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Feb 8 2018 11:08am
Quote (Goomshill @ 8 Feb 2018 16:07)
it would be an interesting study, given the public servant man-hours and logistics involved with all the varied large number of parades. I'm sure there tax payers chip in somewhere even if some is privately funded.
As far as scaly's optics go, I find the message sent by pride parades aren't any subjectively 'better' than those sent by military parades. If regular gay joe productive member of society has to grimace in shame when guys in studded leather codpieces march down the streets with nude trannies on leashes, but any public display of pride in our armed forces has to be categorically rejected as third-world jingoistic fascism, I can't help but feel like the former can be more respectable (which it often is now, its not the 90's anymore) and the latter can be done to a healthy degree. Nobody freaks out about the existence of air shows and marching bands.

Leather codpieces and nude trannies on leashes are less prevalent nowadays. At least here in the UK pride parades are made to be family friendly... mostly.
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Feb 8 2018 11:14am
Quote (Scaly @ Feb 8 2018 11:08am)
Leather codpieces and nude trannies on leashes are less prevalent nowadays. At least here in the UK pride parades are made to be family friendly... mostly.

its largely the same here lol. funny that when u point out "free speech rallies" have a few dressed up Klansmen and Nazis they're just "bad apples". But when gay pride parades show up the few are some how so representative they plague optics. :rolleyes:

This is usually the type of gay that comes out and their parents say, "jesus finally, we know. u can stop calling that guy ur friend now."
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Feb 8 2018 11:22am
"its not the 90's anymore"
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Feb 8 2018 11:39am
Quote (thesnipa @ Feb 8 2018 07:54am)
Our schools have given an entire generation of humans the computer skills in basic programs like Word, Excell, web browsers, email, etc that the past generation had to pay to learn. Or in reality are just bad at and never sought lessons for. Ever worked in a professional environment with someone 45 or over? half they time they cant double click a folder. As a mechanical drafstmen (with literally zero schooling to be one) i outclassed draftsmen who had 30 years experience in under a year on the job. I automated all of my basic functions through nothing but google searches and excell skills. I literally got my position by selling the CFO of the company on the idea that he was overpaying me, as i eliminated 90% of my own work. It got so bad that i was completing jobs in about 50% of the time it took the geezers to do the same work. An old person in front of a computer is a liability to a company most of the time, its just a loss in money.

but hey, feel free to make an emotion laden post about how kids aren't taught how to change a car's oil anymore.

still trying to work out how these are both apples. one's a permit and a few cops moonlighting, the other is a big cost on the tax payers. unless you have some study of what a pride parade costs tax payers. maybe u do.

Just because young people can engage in basic computer use hardly justifies students reading below a 9th grade level. Unable to handle basic math. A huge portion being functionally illiterate. K-12 daycare. And then we have a ton of kids in the southwest who can't speak functional English using even more resources, and still hardly graduating.
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Feb 8 2018 12:02pm
Quote (PlasmaSnake101 @ Feb 8 2018 11:39am)
Just because young people can engage in basic computer use hardly justifies students reading below a 9th grade level. Unable to handle basic math. A huge portion being functionally illiterate. K-12 daycare. And then we have a ton of kids in the southwest who can't speak functional English using even more resources, and still hardly graduating.

you're swallowing bullshit with a smile on your face lol. the "devolution of math education" is seen as a failure of the educational system. thats something only a moron would believe. u can google any algebraic equation from 7th grade level through highschool and get an instant answer. why teach kids something they have a perfect resource for, and therefore would cheat on?

kids are taught computer math, because thats relevant. why teach them what you were taught? because u had to struggle through it? thats frat boy mentality, relic.
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Feb 8 2018 12:22pm
Quote (thesnipa @ Feb 8 2018 10:02am)
you're swallowing bullshit with a smile on your face lol. the "devolution of math education" is seen as a failure of the educational system. thats something only a moron would believe. u can google any algebraic equation from 7th grade level through highschool and get an instant answer. why teach kids something they have a perfect resource for, and therefore would cheat on?

kids are taught computer math, because thats relevant. why teach them what you were taught? because u had to struggle through it? thats frat boy mentality, relic.

Is your argument really "kid's don't need to learn critical thinking, logic, history and proper use of English because they can just Google the answers?"

I will not support dumbing down the population because of the conveniences of internet access.
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Feb 8 2018 12:36pm

Looks like the Seal who killed(allegedly) Bin Laden is an unpatriotic globalist scum.
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Feb 8 2018 12:36pm
Quote (PlasmaSnake101 @ Feb 8 2018 12:22pm)
Is your argument really "kid's don't need to learn critical thinking, logic, history and proper use of English because they can just Google the answers?"

I will not support dumbing down the population because of the conveniences of internet access.

my answer isn't simple. its incredibly nuanced. some avenues of logic are less important, some are going to disappear altogether. Math is somewhere inbetween cursive and personal finance. we used to do good on all 3, personal finance has gone downhill because of college prep and the emergence of affordable gadgets that are now standard issue for all citizens (an iPhone hasn't been a luxury item since they made 2-3 year no interest payment plans), math has changed because college prep is different, and cursive is a dinosaur that can die and no one will care.

to answer each point, critical thinking is important and has always been a failing of the school system. thats another part of my nuanced answer, your posts imply a downslope when in many cases we're not improving or slightly improving.

logic is the same.

history is important, and IMO one of the smaller failings of the school system. better than its ever been in many grade levels.

proper use of english? kids are getting writting prep today they wouldnt ever have 30 years ago. dont even know wtf ur talking about unless its getting triggered by things like "u" and "lol" entering the lexicon.
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Feb 9 2018 10:51am
Quote (IceMage @ Feb 8 2018 10:36am)

Looks like the Seal who killed(allegedly) Bin Laden is an unpatriotic globalist scum.

I'd be more interested in an opinion poll of the entire armed forces, not some self-important guy who shot a man and now thinks he's king of the world and has an opinion more valuable than anyone else.

In any case, word is it'll be a 4th of July parade. Can we at least have a 4th of July parade, or are those anti-American too?

Admit it, the only reason people oppose this is because President Trump proposed the idea. We've had military parades in the past, to celebrate military victories (WWII, Desert Storm, etc.) and just to show off (Teddy Roosevelt's Great White Fleet). It has never been a problem before. This is just anti-Trump shilling by Glenn Beck's fluffer IceMage and people who hate America like thesnipa.
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Feb 9 2018 11:02am
Quote (PlasmaSnake101 @ Feb 9 2018 11:51am)
I'd be more interested in an opinion poll of the entire armed forces, not some self-important guy who shot a man and now thinks he's king of the world and has an opinion more valuable than anyone else.

In any case, word is it'll be a 4th of July parade. Can we at least have a 4th of July parade, or are those anti-American too?

Admit it, the only reason people oppose this is because President Trump proposed the idea. We've had military parades in the past, to celebrate military victories (WWII, Desert Storm, etc.) and just to show off (Teddy Roosevelt's Great White Fleet). It has never been a problem before. This is just anti-Trump shilling by Glenn Beck's fluffer IceMage and people who hate America like thesnipa.

I don't know... there's a number of Trump supporters in this thread who oppose it. The ones who favor it seem to do so because it would trigger liberals, which isn't a very good reason.

I don't listen to Glenn Beck, lol.
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