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Oct 16 2014 09:41am
Quote (IceMage @ Oct 16 2014 10:37am)
This should be mandatory reading for randoms before they ever post in PaRD.

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Oct 16 2014 10:24am
Quote (Valhalls_Sun @ 16 Oct 2014 08:29)
Guys being an Atheist means not believing in God, I'm with you 100% but don't throw out sweeping generalities the "all Christians believe xx"
It disrespects all Christians, and it disrespects yourself as well. If you don't really know information about a subject especially something that is the doctrine that people use to live by.
don't use throw away derogatory statements, it just makes you look small, and it reflects badly on everyone in the group which you claim to belong.

So it sounds like you're starting up another new Church?
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Oct 16 2014 10:34am
Quote (HighschoolTurd @ 16 Oct 2014 11:24)
So it sounds like you're starting up another new Church?

the doors are always open at bob's brotherhood of love your fellow man
leave your ego at the door
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Oct 16 2014 10:53am
Quote (IceMage @ 16 Oct 2014 13:56)
Scripture simply doesn't support that.  How do you think the first Christians worshiped?  Alone?

What denomination of christian are you, and where, in the bible, does it verify that one is correct, much less that going to church is. Take your time.

Quote (Valhalls_Sun @ 16 Oct 2014 16:29)
Guys being an Atheist means not believing in God, I'm with you 100% but don't throw out sweeping generalities the "all Christians believe xx"
It disrespects all Christians, and it disrespects yourself as well. If you don't really know information about a subject especially something that is the doctrine that people use to live by.
don't use throw away derogatory statements, it just makes you look small, and it reflects badly on everyone in the group which you claim to belong.

None of that applies to anything I've written here, so I'm assuming it was a misquote on your part.

This post was edited by Plaguelord on Oct 16 2014 11:03am
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Oct 16 2014 11:24am
Quote (Mutant @ Oct 16 2014 02:05am)
excluding that, there are some churches that are really persistent in asking the people there to donate even when some arent able to
and they comply to do it probably to score some points with god or for whatever reason

which is why i said 'probably' as i wasnt entirely sure on this part

It's called tithing.

Quote (IceMage @ Oct 16 2014 02:09am)
More atheist bullshit.  No one believes that donating more money makes you "more saved", which is clearly reinforced in scripture.  Churches don't expect any more than a person can give.

The atheist delusion is palpable.

41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.

43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

It is not the magnitude of what you donate, but how much of a sacrifice you make. Jesus here says that a person giving to their utmost, someone putting some real skin in the game, is more of a donation than a billionaire sitting at home throwing thousands upon thousands of dollars at the problem.
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Oct 16 2014 01:58pm
Quote (Plaguelord @ Oct 16 2014 11:53am)
What denomination of christian are you, and where, in the bible, does it verify that one is correct, much less that going to church is.  Take your time.

Most denominations agree on the important stuff, which is basically everything in the Nicene Creed. There are other minor discrepancies which they disagree on. The wording of your question reveals your ignorance of Christianity and the Bible, because there are tons of issues we could pick apart and debate. It's not as simple as atheism.

Church is simply groups of Christians worshiping God. Perhaps Jesus has something to say about it?

Matthew 16:18
New International Version
And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

Quote (BardOfXiix @ Oct 16 2014 12:24pm)
It's called tithing.

It is not the magnitude of what you donate, but how much of a sacrifice you make.  Jesus here says that a person giving to their utmost, someone putting some real skin in the game, is more of a donation than a billionaire sitting at home throwing thousands upon thousands of dollars at the problem.

Yessir. I assume atheists who engage Christians have at least read the first 4 books of the New Testament, but here we are.

This post was edited by IceMage on Oct 16 2014 02:00pm
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Oct 16 2014 03:57pm
Quote (BardOfXiix @ 16 Oct 2014 10:24)
It's called tithing.

It is not the magnitude of what you donate, but how much of a sacrifice you make.  Jesus here says that a person giving to their utmost, someone putting some real skin in the game, is more of a donation than a billionaire sitting at home throwing thousands upon thousands of dollars at the problem.

That's not what those verses mean.. lol The verses are referencing if you're a poor women and you're still giving away all you got, it's admirable. Jesus was referencing her as a very kind hearted widow. In no way on God's green earth was he saying "She is going to heaven over everyone else because she gave her belongings away even when she is poor!"....

This post was edited by HighschoolTurd on Oct 16 2014 03:57pm
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Oct 16 2014 04:10pm
Quote (HighschoolTurd @ Oct 16 2014 05:57pm)
That's not what those verses mean.. lol The verses are referencing if you're a poor women and you're still giving away all you got, it's admirable.  Jesus was referencing her as a very kind hearted widow. In no way on God's green earth was he saying "She is going to heaven over everyone else because she gave her belongings away even when she is poor!"....

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Oct 16 2014 04:13pm
Quote (HighschoolTurd @ Oct 16 2014 01:57pm)
That's not what those verses mean.. lol The verses are referencing if you're a poor women and you're still giving away all you got, it's admirable.  Jesus was referencing her as a very kind hearted widow. In no way on God's green earth was he saying "She is going to heaven over everyone else because she gave her belongings away even when she is poor!"....

yes everyone has their own interpretation of bible verses but yours is obviously the correct one
you dont know what it really means anymore than what any of us know what its really supposed to mean
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Oct 16 2014 04:33pm
Quote (Mutant @ 16 Oct 2014 15:13)
yes everyone has their own interpretation of bible verses but yours is obviously the correct one
you dont know what it really means anymore than what any of us know what its really supposed to mean

No, you should read the verses in context before making such crazy assumptions.
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