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Jan 24 2013 08:41pm
Quote (TheMagicFlightBox @ Jan 23 2013 02:39pm)
Raynor, Could you recommend a weight gainer? Do you have any insight with using it? How to get the most out of it and avoid common mistakes while taking it?


goal is to bulk, basically gain as much strength on 3x5 with intentions of transitioning into a more Olympic / Powerlifting routine in the near future. ( Approx 1 month, when I have a facility)

I like using Optimum Pro Complex Gainer w/ Optimum Micronized Creatine Monohydrate

Mix the shake with milk, fruit, peanut butter, and enjoy. You can have 1-2 a day depending on your caloric needs.
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Jan 24 2013 08:41pm
Quote (Gutah @ Jan 23 2013 03:26pm)
Hey raynor how you doing bro?

Couple questions; I want to help out my sister with her goal but i wanna get some advice from you first before i start googling hehe

She wants to concentrate on her arms since their jiggly also her lower stomach, Inner thighs. I gave her a good diet plan but now i'm kinda missing just the workouts.. I saw some on youtube but didn't convince me. Think you can help me out by showing me or telling me what workouts would benefit her on those body parts she'd like to work out?

5"2 130Lbs 18Years of age.

Hey there.

use this:

Female Diet/Exercise/Supplementation Guide
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Jan 24 2013 08:44pm
Quote (Turismo @ Jan 23 2013 03:29pm)
I seem to get pain mostly in my left shoulder while doing chest work, sometimes it's the joint other times my front delt just gets burnt out too quick and I don't get to work my chest as much as I'd like. It happens to my right one sometimes too just not as often. I've been focusing on rear delts and rotator cuff work, thinking it'll help, but I'd like a second opinion on this?

Sounds like rotator cuff issues.

I would avoid straight bars ALL TOGETHER for at least 3 months. During that time, use dumbbells only and keep your hands at a neutral angle to avoid any excess strain on the shoulder. During this time, you also need to train the shoulders with attention to rotator cuff exercises, front/rear delt exercises, and ice the shoulder when you feel pain (4x a day 20 mins on 40 mins off)
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Jan 24 2013 08:46pm
Quote (Dgpls @ Jan 23 2013 03:53pm)
What can I do to aid/ lesson my wrist pain?

Use a neutral grip (avoid straight bars, stick to dummbells), strengthen wrists with forearm/wrist exercises, and use gloves with good wrist wraps when training.

If the pain is not managed by doing these, you can also see a chiropractor or sports medicine doctor to take some xrays and discover if there are any problems which need medical attention.
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Jan 24 2013 08:48pm
Quote (lopelurag @ Jan 23 2013 04:51pm)
Sup Raynor,

I posted a while ago about my arms shaking while doing bb flat bench, you said to work on stabilizer muscles, which I ended up doing.

I went home over winter break and really didn't have a problem at my gym at home, then I get back to the gym at school and same shits happening

Could it just be the bench or maybe my forms different because I'm accustomed to the flat benches at the gym near my house

Both gyms have slightly different flat benches in feel, so not sure if it's the bench or I'm lifting wrong or what..

If you're only having the problem on one particular bench, it seems to me that there is an underlying issue with the pad your back is on - either in length, width, position, or even density. You might be fighting yourself to lift, which is causing an inherent issue. Did you try to use the smith machine at the gym and see if you have the issue there?
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Jan 24 2013 08:49pm
Quote (Streblo1 @ Jan 24 2013 12:45am)
what are your thoughts on temporary creatine or weight gainer use. just to help things get started?

There's nothing wrong with either, except for the idea of it being temporary. I urge serious lifters to use creatine regularly with a de-load once every 4 months (approximately).

For creatine info:

Creatine Dosing

As far as weight gainer - you can use it as necessary. If you are a hardgainer, you would be best suited to use it continuously.

Look into Optimum Pro Complex Gainer.
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Jan 24 2013 08:54pm
Quote (Stealth @ Jan 24 2013 10:50am)
This thread is so helpful! Donate this this man! :)

Can you solve the great egg cholestorol mystery for me? Is too much bad? Ive been eating 3-6 eggs for breakfast every day without fail for months. I have a heart murmur if that plays a role at all and am scared of being one of those all to common gym heart attacks or enlarged heart drop dead stories :(

Im 5'11'' 165 lbs
Ive been doing the 5x5 occassionally doing 4 sets @ 12 10 8 6 for a couple months now. My lifts are in the early stages. I do p90x ab ripper after every workout  and have bee  doing the ab routine  since june. My abs are there strength wise. I can feel them pretty good but cant see anything lol. I know my bf% is probably too high. The 5x5 with ab routine takes just shy of 2 hours. Do I need to add in crazy fat burning cardio with every workout? Could I maybe do p90x Cardio or something on saturday sunday rest days and get what im looking for? How many g of carbs should I be consuming every day? I genuinely love bowls of cereal and thats been a killer to my otherwise solid diet.

Last one- I take Now multi, Now fish oil, Now D and procomplex protein 60g. Should I be adding anything else at this point ? I didnt want to be "supplement fan boy that cant lift" so I wanted to make sure I would stick to the gym before I did all that. Im 100% sticking to it. 

Thanks so much. If I ask to many questions let me know!

Hey there.

For the cholesterol question:

Fat/Cholesterol Explained

Basically, you can eat as many eggs as you want without any problems.

As far as the abs/fat issue, you would need to go on a cutting cycle, reduce body fat dramatically, and then clean bulk after you accomplish that and keep the fat gains low. Post your height/weight/bf% and complete daily diet and I will critique it if you'd like.

Lastly, supplement wise, you are good to go. Just make sure you take Optimum Micronized Creatine Monohydrate and follow the directions here:

Creatine Dosing
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Jan 24 2013 09:11pm
Quote (RMMhc @ Jan 24 2013 11:30am)
I would like some advice on my workout routine. I currently workout with my roommate. He's a physical education and exercise science major and generally knows what he's doing. I'm just looking for outside advice to make sure I"m doing this correct.

I currently weigh 220 pounds, 5'10. I haven't worked out in two years. I started yesterday with chest/biceps/triceps and today we did back and shoulders. I ran/walked half a mile yesterday on the treadmill and walked/ran a full mile today after lifting.

My goals are to get down to 190. I have been accepted into the police academy for August and we have PT every morning from 5 - 6 am. I'm dedicated in getting in shape because it will not only help me feel better, but it also makes me more desirable to law enforcement agencies.

I take mesomorph as a preworkout supplement and I've got to say I love it. It gives me extra energy. I take ISO100 as an after workout protein shake. My diet consists of grilled chicken, tuna, great value yogurt (Chia seed added), fiber one bar as a snack.

Breakfast: preworkout mesomorph (7:00 am)/Afterworkout protein shake (9:00 am)
Lunch: MWF Grilled chicken or Tuna sandwich with lettuce/tomato and mustard (12:30 pm) / T TH Grilled chicken or Tuna dandwich with same vegies and condiments (2:00 PM)
Dinner: Still trying to figure this out. I work from 4 - 10 PM Monday - Friday so I'll be preparing dinner early which will probably consist of a chicken breast and vegies.

Is this enough of a calorie deficit? Should I be eating more calories? I eat the fiber one bars because I have a stockpile from work and I usually eat them while walking to class around 11:00 am or 12:30 pm.

This is our workout routine next week:

M TH - Chest/Biceps/Triceps
T Friday - Shoulder/Back
Wed - Abs

I'm just looking for advice on cutting the weight + building the muscle I guess. Junk food is not a problem with me. I don't like sweets because they upset my stomach, I don't drink milk (except Soy milk) because of lactose. I cut my drinking down to Sunday and I don't get plastered like I used to. I've got 6 months to get in shape and I"m dedicated to doing it. I've noticed a night and day difference in my energy level just cutting out the fast food and the last two days of working out.

As a side note, I quit smoking 6 months ago. Back then, if I would run a mile I would be doubling over trying to catch my breath at 6/mph and I would have to stop regularly. Now, I can keep going and when I'm done I'm not dizzy or out of breath really.

So, is it possible for me to drop from 220 to 190 in a healthy way within 6 months if I keep up what I"m doing? Should I increase my running? Within a month I would like to be running a full mile without stopping at 6/mph or higher. Within three months I would like to be running two miles without stopping. I think my time on the mile today was 13:00 minutes, which is not acceptable to me. I need it to be around 7 minutes a mile.

Any tips? I've also read that I shouldn't take a preworkout with so many stimulates, which mesomorph is full of. Should I cut out the preworkout supplement? I would like to say that I believe the mesomorph also helps me with my energy level throughout the day. I didn't need a nap yesterday and I usually take a 30 minute power nap before work.


Hello there. OK we need to change a few things up. With regard to police academy training, I have helped many people in the LE field achieve their goals with relative ease. Unfortunately, PT in LE Academy classes is very easy, and geared towards preventing most people from failing. However, if you want to excel and put the rest of your class to shame behind your greatness - you will need the do the following:

1. Get rid of pre-workout drinks. During crazy cardio sessions your heartrate will go much higher than it needs to and cause you to overheat, throw up, and ultimately exhaust yourself prematurely. Stay away from stimulants when doing high intensity cardio.
2. For your meals, everything is OK, except I would like to replace the bread you are using with WHOLE GRAIN bread (at least 5g of fiber per slice and no more than 100 cal per slice). Make sure to get at least 50g of protein at this meal.
3. For dinner, a good meal would be 6-8 oz of chicken, fish, or lean beef (93/7) with 2 cups of green veggies + 1 cup of black beans
4. Your calories are generally good for cutting right now, but for beverages you need to be drinking ONLY WATER. You also need to make sure to get at least 1 gal of water per day, but preferably even more, 1.25-1.5 gals
5. ELIMINATE SOY MILK OR SOY ANYTHING. Soy is full of phytoestrogens which have been shown to increase male estrongen levels and decrease testosterone.
6. DO NOT eat sugar and stay away from anything with simple carbohydrates while you are cutting.
7. Keep your activity level high, at least 1 hour a day for 6 days a week. Also see my plan below for hitting the high marks in LE training.

LE Training Plan:

Running - Each day, you will run 1.5 miles as fast as possible (do this 5 days a week). Record your time each run, and work to beat it each day, even if just by 1-2 seconds. Continue this each day until you increase your overall 1.5 mile time in the area of 10:00
Sprinting - Once a week, you will do sprinting. You will sprint 150 yards (1.5 football fields) continuously, without stopping, and record your time. Once a week you will strive to beat this score, even if just by seconds.

LE Exercises:

Pushups - 3 times a week, you will do 10 sets of pushups in the following format: Sets 1-5 will be until failure with a 2 minute rest between sets. Just do as many pushups as possible without bridging or hitting the ground. Sets 6-10 will be static held pushups, you will strive for a reasonable number (if you can normally do 20 pushups you will strive for 10 static at first). These are performed by pushing yourself up, lowering yourself down, and holding yourself in the down position for 10 seconds each pushup.

Situps - 3 times a week, you will do 10 sets of situps in the following format: Sets 1-5 will be until failure with a 2 minute rest between sets. Just do as many situps as possible without bridging or hitting the ground. You can take up to 5 seconds for each situp. Sets 6-10 will be as many pushups as you can in a 2 minute period. Time each set and strive for beating your score each week.

Pullups - 3 times a week, you will do 10 sets of pullups in the following format: Sets 1-5 will be until failure with a 2 minute rest between sets. Just do as many pullups as possible without bridging or hitting the ground. You can take up to 5 seconds for each pullup. Sets 6-10 will be as many pullups as you can in a 2 minute period. Time each set and strive for beating your score each week.

Calisthenics Circuit - perform this as one large circuit, 5x per week, with no rest between sets.

Circuit Stations


I would advise that you swim 5x per week for 20-30 minutes each time. During this time, you will swim continuous laps without stopping for as long as possible, taking as few breaks between sets as possible.

Forget weight training for now, as it will be useless to you in the academy, as 99% of the physical fitness standards are evaluated by cardio and bodyweight exercises.
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Jan 24 2013 09:24pm
ELIMINATE SOY MILK OR SOY ANYTHING. Soy is full of phytoestrogens which have been shown to increase male estrongen levels and decrease testosterone.

i've been meaning to ask about soy for women. will it give them less body/facial hair and bigger boobs? does it affect them differently in their different stages of maturity, eg pre-adolescent, adolescent, adult, menopause?
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Jan 24 2013 09:34pm
Thank you very much. Starting Monday, I will change up my routine. I have to finish this week out due to OCD.
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