to me that Americans tend to forget that, and I find that tragic.

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Feb 3 2018 05:53am
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Feb 3 2018 06:16am
How can I help you to witness my fierce fight against despair?

In this goal, I did two main things: I organized my blog logically and continuously (I shared my understandings in a chronological sequence close to the way I myself created these understandings), and I shared some of my most important understandings.

Here is how I organized my blog:
  • I first shared elements of well-being (drawing, music, handball, movies, and more) as my parents and my friends had done for me
  • then, I created understandings starting from my country, and gradually expanding to the rest of the world (that's how I forged my understandings, when I was a kid)
  • I sometimes had panic attacks, suddenly asking myself about the usefulness and the legitimacy of my works
  • I sometimes just observed things that I did not understand (the Asterix saga is something extremely complex, very interesting, and very difficult to analyze)
  • I told you about people I was interested in over the course of my research (Frantz Fanon, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein)
  • I shared some simplifications that I allowed myself (the representation of the society by a double square)
  • when I saw these squares, and those eight sides, it made me think of the numbers I like to dissect, and the dates of birth of my grandmother and me

Over the years, I have broken (j'ai décortique) thousands and thousands of numbers, and I would like it to be seen through my blog.
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Feb 3 2018 06:28am
Understandings do not fall from the sky.
To create these understandings that I share with you, I had to process (traiter) a huge amount of data, and I had to understand a huge amount of things.

I had to fight not to be buried under knowledge.
I had to fight not to be overwhelmed by the despair of all these understandings, sometimes useless.

I am a warrior, I am truly a warrior.
And if I share my understandings, it is only because I consider you as my allies in a fight to organize a healthy and stable society.
I still dare to believe that we are all part of the same team.

I had to fight hard to extract interesting information from the world in which we all live every day.
So, please, handle my understandings carefully.

Sometimes my job was only to gather the most interesting data.
Sometimes it took me to get to the heart of things, to really understand the mechanisms involved.
My ancestors lived in Algeria for 2200 years. I think I can tell you about Algeria properly...
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Feb 5 2018 02:16am
It's been two days since I wrote more on this blog.
I come back to finish this blog, and to move on then.

I was talking about the important and challenging work that needed to be done to create understandings.
I also said that it was important for you to know that understandings do not fall from the sky.

It seems important to me to appeal to your compassion and empathy.
It seems to me that compassion and empathy are two very different things:
  • empathy is something emotional
  • compassion is something rational

I am sometimes confronted with rational woes (despair, fear), and I sometimes face emotional woes (ignorance, suffering).
So, I think I deserve both compassion and empathy.

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Feb 5 2018 02:16am
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Feb 5 2018 02:22am
I think it's important that I receive compassion and empathy, because the Jewish community has a low demographics.
This has advantages and disadvantages.

One of the advantages is that Jews cultivate a rare and precious intelligence.
It allows them to be strong, and to cultivate well this particular intelligence.
Understanding is a dangerous intelligence that must be handled with care.

There are also many disadvantages to having a low demographics.

Winston Churchill said: "There is no finer investment for any community than putting milk into babies".

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Feb 5 2018 02:27am
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