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Posts: 48,786
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Aug 21 2017 09:21pm
Quote (Tuna_BeIIy @ Aug 22 2017 12:34pm)
Eminem had to walk on egg shells to even enter the rap world. He was a nobody until dr dre vouched for him

Not sure if srs or just assuming any rich white guy is privileged

But once he got dre to vouch him he cracked both markets and became bigger than any black man on the planet, despite not being a tenth of the rapper eazy or biggy was.
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Aug 21 2017 09:24pm
Quote (Plaguefear @ 21 Aug 2017 23:21)
But once he got dre to vouch him he cracked both markets and became bigger than any black man on the planet, despite not being a tenth of the rapper eazy or biggy was.

more racist nonsense from the white privileged penal colony bigot :wacko:
eminem may not be many things be he was certainly talented enough to keep himself alive beyond 1997
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Aug 21 2017 09:30pm
Quote (hunter_1 @ Aug 21 2017 07:12am)
How are people so concerned with Americas past?
cant they accept what happened and try to move forward?
do most protesters have jobs I wonder?

"Social Justice?"
self entitled idiots, and they dont deserve anything. not even common decency..

Most of them walked past these monuments their whole lives without a second thought. Just idiotic sheep mentality..
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Aug 21 2017 09:44pm
Quote (MSX98 @ 21 Aug 2017 22:30)
Most of them walked past these monuments their whole lives without a second thought. Just idiotic sheep mentality..

This x10...
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Aug 21 2017 11:02pm
Quote (hunter_1 @ Aug 21 2017 12:12pm)
How are people so concerned with Americas past?
cant they accept what happened and try to move forward?
do most protesters have jobs I wonder?

"Social Justice?"
self entitled idiots, and they dont deserve anything. not even common decency..

It's not real. Literally manufactured in order to spur conflict to slow Trump down and possibly vote him out second term.

Why? Because the Obama Administration was committing multiple felonies and they were putting a lot of effort into guaranteeing Clinton the victory. They had the media 100% in their pocket, they had the DNC funding rigged to funnel money to Clinton, and they were even spying on the Republicans via illegal unmaking long before the primaries even started. Ben Carson already found $500M in HUD accounting errors.

We're going to find out over the coming years that the Federal Government has been robbed blind for personal gain at the hands of anyone who wanted to make a contribution to the Clinton Foundation.

That's a pretty profound statement to be true, that we all sat around like fat fucking idiots while a propaganda machine literally culled us into complacency
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Aug 21 2017 11:05pm
Quote (tric-isHUGE @ Aug 22 2017 04:02pm)
It's not real. Literally manufactured in order to spur conflict to slow Trump down and possibly vote him out second term.

Why? Because the Obama Administration was committing multiple felonies and they were putting a lot of effort into guaranteeing Clinton the victory. They had the media 100% in their pocket, they had the DNC funding rigged to funnel money to Clinton, and they were even spying on the Republicans via illegal unmaking long before the primaries even started. Ben Carson already found $500M in HUD accounting errors.

We're going to find out over the coming years that the Federal Government has been robbed blind for personal gain at the hands of anyone who wanted to make a contribution to the Clinton Foundation.

That's a pretty profound statement to be true, that we all sat around like fat fucking idiots while a propaganda machine literally culled us into complacency

I mean you guys literally ran the former ceo of halliburton as VP then invaded a country and gave the rebuild contract TO halliburton, and democrats are corrupt?

This post was edited by Plaguefear on Aug 21 2017 11:06pm
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Aug 21 2017 11:08pm
Quote (Plaguefear @ Aug 22 2017 05:05am)
I mean you guys literally ran the former ceo of halliburton as VP then invaded a country and gave the rebuild contract TO halliburton, and democrats are corrupt?

I don't think you will find too many people that support Trump who are Cheney fans. Are you stupid?

This is what I am talking about: This guy can't tell the difference between GWB pre Obama and DJT. He literally thinks because they both have an (R) behind their name they are probably fighting for the same thing.

Dead. Wrong.

This post was edited by tric-isHUGE on Aug 21 2017 11:09pm
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Aug 21 2017 11:12pm
Quote (tric-isHUGE @ Aug 22 2017 04:08pm)
I don't think you will find too many people that support Trump who are Cheney fans. Are you stupid?

This is what I am talking about: This guy can't tell the difference between GWB pre Obama and DJT. He literally thinks because they both have an (R) behind their name they are probably fighting for the same thing.

Dead. Wrong.

Trump supporters are the same people who voted bush/cheney.
Or kids who were too young to vote but would have.

Donald is already profiting heavily from his presidency and will continue to do so, any nonsense about draining the swamp is just that.
He did the same thing bush did, ceo's and bankers in power.

Whats the difference between cheney and tillerson?

This post was edited by Plaguefear on Aug 21 2017 11:13pm
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Aug 21 2017 11:17pm
Quote (Plaguefear @ Aug 22 2017 05:12am)
Trump supporters are the same people who voted bush/cheney.
Or kids who were too young to vote but would have.

Donald is already profiting heavily from his presidency and will continue to do so, any nonsense about draining the swamp is just that.
He did the same thing bush did, ceo's and bankers in power.

CEOs and bankers tend to be competent people. But you can hardly say they are exactly the same or even comparably the same... It took how long for Trump to get his cabinet? He's had to deal with how much internal sabotage?

I really hope you are wrong. But even if he is not perfect he is a step back from GWB and Obama. And it should strike us all a little interesting that we should be comparing Bush and Obama as equals. Same deep state shills.

Quote (Plaguefear @ Aug 22 2017 05:12am)
Whats the difference between cheney and tillerson?

Let me know when we go toppling sovereign nations unprovoked. You know the difference so stop asking stupid questions.

This post was edited by tric-isHUGE on Aug 21 2017 11:18pm
Posts: 48,786
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Aug 21 2017 11:18pm
Quote (tric-isHUGE @ Aug 22 2017 04:17pm)
CEOs and bankers tend to be competent people. But you can hardly say they are exactly the same or even comparably the same... It took how long for Trump to get his cabinet? He's had to deal with how much internal sabotage?

I really hope you are wrong. But even if he is not perfect he is a step back from GWB and Obama. And it should strike us all a little interesting that we should be comparing Bush and Obama as equals. Same deep state shills.

I think obama was a lot beter than bush personally, and i think he was better than trump too.

Quote (tric-isHUGE @ Aug 22 2017 04:17pm)

Let me know when we go toppling sovereign nations unprovoked. You know the difference so stop asking stupid questions.

Only a matter of time.

This post was edited by Plaguefear on Aug 21 2017 11:19pm
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