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Posts: 66,240
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May 3 2017 10:59pm
How much transgenders in the actual population, and how much homos or bissexuals ?
I think there's more than just a fraction of a percent.

After that people having problems with it are just weak in their mind , fake christians, etc
And are contributing to the situation, im very sorry😕
Cause is ignorance, bad education, frustration too probably.

This post was edited by Saucisson6000 on May 3 2017 11:03pm
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May 3 2017 11:14pm
At least 60 posts into the thread and still no mention of intersex people or ambiguous genetalia. I won't post pictures, but you can Google them if you're really curious.

There isn't a scientific or fact-based argument to be had against trans people. Such an argument doesn't exist. Quite the opposite. I'm not sure how you can rationalize there being only 2 genders when you have babies born with both ovaries and testicles.

Quote (ofthevoid @ May 3 2017 08:51pm)
Verbose response about feels and that the statistics i initially posted somehow are disingenuous when your own report pretty much quote the same numbers. It's not a shocker that a person suffering from fill in the blank is less likely to commit suicide compared to an afflicted person if they have family support, newsflash, that's true of all sub populations.

That's the whole point, they still suffer from depression, they still feel a certain way even though they have transitioned.

Stop being a derp. People who are abandoned by parents have increased suicide rates. So what happens when your entire family disowns you and you're homeless at 14? That seriously fucks your mental health. It's no wonder trans people become suicidal when their family treats them like they raped and murdered a toddler. Then there's all of the backlash from a society that considers them non-persons.

Then you consider how much violence trans people go through. Estimates are that trans people are approximately 6 times more likely to be murdered than cis people, to 1 in every 12 trans people will be murdered. Approximately half of all trans people are subjected to violence or abuse at some point in their life.

The question isn't how come suicide rates are so high among the trans population, but how do you go through all this shit and not want to kill yourself?
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May 3 2017 11:27pm
Quote (sylvannos @ May 3 2017 10:14pm)
At least 60 posts into the thread and still no mention of intersex people or ambiguous genetalia. I won't post pictures, but you can Google them if you're really curious.

There isn't a scientific or fact-based argument to be had against trans people. Such an argument doesn't exist. Quite the opposite. I'm not sure how you can rationalize there being only 2 genders when you have babies born with both ovaries and testicles.

Stop being a derp. People who are abandoned by parents have increased suicide rates. So what happens when your entire family disowns you and you're homeless at 14? That seriously fucks your mental health. It's no wonder trans people become suicidal when their family treats them like they raped and murdered a toddler. Then there's all of the backlash from a society that considers them non-persons.

Then you consider how much violence trans people go through. Estimates are that trans people are approximately 6 times more likely to be murdered than cis people, to 1 in every 12 trans people will be murdered. Approximately half of all trans people are subjected to violence or abuse at some point in their life.

The question isn't how come suicide rates are so high among the trans population, but how do you go through all this shit and not want to kill yourself?

Once again all focus on the societal pressure and none on the mental health.

There are only two genders the rest are genetic mutations that happen to less than 1% of the human population. Genetic abnormalities are common in pretty much all life, that doesn't mean that those abnormalities are a new classification. Look up some statistics on people that are born with the wrong chromosomes that make them be a "different gender". Many of those disorders leave people infertile, other health issues, and so on. I'v posted proof of this in the past, don't feel like digging it out now when i'm about to head to bed.
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May 3 2017 11:40pm
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ May 3 2017 10:59pm)
How much transgenders in the actual population, and how much homos or bissexuals ?
I think there's more than just a fraction of a percent.

After that people having problems with it are just weak in their mind , fake christians, etc
And are contributing to the situation, im very sorry😕
Cause is ignorance, bad education, frustration too probably.

Generous estimates are trans people make up 0.3% of the population, and thats including all of the zees and zims and bippitys and bops and boops and nonbinary and nonconforming and rhynobeetles and nuclear submarines and all the other fun stuff.
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May 3 2017 11:52pm
Quote (ChronFather420 @ May 4 2017 02:10am)
Generous estimates are trans people make up 0.3% of the population, and thats including all of the zees and zims and bippitys and bops and boops and nonbinary and nonconforming and rhynobeetles and nuclear submarines and all the other fun stuff.

Im a white male
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May 4 2017 12:08am
Quote (Scaly @ May 3 2017 09:15pm)
and nature produced trans people.

it also produced bronies

sometimes we need to step in and correct the errors
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May 4 2017 12:23am
Quote (ChronFather420 @ 4 May 2017 06:40)
Generous estimates are trans people make up 0.3% of the population, and thats including all of the zees and zims and bippitys and bops and boops and nonbinary and nonconforming and rhynobeetles and nuclear submarines and all the other fun stuff.

Thanks for prooving my point about people having intellectual issues regarding this.
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May 4 2017 03:11am
Quote (Scaly @ May 4 2017 12:10pm)
Let's just assume for a second that God does exist - how the fuck would you know his will regarding transgender people?

People don't like weird shit. Parents especially want their kids to be happy and it worries them when they do weird shit. Being transgender is no walk in the park. It's a hard life. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone who isn't 100% sure about it. If that's you though then you have to just muscle through and deal with the consequences. You can't change other people. Just be a decent human being and try to avoid falling into the trap of acting like a stereotype and if they care about you then they will support you and come to terms with your choices. If they can't do that then you're better off without them. Family isn't just blood. It's a bond that can be developed with any group that shares a mutual love for each other.

Stereotyping is my main issue with the gay community, i have had multiple friends come out and then suddenly they are like a character off will and grace when they were much more normal beforehand.
I find that nasal twang enrages me, and the whole camp thing that every gay guy seems to think is the best thing in the world is utterly annoying.
And the worst to me are people who are openly gay but do their best to act and look like the opposite sex, this has been common in lesbians as long as i have been alive, i mean you are gay right?
You like girls right?
Why would you want a girl that is trying her damned best to be a dude if you like girls?
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May 4 2017 03:14am
still a guy/10
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May 4 2017 03:54am
Quote (Plaguefear @ 4 May 2017 10:11)
Why would you want a girl that is trying her damned best to be a dude if you like girls?

Because it makes it easier to spot another lesbian.

Quote (jc3 @ 4 May 2017 10:14)
still a guy/10

Yet getting a green troll skin

I wonder if anyone here, not practicing a religion, thinks transsexuality is a mental disorder. I'm flabbergasted by the type of responses the subject has gotten so far.
We might have to send a few of you to Thailand to see how normal it can be.

Quote (jc3 @ 4 May 2017 10:57)
im not a believer in any faith m8 end of day no matter what they think they are all they are is guys or gals with mutilated genitals

Yeah, you're getting another kick out of this topic, that's why I called you a troll.

This post was edited by Knaapie on May 4 2017 04:21am
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