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Posts: 54,121
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May 18 2014 11:54am
Hey, I was wondering if you're familiar with the "8 hour program" basicly you eat what you want for a period of 8 hours in a day, but for the rest of the day you only drink water and not eat anything.

I was wondering, if this program goes well with trying to lose fat percentage? I don't need to lose any weight, but I would like to lower my body fat percentage.

Also are there any excercises you recommened while following this program? Cheers!
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May 18 2014 01:19pm
Quote (Mr_Mill @ May 18 2014 01:54pm)
Hey, I was wondering if you're familiar with the "8 hour program" basicly you eat what you want for a period of 8 hours in a day, but for the rest of the day you only drink water and not eat anything.

I was wondering, if this program goes well with trying to lose fat percentage? I don't need to lose any weight, but I would like to lower my body fat percentage.

Also are there any excercises you recommened while following this program? Cheers!

This is called intermittent fasting. You can't just eat whatever you want for 8 hours, that's a recipe for disaster. You would need to stay "fed" for 8 hours, fast for 16 hours, but keep your calories/macros in check during those 8 hours. It would theoretically increase your body's ability to burn fat vs staying fed the entire time, assuming that calories are the same.


the one caveat, muscle gains will not be something you will achieve on a deficit, especially one on IF. You can also try 18/6 (fast/fed) and 20/4 (fast/fed).

This post was edited by SKCRaynor on May 18 2014 01:19pm
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May 18 2014 05:52pm

I'd like to have your opinion on this: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=70756304&f=60
Quote (Jaypee @ 17 May 2014 15:52)
Just ordered this multi as I'm willing to give it a shot

If y'all had any experience with it, did you take full dosage? (2x 3 caps a day)

Thanks in advance!
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May 18 2014 06:44pm
Quote (Jaypee @ May 18 2014 07:52pm)

I'd like to have your opinion on this: http://forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=70756304&f=60

Thanks in advance!

take 3 with breakfast and 3 with dinner. 6 caps per day should be fine if you are working out consistently and also not eating a TON of fruits/veggies.
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May 19 2014 02:11pm

I went down from 45 BMI to 24.

I still have some bellyfat under disgusting loose skin but I have very very little fat anywhere else. Can see veins on shoulders etc when working out. Electronic thing says 10% bf, ok even if 15% its still way less than my 60% that I was before.

The problem is, I don't seem to lose much more fat anymore. The weight isnt dropping almost at all, the belly fat reduces VERY little, but muscles started disintegrating. I had 15 inch biceps but now they are 13.

While I want to lose the bellyfat, I also want to get bigger muscles everywhere.

Option 1- bulk and lift and get fucking huge (I am 6ft4 alpha frame). I have also pretty much nothing to do over summer so I could lift like all day erry day no wot im sayin' brotha...
Option 2- keep cutting and lose last bellyfat but I will be skeleton by that time and will pretty much have to redo all the lifting for muscles. Also, summer would be pretty much wasted this way because no food, no real lifting, and I will never get laid anyway because of the loose skin and annoying personality.

What should I do. I thought I should ask someone big.

Think option 1 is the more viable one but dunno, because the stomach is gross :s
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May 19 2014 03:20pm
back for some more questions, impressed with info you gave for myself and it has been working great ^_^ but my friend wants to start bulking and needs proper guidance as well

Height : 5'11"
Weight : 141 pounds
BF % : 14-16

full gym access 5 day routine

thanks a lot
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May 20 2014 11:25am
You said not to go above a 750 deficit, im not exactly sure how many calories I burn exercising.

I did BMR and its 1770 ( 5'10, 175, 28 )

then I did the daily calrie intake and multiplied by 1.55... 2743 turns out. Though I feel like im between the 1.55 and 1.725 so took the lowest factor.

I rpolly get around maybe 1800-2000 cal/day. Maybe bit more on weekends. Been doing for a bit longer than month so far

How will I know if im getting too little? Work outs dont seem to suffer and maybe look a bit smaller due to fat loss but isnt that normal?

And does it matter when I eat the calories?? I eat about 850 from 8am-6pm, then the other 1200 or so is from 6pm-11:30ish.
is that ok? reason is.. I have desk job so, not sure if it matters.
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May 21 2014 06:32am
Quote (Cher @ May 19 2014 04:11pm)

I went down from 45 BMI to 24.

I still have some bellyfat under disgusting loose skin but I have very very little fat anywhere else. Can see veins on shoulders etc when working out. Electronic thing says 10% bf, ok even if 15% its still way less than my 60% that I was before.

The problem is, I don't seem to lose much more fat anymore. The weight isnt dropping almost at all, the belly fat reduces VERY little, but muscles started disintegrating. I had 15 inch biceps but now they are 13.

While I want to lose the bellyfat, I also want to get bigger muscles everywhere.

Option 1- bulk and lift and get fucking huge (I am 6ft4 alpha frame). I have also pretty much nothing to do over summer so I could lift like all day erry day no wot im sayin' brotha...
Option 2- keep cutting and lose last bellyfat but I will be skeleton by that time and will pretty much have to redo all the lifting for muscles. Also, summer would be pretty much wasted this way because no food, no real lifting, and I will never get laid anyway because of the loose skin and annoying personality.

What should I do. I thought I should ask someone big.

Think option 1 is the more viable one but dunno, because the stomach is gross :s

Good Morning.

Given your current circumstances, if you are between 10-15% BF, the only way you are going to cure the loose skin problem (without surgery) is by adding large amount of muscle to the general area, thus taking up more area, and filling out the skin properly. Focus on a lot of core work, as well as lower back and oblique work, in order to maximize muscle growth in the area. Continue your regular weight lifting routine, but keep yourself on a clean bulk to prohibit future fat loss.

Quite frankly, if you have a tendency to gain fat, especially when on a bulk, you MIGHT have to try to vastly reduce sugar and simple carbohydrates from your diet to prevent insulin spiking. The only time this is acceptable is immediately after a workout. You also might want to try throwing in 30-45 minutes of fasted cardio in the morning, with around 5g bcaa prior, and then have a shake or traditional breakfast about 10-15 minutes after finishing. This will help keep fat gains to a minimum, as you are effectively burning excess through the overnight fasting, plus the morning cardio. Just make SURE to take the BCAA's prior, at least 5g.

Also, when I say core work, I mean HARD core work. You really need to train abs/obliques/lower back approximately 3x per week, and train them with heavy weights, none of this high rep BS. You want those areas to GROW with muscle.
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May 21 2014 06:34am
Quote (Starcrater @ May 19 2014 05:20pm)
back for some more questions, impressed with info you gave for myself and it has been working great ^_^ but my friend wants to start bulking and needs proper guidance as well

Height : 5'11"
Weight : 141 pounds
BF % : 14-16

full gym access 5 day routine

thanks a lot

Hello there.

Assuming that your friend is trying to gain muscle....he will need to alternate between these two plans:

5x5 plan

Hypertrophy 5 day split (modified)

By alternate between them, I mean he should start with 5x5 training for at least 8 months. At that point he should re-evaluate his position and decide if he needs to cut, or if he can begin hypertrophy for another 6-8 months. 14-16% bf is not high, YET, but it's on the way. So he will really have to watch his diet meticulously to maintain a lean bulk.
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May 21 2014 06:36am
Quote (ForbiddenOath606 @ May 20 2014 01:25pm)
You said not to go above a 750 deficit, im not exactly sure how many calories I burn exercising.

I did BMR and its 1770 ( 5'10, 175, 28 )

then I did the daily calrie intake and multiplied by 1.55... 2743 turns out. Though I feel like im between the 1.55 and 1.725 so took the lowest factor.

I rpolly get around maybe 1800-2000 cal/day. Maybe bit more on weekends. Been doing for a bit longer than month so far

How will I know if im getting too little? Work outs dont seem to suffer and maybe look a bit smaller due to fat loss but isnt that normal?

And does it matter when I eat the calories?? I eat about 850 from 8am-6pm, then the other 1200 or so is from 6pm-11:30ish.
is that ok? reason is.. I have desk job so, not sure if it matters.

If you are getting too few calories, you will see fat losses stall, muscles reduce in size rapidly, and overall you will feel a tremendous lack of energy.

If you are feeling good and the workouts are going great, you're diet is appropriate. You will ALWAYS look smaller during a cutting cycle.

The timing of the calories doesn't really matter, as long as you aren't slamming sugar throughout the day. If you are keeping the calories slow digesting, with the exception of proteins (any type are fine here), you won't have any issues.
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