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Sep 4 2009 02:00am
Quote (sn3akzor @ Fri, Sep 4 2009, 03:52am)
if it is too long i may not even read it


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Sep 4 2009 02:01am
Sup guys. It's Loochi.

So today me and my man T' decided to test out our new found powers through all the hard time spent leveling up (we skipped school and work to get good at the game since we love it so much) - We made a game called 'Duel game' and waited to see who was brave enough to face our levels (I'm a 57 Barbarian while T was a 61 sorceress)

The moment you think you're a super power, the unthinkable happens =/ - a bloody level 80!! for gods sake joins the game. This guy was called KvK-zerOownge, he was a druid with a stupid ass red wolf like helm lmfao, made him look stupid but you know what they say.. "Looks can be tricky"

I rise up to him and hostile..

"Heh, so is it me first ahy? "
Enemy: Go n00b.

I run out and I see him cast animals and a what appears to be a fuckin hurricane. Did NOT want to go near that shit man, my instincts told me it would hurt if i went near perimises. So I decided to leap attack him (one of my special attacks) Just as I was about to make contact with my deadly jagged sythe, the bastard had the fuckin nerve to use hacks and used the sorceress skill 'teleport'

Enemy: LOL.. you serious bro?

T: "bro, go to open battle net if you're going to hack, otherwise we're goin to party up and send you back to where you come from.................. Infront of the stash cunt!"

Enemy: Kk, u 2 on me lolololol.

So we both allied and we both powered up to our max, I used my special grim ward skill to scare off his animals while we mustered enough talent and skill to power up to the ultimate beings. I receieved T's enchanting spellwhich gave me fire damge weilded to my syche, a strike of this burning heat will surely out blaze his teleporting hacks.

T wanted double the damage reduction so he stacked up on mana potions and put on manasheld

"T wtf u doin bro!? u usin mana potions in a duel?! so ur gonna slip to his level of hacking.."
T: "bro, this is hte only way. its like..10 vs 2 bro? he has 5 parrots, 5 snow leopards and a flying mask around him. not to mention a hurricane aura that would probably spin us out of proportion bra.."

"you're right bro, if he wants to use fire, i'll use fire. Enchant me again bro.. I don't want fire damage... no, I want lava damage" followed by a smirk

We both sprint down the bridge fully equiped and geared for what could be the fight of our lives. We catch this guy on the act.. he cheats again.. Not teleportng this time.. He's using a skill of mine! BATTLE ORDERS WTF!!..

"Bro, so you're using both of our skills huh faggot?! you're tryna make a mockery out of us ahy? we'll c"
Enemy: ? huh?

I ran with all my agility while T was casting blaze and running around like a fool and hoping that the trail would burn KvK in his tracks. I went rite up to him, he had no hurricane but this battle is fuckin tough. I'm fiting his minions, musta took about half an hour to wipe out one wolf but then realised that there was a pack of quill rats that were shooting at the wolf and killed it, it wasnt me. This frustrated me more.

T comes with his special move that takes up all of his mana in 1 blast, but proves deadly otherwise, the frozen orb.

T: k.

His minions where sleeping with the fishes at this time, we both saw a clear path to get a deadly strike on this hacking jewish piece of shit. T shoots fireballs, and when it was all clear and done.

... 0 dmg? WTF? I had enough and I finally got enough mana back to do my leap attack but he blocked it. He casted his hurricane armour and we both died. 1 hit...

T was so angry that he dropped due to time. Gonna go visit him now to see if hes ok.

Guys, wtf do you do vs hackers like this!? Any tips?

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Sep 4 2009 02:01am

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Sep 4 2009 02:02am
Quote (nanato7 @ Fri, Sep 4 2009, 12:55am)
Sup guys. It's Loochi.

So today me and my man T' decided to test out our new found powers through all the hard time spent leveling up (we skipped school and work to get good at the game since we love it so much) - We made a game called 'Duel game' and waited to see who was brave enough to face our levels (I'm a 57 Barbarian while T was a 61 sorceress)

The moment you think you're a super power, the unthinkable happens =/ - a bloody level 80!! for gods sake joins the game. This guy was called KvK-zerOownge, he was a druid with a stupid ass red wolf like helm lmfao, made him look stupid but you know what they say.. "Looks can be tricky"

I rise up to him and hostile..

"Heh, so is it me first ahy? tongue.gif"
Enemy: Go n00b.

I run out and I see him cast animals and a what appears to be a fuckin hurricane. Did NOT want to go near that shit man, my instincts told me it would hurt if i went near perimises. So I decided to leap attack him (one of my special attacks) Just as I was about to make contact with my deadly jagged sythe, the bastard had the fuckin nerve to use hacks and used the sorceress skill 'teleport'

Enemy: LOL.. you serious bro?

T: "bro, go to open battle net if you're going to hack, otherwise we're goin to party up and send you back to where you come from.................. Infront of the stash cunt!"

Enemy: Kk, u 2 on me lolololol.

So we both allied and we both powered up to our max, I used my special grim ward skill to scare off his animals while we mustered enough talent and skill to power up to the ultimate beings. I receieved T's enchanting spellwhich gave me fire damge weilded to my syche, a strike of this burning heat will surely out blaze his teleporting hacks.

T wanted double the damage reduction so he stacked up on mana potions and put on manasheld

"T wtf u doin bro!? u usin mana potions in a duel?! so ur gonna slip to his level of hacking.."
T: "bro, this is hte only way. its like..10 vs 2 bro? he has 5 parrots, 5 snow leopards and a flying mask around him. not to mention a hurricane aura that would probably spin us out of proportion bra.."

"you're right bro, if he wants to use fire, i'll use fire. Enchant me again bro.. I don't want fire damage... no, I want lava damage" followed by a smirk

We both sprint down the bridge fully equiped and geared for what could be the fight of our lives. We catch this guy on the act.. he cheats again.. Not teleportng this time.. He's using a skill of mine! BATTLE ORDERS WTF!!..

"Bro, so you're using both of our skills huh faggot?! you're tryna make a mockery out of us ahy? we'll c"
Enemy: ? huh?

I ran with all my agility while T was casting blaze and running around like a fool and hoping that the trail would burn KvK in his tracks. I went rite up to him, he had no hurricane but this battle is fuckin tough. I'm fiting his minions, musta took about half an hour to wipe out one wolf but then realised that there was a pack of quill rats that were shooting at the wolf and killed it, it wasnt me. This frustrated me more.

T comes with his special move that takes up all of his mana in 1 blast, but proves deadly otherwise, the frozen orb.

T: k.

His minions where sleeping with the fishes at this time, we both saw a clear path to get a deadly strike on this hacking jewish piece of shit. T shoots fireballs, and when it was all clear and done.

... 0 dmg? WTF? I had enough and I finally got enough mana back to do my leap attack but he blocked it. He casted his hurricane armour and we both died. 1 hit...

T was so angry that he dropped due to time. Gonna go visit him now to see if hes ok.

Guys, wtf do you do vs hackers like this!? Any tips?


old seen time ago
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Sep 4 2009 02:02am
There are four monks and a priest in the church one day, and the priest has decided that the monks have worked hard and have devoted their time into the church.

So the priest gathers them up and says, ""Well, since you all have been working so hard lately, you each can have a week off and come back and tell me any bad sin that you have made"

After the week the monks arrive back at the church and the priest says to the first monk, "Well, what sin did u cause?" the first monk replies "I have stolen a pensioners Rolex watch" the priest looks at him and replies "May god forgive your sin, go and drink the holy water". The fourth monk giggles a bit.

"Well then , do you have a sin?" says the priest directing at the second monk, "I hunted cats and dogs and sold their fur to fashion companies" says the second monk, the priest disappointed, looks at him and replies "May god forgive your sin, go and drink the holy water". The fourth monk starts to laugh a bit more.

The priest then says to the third monk "Well my child, what about you?" the third monk replies, "I have robbed a house and murdered the family" the priest looks at him amazed and replies "May god forgive your sin, go and drink the holy water". Then it fourth monk begins to laugh hysterically, "Well, do you have a sin?", to which the foruth monk says "Yea, i pissed in the holy water"
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Sep 4 2009 02:03am
A husband and wife are traveling by car from Key West to Boston. After almost twenty-four hours on the road, they’re too tired to continue, and they decide to stop for a rest. They stop at a nice hotel and take a room, but they only plan to sleep for four hours and then get back
on the road. When they check out four hours later, the desk clerk hands them a bill for $350.

The man explodes and demands to know why the charge is so high. He tells the clerk although it’s a nice hotel, the rooms certainly aren’t worth $350. When the clerk tells him $350 is the standard rate, the man insists on speaking to the Manager.

The Manager appears, listens to the man, and then explains that the hotel has an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference center that were available for the
husband and wife to use.

“But we didn’t use them,” the man complains.

“Well, they are here, and you could have,” explains
the Manager.

He goes on to explain they could have taken in one of the shows for which the hotel is famous. “The best entertainers from New York, Hollywood and Las Vegas perform here,”
the Manager says.

“But we didn’t go to any of those shows,” complains the man again.

“Well, we have them, and you could have,”
the Manager replies.

No matter what facility
the Manager mentions, the man replies, “But we didn’t use it!”

The Manager is unmoved, and eventually the man gives up and agrees to pay. He writes a check and gives it to
the Manager.
The Manager is surprised when he looks at the check.

“But sir,” he says, “this check is only made out for $100.”

“That’s right,” says the man. “I charged you $250 for sleeping with my wife.”

“But I didn’t!” exclaims
the Manager.

“Well,” the man replies, “she was here, and you could have.”
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Sep 4 2009 02:03am
Quote (Trifixtion @ Fri, Sep 4 2009, 02:59am)
There is a video on YouTube named Mereana Mordegard Glesgorv. If you search this, you will find nothing. The few times you find something, all you will see is a 20 second video of a man staring intently at you, expressionless, then grinning for the last 2 seconds. The background is undefined. This is only part of the actual video.

The full video lasts 2 minutes, and was removed by YouTube after 153 people who viewed the video gouged out their eyes and mailed them to YouTube’s main office in San Bruno. Said people had also committed suicide in various ways. It is not yet known how they managed to mail their eyes after gouging them out. And the cryptic inscription they carve on their forearms has not yet been deciphered.

YouTube will periodically put up the first 20 seconds of the video to quell suspicions, so that people will not go look for the real thing and upload it. The video itself was only viewed by one YouTube staff member, who started screaming after 45 seconds. This man is under constant sedatives and is apparently unable to recall what he saw. The other people who were in the same room as him while he viewed it and turned off the video for him say that all they could hear was a high pitched drilling sound. None of them dared look at the screen.

The person who uploaded the video was never found, the IP address being non-existant. And the man on the video has never been identified.

wtf ok u win
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Sep 4 2009 02:03am
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