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Jul 18 2017 11:29pm
Quote (Skinned @ Jul 19 2017 03:03am)
Norm Finklestein is a boss.

Yes, he is.

Quote (bena2OO5 @ Jul 19 2017 04:07am)
Because it only happened 70 years ago
And they still have neighbors that want to kill them

I would not take my chances too and instead act aggressive to ensure security

Doesn't matter why. It is despicable to use a tragedy of that magnitude for political and monetary expediency.

How has the last couple of decades of mutual agression worked out? Not so well, if you ask me.
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Jul 19 2017 05:01am
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ Jul 18 2017 09:15pm)
The good news: Usury is will soon be sinfull in the "European caliphate"

regards; bena2005

Usury is a sin in Christianity too. Just not a lot of good Christians out there. Lol.
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Jul 19 2017 11:11am
Quote (Skinned @ Jul 19 2017 11:01am)
Usury is a sin in Christianity too. Just not a lot of good Christians out there. Lol.

For history and background, I recommend reading about the history of Jews in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
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Jul 19 2017 04:50pm
Quote (tric-isHUGE @ Jul 18 2017 10:19pm)
No one is denying they were put in concentration camps. But the gassing of 6 Million Jews never happened. The number of dead Jews is wrong ( 6 Million is a Jewish Biblical number Moses and his people will return to Israel minus 6 Million ), and the use of Zyklon B as a poison gas is idiotic and not true. The photos of skinny interned Jews were taken in the last few weeks of the war, they were starving because British planes destroyed railroad infrastructure that was supply the camps with food. EVERYONE was starving during the end of WW2 in Germany, including the Jews. The stacks of dead bodies you see in pictures are all due to typhus, the shaved heads is because the typhus was spread by lice, the zyklon B was an insecticide ( which leaves a blue residue which is no where near the inside of the supposed gas chambers ), the supposed smokestacks were built after the war by Russians, all of the death camps are on the Soviet side of the Germany. Did you know Auschwitz had a pool? They were also staffed with dentists for the interned Jews. Seems kind of odd that they would get dental care shortly before they were shoved in a gas chamber.

What is the Balfour Agreement? What is the Havaara Transfer Agreement? What did the Jews do to the Germans that was so outrageous to be interned? What are the already other debunked lies of the Holocaust, such as Jews being turned into lampshades and soap and all other nonsensical gibberish to slander the Germans.


The Germans interned the Jews because the Jews were responsible for pulling America into the war to defeat Germany in WW1. WW1 was a draw and the Germans were offering a peace treaty, only to be overrun by the Americans to have the BRUTAL treaty of Versailles imposed upon them. When the Balfour agreement came out, that Jews had been promised Palestine in exchange for bringing in America on the side of the allies, the Germans understood how they had lost the war. The Jews were responsible for their current predicament. So they naturally treated them in a manner that is consistent with what we did here in America. We interned the Japanese as potential enemy combatants.

The main lesson I am seeing here is that Jews exist as an invading people, who's allegiance lies first and foremost with their people. Their in-group-preference is real, and they are extremely successful at finding themselves in leadership positions. No sweat, right? I am all for privilege based on merit. But they utilize this power in order to act on the behalf of themselves and other Jews, and Israel. That is the lesson to be learned, as people have known this about the Jews for centuries. It is not a new phenomenon. I don't quite know what it is, but there is some truth in what I just said, although I do not know to what extent.

The Germans said, no thank you. They took in millions of Jews who were fleeing bolsheviks in Russia, only to be stabbed in the back. And they rightfully took a stance that they want to govern and rule over themselves. It is not a bad idea, no?

Go ahead and look at the percentages of people who are Jewish, in.... the top 1%, the Supreme Court, Congress, the Senate, investment bankers. The upper echelons of society are disproportionately Jewish. And their "in-group-preference" needs to be understood, because not until you look is it so obvious.

Even a simple consideration of Israel, American foreign policy is completely dominated by Jewish Interests. We send them an incredible amount of foreign aid. And not a whole lot of people know this, but Israel is the only country in which you can donate money to in order to get a tax write off. That's right, instead of paying money to iuncle sam, if you are Jewish you get to pay some of your taxes to your "ethno-state". Did I say Ethno-state? I sure did. Jews have one. White countries need multiculturalism. Do I really need to ask why?


There is a lot more than meets to eye with regards to this subject. It is wise to keep your ear to the ground, because I am seeing a whole lot of counter evidence to THE MOST TABOO SUBJECT on the planet. And from what I can tell, it is all a big lie. And the most important case study for human civilization lies at the bottom of all of these lies.

Which Way Western Man?

6 million? No, gassing was about 1.5 million, the rest of the concentration camp deaths (and other Holocaust murders) were by working people to death, starvation, bullets to the head, forced marching, or what have you. Hydrogen cyanide is absolutely a poisonous gas, and Zyklon A & B were both variants for delivering the active compound of hydrogen cyanide. Zyklon A was banned after the Germans used it as a chemical weapon in World War I, so you can't tell me the Jewish conspiracy is behind misrepresenting hydrogen cyanide as a poison 20+ years before it was used in the gas chambers. The typhoid outbreak at Auschwitz was in 1942, not 1945. Yes, Zyklon B was used as a pesticide, notably for delousing. But that in no way means that it can't be used for exterminating humans too. If you've ever had to "bug bomb" your house - which we did when I was a kid - you can't stay in the home while the poisoning is in progress, as it can harm you too, and you have to wash EVERYTHING afterwards. Residue was indeed recovered from samples collected from the gas chambers, the Leuchter report claiming there was no evidence of hydrogen cyanide has been savaged.
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Jul 19 2017 04:51pm
it's the fourth reich
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Jul 19 2017 08:01pm
Quote (Santara @ Jul 19 2017 10:50pm)
6 million? No, gassing was about 1.5 million, the rest of the concentration camp deaths (and other Holocaust murders) were by working people to death, starvation, bullets to the head, forced marching, or what have you. Hydrogen cyanide is absolutely a poisonous gas, and Zyklon A & B were both variants for delivering the active compound of hydrogen cyanide. Zyklon A was banned after the Germans used it as a chemical weapon in World War I, so you can't tell me the Jewish conspiracy is behind misrepresenting hydrogen cyanide as a poison 20+ years before it was used in the gas chambers. The typhoid outbreak at Auschwitz was in 1942, not 1945. Yes, Zyklon B was used as a pesticide, notably for delousing. But that in no way means that it can't be used for exterminating humans too. If you've ever had to "bug bomb" your house - which we did when I was a kid - you can't stay in the home while the poisoning is in progress, as it can harm you too, and you have to wash EVERYTHING afterwards. Residue was indeed recovered from samples collected from the gas chambers, the Leuchter report claiming there was no evidence of hydrogen cyanide has been savaged.

Yea, didn't happen.

The gassing of the Jews as a literal historic fact is not real. You can play 'clue' and provide zyklon B, in the shower, adolph Hitler,..... but it did not happen.

Did war atrocities happen? Yes, it's a fucking war, of course they did. But stretching any atrocity out to blanket condemn an entire people is inaccurate. In fact, at it's essence, it is the heart of the Holocaust Conspiracy. That's ALL it is. A jew is interned, stubbed his toe, and the Jews all around the world yell in a singularity that a war crime has been committed. This is the exact reaction you would expect from a people who's people have an influence in media.


The Holocaust as you learned it is a LIE. And it is OK to say so. Your parents were fed endless propaganda to explain why their fathers were sent off to die. The truth is, WW2 was a war of Christians fighting on behalf to save the Jews. The same Jews that hate Christianity and Hate Christian Society. Just look at the state of the Church. Rampant child molestation has ushered in a liberal fag pope. I am an atheist and I can see what a fruitcake this guy is. Jews are more dangerous than Muslims. The most important thing to remember is that your friendly neighborhood Jew is not the International Zionist Jew. You can have an opinion of Jews as a whole that does not apply to the individual Jew you know. This works in the imperative way that we have to look at the disproportionate levels of black on white crime. It is an important fact of reality, and it needs to be understood. Shunning the reality of black on white crime is an ENABLING factor. We HAVE to be aware of these racial factors because we can not have world peace and harmony if they are not understood!. I am of the opinion that multicultural societies are at their heart, dysfunctional societies.

The job of a Philosopher is to explain to others that society functions best when the individual actors are homogeneous. The same family, the same race, the same cultural beliefs.... these things create a sense of belonging. Multiculturalism inevitably creates a sense of isolation between people. Disharmony. Us vs Them. racial violence.

The outcome is obvious. No one is allowed to say that which we all already know,... I prefer the company and culture of my own race. It's not a crime to say so! Why do I have to forcibly compelled to live any other way? I will fucking tell you again: The central banking cartel is creating an immediate threat to a huge percentage of the world in order to create a scapegoat. A literal race war is being prepped and sold to you, on you home land. Why? Becayse the world economy is going to collapse and the central bankers want you to grab your guns and pitchforks and go burn down the mosques, even though it was the JEWS who have been creating this multicultural hellhole for the last 5 years. The whole faggy notion of leftist sensibilities is a LIE. You don't meet people in real life who believe this shit, they are a buffer to take the heat for letting in multiculturalism. Leftists are an incredibly small minority, you just don't see these people clamoring for their supposed platform out in real life. Maybe on a campus? Maybe some virtue signalling from the HR department?

I think this country could use a little white nationalism.
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Jul 19 2017 08:07pm
Quote (DCSS @ Jul 19 2017 10:51pm)
it's the fourth reich

And good riddance!

I was indoctrinated to believe living with degenerate crime ridden ghettos was a facet of multiculturalism.

People may call me a monster, but I think it is time to start creating a society built for success. I can take one look at the contributions of Africans and say they have fallen fall short of the society they want to live in. And given the KNOWN FACTUAL IQ statistics, I don't think we should be shying away from the fact that lower IQ people make for a shittier society.

It is a matter of FACT, no matter how fucking goddamn uncomfortable it makes us, we have to look it in the eye. Blacks are a lower IQ ( FACT ) and they create more CRIME and VIOLENCE in society. As a whole and as a percentage of population. It is a nasty thought experiment to entertain, but I will ask it: Would America be better off without non-whites ( lol ).

This post was edited by tric-isHUGE on Jul 19 2017 08:08pm
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Jul 19 2017 08:19pm
Quote (tric-isHUGE @ Jul 19 2017 08:07pm)
And good riddance!

I was indoctrinated to believe living with degenerate crime ridden ghettos was a facet of multiculturalism.

People may call me a monster, but I think it is time to start creating a society built for success. I can take one look at the contributions of Africans and say they have fallen fall short of the society they want to live in. And given the KNOWN FACTUAL IQ statistics, I don't think we should be shying away from the fact that lower IQ people make for a shittier society.

It is a matter of FACT, no matter how fucking goddamn uncomfortable it makes us, we have to look it in the eye. Blacks are a lower IQ ( FACT ) and they create more CRIME and VIOLENCE in society. As a whole and as a percentage of population. It is a nasty thought experiment to entertain, but I will ask it: Would America be better off without non-whites ( lol ).

Considering some of the highest per-capita crime areas in the United States are rural areas, I'd say we'd be better off without poverty in general.

It's a FACT that poor people have lower IQ. IT'S A FACT that poor people create more CRIME AND VIOLENCE in society!

It's a FACT that poor people drain resources.

It is a nasty thought experiment but I will ask it. Would America be better off if we euthanized everybody who makes less than 30k/year?
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Jul 19 2017 08:34pm
Quote (Interesting @ Jul 19 2017 12:11pm)
For history and background, I recommend reading about the history of Jews in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

What I know is mostly through studying historical theology and philosophy. I think Martin Luther is probably in the top 5 greatest humans in recorded history. But Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, William of Ockham, Pseudodionysus, Boethius.....that is how I know that time in general. Up until the Renaissance...then you have The Prince and Leviathan and stuff went off the hook. Dantes Inferno? Was best work of the time.
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Jul 19 2017 08:34pm
Quote (tric-isHUGE @ Jul 19 2017 09:01pm)
Yea, didn't happen.

The gassing of the Jews as a literal historic fact is not real. You can play 'clue' and provide zyklon B, in the shower, adolph Hitler,..... but it did not happen.

Did war atrocities happen? Yes, it's a fucking war, of course they did. But stretching any atrocity out to blanket condemn an entire people is inaccurate. In fact, at it's essence, it is the heart of the Holocaust Conspiracy. That's ALL it is. A jew is interned, stubbed his toe, and the Jews all around the world yell in a singularity that a war crime has been committed. This is the exact reaction you would expect from a people who's people have an influence in media.


The Holocaust as you learned it is a LIE. And it is OK to say so. Your parents were fed endless propaganda to explain why their fathers were sent off to die. The truth is, WW2 was a war of Christians fighting on behalf to save the Jews. The same Jews that hate Christianity and Hate Christian Society. Just look at the state of the Church. Rampant child molestation has ushered in a liberal fag pope. I am an atheist and I can see what a fruitcake this guy is. Jews are more dangerous than Muslims. The most important thing to remember is that your friendly neighborhood Jew is not the International Zionist Jew. You can have an opinion of Jews as a whole that does not apply to the individual Jew you know. This works in the imperative way that we have to look at the disproportionate levels of black on white crime. It is an important fact of reality, and it needs to be understood. Shunning the reality of black on white crime is an ENABLING factor. We HAVE to be aware of these racial factors because we can not have world peace and harmony if they are not understood!. I am of the opinion that multicultural societies are at their heart, dysfunctional societies.

The job of a Philosopher is to explain to others that society functions best when the individual actors are homogeneous. The same family, the same race, the same cultural beliefs.... these things create a sense of belonging. Multiculturalism inevitably creates a sense of isolation between people. Disharmony. Us vs Them. racial violence.

The outcome is obvious. No one is allowed to say that which we all already know,... I prefer the company and culture of my own race. It's not a crime to say so! Why do I have to forcibly compelled to live any other way? I will fucking tell you again: The central banking cartel is creating an immediate threat to a huge percentage of the world in order to create a scapegoat. A literal race war is being prepped and sold to you, on you home land. Why? Becayse the world economy is going to collapse and the central bankers want you to grab your guns and pitchforks and go burn down the mosques, even though it was the JEWS who have been creating this multicultural hellhole for the last 5 years. The whole faggy notion of leftist sensibilities is a LIE. You don't meet people in real life who believe this shit, they are a buffer to take the heat for letting in multiculturalism. Leftists are an incredibly small minority, you just don't see these people clamoring for their supposed platform out in real life. Maybe on a campus? Maybe some virtue signalling from the HR department?

I think this country could use a little white nationalism.

Testimony at the Nuremberg Trials of an engineer responsible for construction of the gas chambers: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/nuremberg-trial-testimony-of-engineer-kurt-prufer-on-crematorium-design

Q. Who apart from you participated in the construction of the furnaces?

A. From 1941-2, I constructed the furnaces. The technical drawings were done by Mr. Keller. The ventilation systems of the "Kremas" [crematoriums] were constructed by senior engineer Karl Schultze.

Q. How often and with what aim did you visit Auschwitz?

A. Five times. The first time at the beginning of 1943, to receive orders of the SS Command where the Kremas were to be built. The second time in spring 1943 to inspect the building site. The third time was in autumn 1943 to inspect a fault in the construction of a Krema chimney. The forth time at the beginning of 1944, to inspect the repaired chimney. the fifth time in September-October 1944, when I visited Auschwitz with the intended relocation [from Auschwitz] of the crematoriums, since the front was getting nearer. The crematoriums were not relocated, because there were not enough workers.

Q. Were you the sole Topf engineer in Auschwitz in spring 1943?

A. No, [senior engineer Karl] Schultze was with me in Auschwitz at the time. I saw personally about 60 corpses of women and men of different ages, which were being prepared for incineration. That was at 10 in the morning. I witnessed the incineration of six corpses and and came to the conclusion that the furnaces were working well.

Q. Did you see a gas chamber next to the crematoriums?

A. Yes, I did see one next to the crematorium. Between the gas chamber and the crematorium there was a connecting structure.

Q. Did you know that in the gas chamber and in the crematoriums there took place the liquidation of innocent human beings?

A. I have known since spring 1943 that innocent human beings were being liquidated in Auschwitz gas chambers and that their corpses were subsequently incinerated in the crematoriums.

Q. Who is the designer of the ventilation systems for the gas chambers?

A. Schultze was the designer of the ventilation systems in the gas chambers; and he installed them.

Q. Why was the brick lining of the muffles so quickly damaged?

A. The bricks were damaged after six months because the strain on the furnaces was colossal.

This isn't a modern testimony, this is just after the war, from a complicit party with intricate knowledge of the goings-on.

It happened.

See also:

Quote (Albert Speer)
"Hatred of the Jews was Hitler's motor and central point perhaps even the very element which motivated him. The German people, the German greatness, the Empire, they all meant nothing to him in the last analysis. For this reason, he wished in the final sentence of his testament, to fixate us Germans, even after the apocalyptic downfall in a miserable hatred of the Jews.

"I was present at the session of the Reichstag of 30th January 1939, when Hitler assured us that in case of a war, not the Germans, but the Jews would be annihilated. This dictum was pronounced with such certainty that I would not have felt permitted to question his intention to carry it through. He repeated this announcement of his intentions on 30th January 1942, in a speech I also know of: The war would not end, as the Jews imagined, by the extinction of European-Aryan peoples, but it would result in the annihilation of the Jews. This repetition of his words of 30th January 1939 was not unique. He would often remind his entourage of the importance of this dictum

"When speaking of the victims of the bomb raids, particularly after the massive attacks on Hamburg in Summer 1943, he again and again reiterated that he would avenge these victims on the Jews; just as if the air-terror against the civilian population actually suited him in that it furnished him with a belated substitute motivation for a crime decided upon long ago and emanating from quite different layers of his personality. Just as if he wanted to justify his own mass murders with these remarks.

"So long as Hitler had temperamental outbursts of hate, there was yet hope for a change towards more moderate directions. Therefore, it was the resoluteness and coldness which made his outbreaks against the Jews so convincing. In other areas when he announced horrifying decisions in a cold and quiet voice, those around him, and I myself knew that things had now become serious. And with just this cold superiority he declared also, when we occasionally had lunch together, that he was set to destroy the Jews in Europe.

"In Summer 1944, the District Leader of Lower Silesia, Karl Hanke, paid me a visit. Hanke had distinguished himself by bravery in the Polish and French campaigns. He was certainly not an easily frightened person. Therefore it was of particular moment, when, at that time, he told me in a shocked manner, that monstrous things were happening in the concentration camps of his neighbouring district, Upper Silesia. He said he was there and would never be able to forget what atrocities he had witnessed there. Admittedly, he did not mention any names, but he must have meant Auschwitz in Upper Silesia. From the agitation of this battle-hardened soldier, I could derive that something unheard of was happening, if it could cause this old party leader of Hitler's to lose his composure.

"Hitler's method of work was that he gave even important commands to his confidants verbally. Also in the leader's records of my interviews with Hitler completely preserved in the German Federal Archives - there were numerous commands even in important areas which Hitler clearly gave by word of mouth only. It therefore conforms with his method of work and must not be regarded as an oversight, that a written order for the extermination of the Jews does not exist.

"That the Jewish inmates of the extermination camps were murdered was established at Court (IMT), by witnesses and documentation, and in fact not seriously contested by any of the accused. Himmler's speech before the SS leaders of 4th October 1943, which clearly illustrated the happenings in the extermination camps, was not discredited as forgery by the defence, as it for instance happened with the 'Hossbach-Protokoll.'

"Frank has never disputed the genuineness of his diary that by his own admission, he surrendered to the Americans on the occasion of his arrest. The diary contains remarks proving that the Jews in Poland were, except for a remainder of 100 000, quite annihilated. The accused also accepted these statements of Frank's and criticism was limited to the stupidity in handing over this incriminating diary to the 'opponents.'

"Schirach confirmed in a confidential conversation already during the trial, that he was present at a speech which Himmler gave to the district leaders in Posen (on 6th October 1943), in which Himmler clearly and unambiguously announced that the projected killing of the Jews had been largely carried out. He returned to this subject, which weighed on his mind also during his imprisonment in Spandau.

"In his final address to the Court, Goering spoke of the serious crimes which had been uncovered during the trial and he condemned the atrocious mass murders which he said escaped his comprehension. Streicher also condemned the mass murders of the Jews in his final address. For Fritzche, also in his final address, the murder of five million was a horrifying warning for the future. These words of the accused's support my contention that in the Nuremberg Trial the accused as well as the defence have recognised as a fact that the mass murders of the Jews had taken place.

"The Nuremberg Trial stands for me still today as an attempt to break through to a better world. Still today I acknowledge as generally correct the reasons of my sentence by the International Military Tribunal. Moreover, I still today consider as just that I assume the responsibility and thus the guilt for everything that was perpetrated by way of, generally speaking, crime, after my joining the Hitler Government on the 8th February 1942. Not the individual mistakes, grave as they may be, are burdening my conscience, but my having acted in the leadership. Therefore, I for my person, have in the Nuremberg Trial, confessed to the collective responsibility and I am also maintaining this today still. I still see my main guilt in my having approved of the persecution of the Jews and of the murder of millions of them."


15 June, 1977
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