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Jan 15 2012 09:40pm
Quote (ferreiratheboss @ Jan 15 2012 04:50pm)
hi SKCRaynor i havea couple of questions for you..

can you lose bodyfat and gain muscle at the same time??? and does smoking ciggaretes disable you to build muscle??
i want to get a 6 pack and i think im allmost there i have a 4 pack at the moment and i should have around 11%bodyfat .
ive been doing jump rope everyday for half an hour at a fast pace and i lift weights 3 times a week on the specific muscle groups i want bigger..
i do 3 sets of bicep curls to failure, 3 sets of shoulder press to failure and i do triceps to failure.. all with dumbells.
i try to have at least 2 meals of protein everyday (tuna and wathever my mother makes for dinner) i dont want to spend my money on whey protein i dont know if its really worth it
and i drink lost of coffe everyday i think ive heard it increases metabolism rate but im addicted to it anyway..


Hello there.

1. You can't really lose fat and build muscle at the same time effectively. it is much better to build lots of muscle first, then cut down afterwards. This is called bulking and cutting.

2. As far as your workouts go, you need a better plan. I will provide you with one.

3. As far as your Diet goes, it sounds like you need a lot of help there.

here are my suggestions:

Follow this diet and workout routine for about 6-8 months.

Bulking Diet, workout, and supplement guide

after that, go on THIS cutting diet and workout routine for the next 4 months

Cutting Workout Routine (6 day all equipment)

Abs Workout Routine

anabolic cutting diet (cyclical keto diet)

Keto Food List

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Jan 15 2012 09:44pm
Quote (Trex500 @ Jan 15 2012 08:35pm)

A week or two ago I posted about my patellar tendonitis (Im a college volleyball player). I took your advice and saw the team doctor. He said To take a week off, and im on day 7 now. Tomorrow I should be playing again.

He prescribed me an anti-inflammatory and another drug called prednisone (a steroid).

My knees feel like 100% no pain what-so-ever. Could this be too good to be true? Like my knees feel fine now, and I just dont believe it. Im afraid if I go back and play that I will just get hurt again. He even said take it easy, because you are going to be feeling really good.

Dont know what to do!

Your doctor is an idiot I'm afraid. He told you it was OK to play again?

That doctor simply knows nothing about treating the cause of the problem - only how to medicate to alleviate symptoms.

Here's the straight story:

1. Cortisone and Prednisone will both help with the pain and inflammation. However, this is a temporary fix. Once the effects wear off, you will go right back to where you were before. However now it will be worse because of all the aggravation to the area in the interim where you can not feel pain.

2. Treating the pain and inflammation will NOT fix the cause of the problem. The cause of the problem is internal and can NOT be fixed with meds.

3. You will use the tendons and feel fine doing it, but all the while you will be weakening yourself further until such time as you are struck with a debilitating injury.

If you value your health and long term physical fitness and ability - you will not put volleyball ahead of getting better.

The cortisone and prednisone are good for helping clear up the area and allow it to heal on its own (with minimal use) - but if you are going to play volleyball more and continue hitting that area, you are going to make things a LOT worse.

I hope you make the right decision for yourself, but either way good luck.
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Jan 16 2012 12:55am
hey raynor do u recomend the keto cyclic diet posted above for me?

im 20 y.o 6'4 ~230lbs with maybe 15-18% bf (as a guess)
im hoping to get down to around 200lbs maybe? then clean bulk whilst keeping lower bf

i lift 5 days a week atm and do cardio sometimes but not enough im guessing
when cutting should i focus on strength? last year i did a few months of stronglifts 5x5 but at the start of this year thought id try a 5 day split of 6-8 rep exercises for a while to gain some mass

how many calories a day should i aim for and is keto the best way?

i also found this website do u recommend it for creating a diet?
how do i decide on macro %?
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Jan 16 2012 01:26am
Quote (Kookaburra @ Jan 16 2012 02:55am)
hey raynor do u recomend the keto cyclic diet posted above for me?

im 20 y.o 6'4 ~230lbs with maybe 15-18% bf (as a guess)
im hoping to get down to around 200lbs maybe? then clean bulk whilst keeping lower bf

i lift 5 days a week atm and do cardio sometimes but not enough im guessing
when cutting should i focus on strength? last year i did a few months of stronglifts 5x5 but at the start of this year thought id try a 5 day split of 6-8 rep exercises for a while to gain some mass

how many calories a day should i aim for and is keto the best way?

i also found this website do u recommend it for creating a diet?
how do i decide on macro %?

Hey there. if you want to lose a lot of fat, quickly and efficiency - try out my anabolic cutting diet (CKD). The one I have posted is actually ideal for you. On days that you hit the gym, you need around 2,200 cals to start shredding down. On non-workout days you'll need around 2,000 cals. There's not much discrepancy between workout and non-workout days on cutting given that you will not be training for strength, but rather for pure fat loss and muscle maintenance.

Follow these to be exact:

Cutting Workout Routine (6 day all equipment)

Abs Workout Routine

anabolic cutting diet (cyclical keto diet)

Keto Food List

as far as the website goes, it's good for making basic food outlines - but in general I think it isn't nearly as expansive or customizable as it should be.
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Jan 16 2012 01:36am
hey this might sound weird but I am really starting to worry bout my health.

I used to eat oatmeal all the time then one day i've started to have extreme bloating it did not go away until i quit eating oats.

I used to eat bread all the time then one day the bloating appeared plus burning feeling around anus.

I used to eat white rice for a long time there was no bloating but there was burning itchy feeling around anus all the time except when I was asleep. Maybe it was then also but I could not feel It i dunno.

Anyway my question is can human body start rejecting food 1 by 1 till a certain amount or what is happening with me?

By the looks of it I think it's just the carbs that make me feel like this.. I am very frustrated and I don't know what to do
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Jan 16 2012 02:04am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 16 2012 06:26pm)
Hey there. if you want to lose a lot of fat, quickly and efficiency - try out my anabolic cutting diet (CKD). The one I have posted is actually ideal for you. On days that you hit the gym, you need around 2,200 cals to start shredding down. On non-workout days you'll need around 2,000 cals. There's not much discrepancy between workout and non-workout days on cutting given that you will not be training for strength, but rather for pure fat loss and muscle maintenance.

Follow these to be exact:

Cutting Workout Routine (6 day all equipment)

Abs Workout Routine

anabolic cutting diet (cyclical keto diet)

Keto Food List

as far as the website goes, it's good for making basic food outlines - but in general I think it isn't nearly as expansive or customizable as it should be.

thanks raynor! any estimates on how much weight i should aim to lose per week with this routine and diet?

with your workout routine is it ok to hit each body part twice a week? especially when doing 4 failure sets of atleast 7 exercises in a single workout (not including abs and cardio!!)
or does the anabolic diet have so much protein and fat that this is ok?

i am currently doing the following split but does it lack the volume for ckd diet?
Mon - chest
Tue- back
Wed - legs
Thu - shoulders
Fri - arms
Sat - boxing/cardio
Sun - rest

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Jan 16 2012 03:21am
I am 6"1, I weight 135 now, I'm toned because when I did work out for 3 months but I only gained 1 pound -.-

What exact foods and exercises worked for you?

I want to be 165-170. I still want to be skinny but just a bit more built and defined.

Can you give me an exact workout guide on how to bulk up from Holocaust status? I don't trust websites since most scam you or you have to pay money.
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Jan 16 2012 04:34am
also when do u advise to workout with the meal plan u gave

Meal 1 - 4 whole eggs + 1 oz full fat cheese w/ 1/2 cup green peppers
Meal 2 - 1 zero carb protein shake w/ 3 tbsp heavy cream
Meal 3 - 1 salad with chicken breast and 2 tbsp olive oil + vinegar
Meal 4 - 1 can of tuna + 2 oz full fat cheese + 2-3 tbsp mayo + green veggies (celery, green pepper, etc)
Meal 5 - 6oz ground beef (80/20) with grated romano cheese, 4tbsp tomato sauce, and green veggies
Meal 6 - 1 cup cottage cheese + either 3tbsp heavy cream or 2tbsp olive oil w/ 8-10 almonds.
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Jan 16 2012 11:37am
Does lifting weights stunt growth at all?

I want to get my brother to start lifting and he's 13. If so are there certain exercises that could be detrimental to his growth?

This post was edited by dgkblack on Jan 16 2012 11:38am
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Jan 16 2012 01:24pm
Quote (technique @ Jan 16 2012 03:36am)
hey this might sound weird but I am really starting to worry bout my health.

I used to eat oatmeal all the time then one day i've started to have extreme bloating it did not go away until i quit eating oats.

I used to eat bread all the time then one day the bloating appeared plus burning feeling around anus.

I used to eat white rice for a long time there was no bloating but there was burning itchy feeling around anus all the time except when I was asleep. Maybe it was then also but I could not feel It i dunno.

Anyway my question is can human body start rejecting food 1 by 1 till a certain amount or what is happening with me?

By the looks of it I think it's just the carbs that make me feel like this.. I am very frustrated and I don't know what to do

I would not start worrying yet.

However your symptoms directly lead me to believe that you have a yeast overgrowth condition.

Please tell me if you have ANY other symptoms except what you mentioned. As far as the problem goes, it is directly liked as a secondary condition to many other medical conditions.

Please tell me if you have ANY other medical conditions!!

As for a solution to the problem...

1. Obviously reduce carb intake (except raw green veggies) and reduce sugar intake (including fruit)
2. Start taking a probiotic such as: http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=AH-1125 (make sure to find one with at least 10 billion cultures per tbsp or serving) Take a double-dose of this every single day.
3. Start taking an aloe vera supplement such as http://www.vitaminshoppe.com/store/en/browse/sku_detail.jsp?id=LV-1022 (make sure its pure aloe vera and its from a reputable brand) Take a double-dose of this every single day.
4. Increase water intake to around 1.5 gal per day

After you address these solutions, I want you to go see a doctor and have them do a yeast overgrowth culture on you and find out how serious the problem is. If your yeast overgrowth is attributed to another condition: such as IBS, MS, etc.

If the doctor finds that you simply have a yeast overgrowth problem with no underlying medical condition - you will be prescribed antifungal medications which will eliminate or reduce your problems quickly.

CONTINUE my supplement routine that I recommended before with probiotics and aloe vera.
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