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Jan 14 2012 02:11pm
Quote (frankrulz @ Jan 14 2012 02:29pm)
What are the best macros to cut on, or simply consume?

Heres two diets ive made, the first one is non-work out and macros are roughly 44% prot, 32% carbs, 24% fats :
Meal 1 :
3 nature oatmeal packs
2 eggs

Meal 2 :
1 cup of cottage
2 hardboiled eggs
2 slice of bread

Meal 3 :
2 cans of tuna
15 ml half fat mayo
1 slice of bread

Meal 4 :
2x protein shake
1 slice of bread

Meal 5 :
30g fat cheese

This adds up to 1950 calories

On work out days :
Meal 1 :
3 packs of oatmeal
2 eggs
1 banana

Meal 2 :
1 Cup of cottage
2 eggs
2 slices of bread

Meal 3 :
2 cans of tuna
15ml half fat mayo
1 slice of bread

Meal 4 : (post workout)
2x protein shake
2x bananas

Meal 5:
30g fat cheese

This adds up to 2280 cals, with around 40-40-20 macros

I am 5'11, 190 atm!
Lmk what you think!

Looks good for a slow cut. Just remember, you MUST have approx 500 cals less taken in than you burn in order to maintain fat loss. You also need to be calculating for your goal weight.

Example, when you calculate your BMR, don't calculate for a 190lb man, calculate for a 170 lb man (if that if your goal weight). This will more effectively serve you to perpetuate fat loss and prevent stalling.
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Jan 14 2012 02:12pm
Quote (carteblanche @ Jan 14 2012 02:34pm)
without sleep aids, i get around 3-4 hours of sleep. i took 1 melatonin and it helped for a little while, but i guess my body got used to it. i'm taking two now. it helps me sleep a bit earlier, but i'm still waking up after 6-7 hours. i'm a bit concerned i'll need to keep on taking more and more melatonin. i used to take nyquil and benadryl because they have a drowsy side effect, but i stopped because i was more productive with an extra 4 hours to do stuff at night. should i go back to them, or do you have another sleep aid recommendation?

We have to examine what the cause is of your sleep problem. Why do you find it hard to sleep? Is there a lot on your mind? Are you a night person who has to wake up early for school/work? Are you just a restless sleeper? How long have you been this way and are there any events that you can attribute to it? I need more information.
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Jan 14 2012 04:19pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jan 14 2012 04:12pm)
We have to examine what the cause is of your sleep problem. Why do you find it hard to sleep? Is there a lot on your mind? Are you a night person who has to wake up early for school/work? Are you just a restless sleeper? How long have you been this way and are there any events that you can attribute to it? I need more information.

starting in high school, i deliberately changed my sleeping patterns to play games / chat with friends. that kinda stuck all the way through college, 6-8 years all together. i generally go to sleep around 4am and my alarm is set for 8am to go to work. though i frequently wake up between 7am and 8am. even on weekends i still wake up around the same time. sometimes i can go back to sleep, but i'll wake 1-2 hours later. it's very rare for me to sleep for 8 hours without meds.

there are no lights on. i turn on my audio book on the phone to listen to while i try to sleep. i do have a bed, but i prefer to sleep on my back on the couch or on my side curled up on the floor. i have a pillow + blanket. i cannot sleep when im hot so i turn on the ac if i start to sweat.

i dont feel tired, and it doesn't seem to bother me. personally i've always seen it as a benefit that i am functional with less sleep. the only reason i'm trying to sleep more is because you suggest 8 hours for recovery, healthy, happier, etc. im thinking my body's just used to the habit, and i'd have to use meds to change my sleep cycle and hope my body adopts the new habit.

This post was edited by carteblanche on Jan 14 2012 04:32pm
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Jan 14 2012 08:49pm
Quote (carteblanche @ Jan 14 2012 06:19pm)
starting in high school, i deliberately changed my sleeping patterns to play games / chat with friends. that kinda stuck all the way through college, 6-8 years all together. i generally go to sleep around 4am and my alarm is set for 8am to go to work. though i frequently wake up between 7am and 8am. even on weekends i still wake up around the same time. sometimes i can go back to sleep, but i'll wake 1-2 hours later. it's very rare for me to sleep for 8 hours without meds.

there are no lights on. i turn on my audio book on the phone to listen to while i try to sleep. i do have a bed, but i prefer to sleep on my back on the couch or on my side curled up on the floor. i have a pillow + blanket. i cannot sleep when im hot so i turn on the ac if i start to sweat.

i dont feel tired, and it doesn't seem to bother me. personally i've always seen it as a benefit that i am functional with less sleep. the only reason i'm trying to sleep more is because you suggest 8 hours for recovery, healthy, happier, etc. im thinking my body's just used to the habit, and i'd have to use meds to change my sleep cycle and hope my body adopts the new habit.

You have to make a few choices here.

First of all, it seems as if you are torn between two sleeping rhythms - the night owl, who enjoys staying up late for social and entertainment reasons - and the early bird, who enjoys getting up early to face the day and get everything done.

You need to decide which of those two is TRULY you. If you feel that going to bed late (3am-5am) suits you, then I would advise that you try and modify your schedule to suit that need. Try getting a night job. This is MUCH easier said than done I realize, so it might be much easier to try my second suggestion.

The second idea is for you to reset your body clock to accept going to bed early and keep it there - warding off all temptation to stay awake. As of right now the only way you are going to get yourself back into the early rhythm is for you do the following:

1. Go a full 24-48 hours without sleep. You are going to be BEYOND exhausted by this time. When I say no sleep, I mean literally NO sleep. Not a single minute of sleep - nothing.
2. Once you achieve at least 24-48 hours of ZERO sleep, you will go to bed at a sensible hour WITHOUT melatonin. Make sure to go to bed on an empty bladder. Try to get to bed around 10pm so you can get 9 hours and wake up at 7am. Set your alarm clock in case you oversleep.
3. Once you wake up after a full 8-9 hours of sleep, you will feel tired and groggy. This is normal for your body to be getting back on track. Sustain yourself throughout the day WITHOUT caffeine.
4. Once the day comes close to an end, start to wind down around 8pm. I want you to begin relaxing. Reduce the temperature in your house and make it cool and pleasant. Put on comfortable clothes and get OFF the computer. Don't watch TV unless it's something boring (CSPAN comes to mind), and try to get everything off of your mind.
5. By around 10-11pm you should start nodding off, turn off all the lights (again make sure you have an empty bladder) and drift off into peaceful sleep.
6. If all went well, you should wake at around 7am on your own (set alarm clock anyway to be sure).
7. Repeat this process every day including the weekend to avoid reverting back.

If you notice yourself waking up in the middle of the night anyway, you want to try a few other things...

1. Sleep in your bed with freshly washed sheets (wash them once a week). You may not like making your bed or sleeping in it, but it will help you to have restful sleep by properly supporting your back and cradling your head and neck. Do not sleep on the floor.
2. Try to avoid working out after 7pm any night. A good rule of thumb is to avoid working out any less than 3 hours before bed.
3. Do not eat anything complicated (spicy, heavy, or overly calorie rich) before bed. Stick to casein or a whey shake.
4. Work out any problems you have earlier in the day. Try not to sleep on your problems or that can cause restless sleep.

Good luck! Keep me posted.
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Jan 15 2012 12:03am
hey raynor what is your opinion on using vitamin b5 (pantothenic acid) for treating acne?
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Jan 15 2012 12:07am
Quote (Da_Greatest_77 @ Jan 15 2012 02:03am)
hey raynor what is your opinion on using vitamin b5 (pantothenic acid) for treating acne?

b5 has been shown to ONLY be effective at treating hormonal cystic acne. All other forms of acne are NOT effected positively by this treatment.

You will need anywhere from 4-6 GRAMS of B5 per day in order to see results. (split into 4-6 1g doses)
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Jan 15 2012 11:13am
Does listening to hiphop/rap or some specific music help when lifting?

So I've been trying to bulk for 2 months now without actually knowing why im doing it, mind explaining whats the point of bulking and cutting? When to cut ? When to bulk? Why do I bulk? Am I supposed to bulk for a year or longer?

I saw that u suggest cottage cheese when it comes to food and I wanted to ask you if this can be another option instead of cottage cheese? http://www.kraft-philadelphia.at/philadelphia3/page?siteid=philadelphia3-prd&locale=atde1&PagecRef=622&pid=815&cid=459
(its on german but I think you should be able to understand the macros)
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Jan 15 2012 02:50pm
hi SKCRaynor i havea couple of questions for you..

can you lose bodyfat and gain muscle at the same time??? and does smoking ciggaretes disable you to build muscle??
i want to get a 6 pack and i think im allmost there i have a 4 pack at the moment and i should have around 11%bodyfat .
ive been doing jump rope everyday for half an hour at a fast pace and i lift weights 3 times a week on the specific muscle groups i want bigger..
i do 3 sets of bicep curls to failure, 3 sets of shoulder press to failure and i do triceps to failure.. all with dumbells.
i try to have at least 2 meals of protein everyday (tuna and wathever my mother makes for dinner) i dont want to spend my money on whey protein i dont know if its really worth it
and i drink lost of coffe everyday i think ive heard it increases metabolism rate but im addicted to it anyway..


This post was edited by ferreiratheboss on Jan 15 2012 02:51pm
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Jan 15 2012 06:35pm

A week or two ago I posted about my patellar tendonitis (Im a college volleyball player). I took your advice and saw the team doctor. He said To take a week off, and im on day 7 now. Tomorrow I should be playing again.

He prescribed me an anti-inflammatory and another drug called prednisone (a steroid).

My knees feel like 100% no pain what-so-ever. Could this be too good to be true? Like my knees feel fine now, and I just dont believe it. Im afraid if I go back and play that I will just get hurt again. He even said take it easy, because you are going to be feeling really good.

Dont know what to do!
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Jan 15 2012 09:36pm
Quote (FiGi @ Jan 15 2012 01:13pm)
Does listening to hiphop/rap or some specific music help when lifting?

So I've been trying to bulk for 2 months now without actually knowing why im doing it, mind explaining whats the point of bulking and cutting? When to cut ? When to bulk? Why do I bulk? Am I supposed to bulk for a year or longer?

I saw that u suggest cottage cheese when it comes to food and I wanted to ask you if this can be another option instead of cottage cheese? http://www.kraft-philadelphia.at/philadelphia3/page?siteid=philadelphia3-prd&locale=atde1&PagecRef=622&pid=815&cid=459
(its on german but I think you should be able to understand the macros)

1. No it does not. Listening to any inspiring music will help you - doesn't matter the type as long as it inspires you.

2. http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=21269614&f=60&p=347927450
Bulking / Cutting / Body Types / Caloric Needs

3. In place of cottage cheese, try Casein Protein shakes.
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