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Posts: 9,614
Joined: Apr 23 2008
Gold: 268.15
Aug 8 2018 04:41pm
Astuce diablo

Quote (harg @ Aug 8 2018 11:52pm)

Et oui, tu la smite (sans grief ou quoi que ce soit, juste avec hoto spirit pour faire proc les swirls) puis tu la foh puis tu la telestomp pendant l'anime fhr et hammer to death
Mais cet enchainement, je doute que tu sois un jour capable de l'exécuter mdr.

Quote (harg @ Aug 9 2018 12:33am)
quand tu as les swirls (les petites étoiles qui tournent autour de ta tête, et qui proviennent de quelques skills dont mindblast et smite), tous les coups que tu reçois mettent en anime de hit recovery, même s'ils ne te font strictement aucun dégat (normalement, il faut faire 1/8éme ou 1/6éme de la vie du mec pour le mettre en anime de recovery, je sais plus exactement).

Grosso modo, une fois que tu as smite la sorc elle a les swirl sur la tête, donc le foh va la micro stun même en ne lui faisant aucun dommage. De plus le foh a un léger temps de latence avant de tomber, ce qui te permet de tele sur la sorc presque dans la même frame où elle prend le foh, et de la tuer avec les hammers

This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Aug 8 2018 05:02pm
Posts: 9,614
Joined: Apr 23 2008
Gold: 268.15
Sep 1 2018 01:53pm
Posts: 9,614
Joined: Apr 23 2008
Gold: 268.15
Sep 1 2018 02:03pm
Le fer
Composant central de l’hémoglobine, il participe entre autres, en tant que cofacteur d’oxydoréduction, aussi bien au transport d’électrons dans la mitochondrie qu’au métabolisme des catécholamines et à la synthèse de l’ADN.
L’absorption du fer dépend de sa nature :
le fer héminique contenu dans l’hémoglobine et la myoglobine des aliments carnés est absorbé dans une proportion de 25%
le fer non héminique, que l’on trouve dans les légumes verts et les protéines végétales, a un facteur d’absorption très bas qui peut-être stimulé par la vitamine C et les protéines des viandes.
L’absorption du fer peut aussi être diminuée par les tanins, phytates et polyphénols (contenus dans le thé, le café et le son), le calcium (lors de l’excès de laitages) et le zinc en forte quantité.
Une carence en fer peut entraîner une anémie (diminution du nombre de globule rouge), une diminution des performances physiques et intellectuelles (troubles de la mémoire, de l’attention voir visuels).
L’excès de fer, surtout en présence de vitamine C, peut augmenter le stress oxydatif par stimulation de la production de radicaux libres.

Posts: 9,614
Joined: Apr 23 2008
Gold: 268.15
Sep 9 2018 02:16pm

Quote (Thomas Cross @ Aug 29 2018 11:08am)
Quote (Condemn @ Aug 28 2018 06:09pm)
then how come harvey weinstein is still facing multiple rape charges?
Sometimes they have to sacrifice some pawns to make themselves look like not invincible. Try accuse the Rothschilds with anything :D :ph34r:

Quote (Sakuraba @ Aug 29 2018 10:33am)
no matter how much nonsense you spew, you support the ever expanding ethno-state of israel, which results in the removal and deaths of people in the name of jewish supremacy

Quote (Condemn @ Aug 28 2017 10:19am)
Wir müssen die manlet ausrotten

Quote (Chevaucheur @ Aug 19 2018 01:25am)
Right ear
= sounds on right hemisphere
= inconscient waste of art and creativity to understand black people speaking

No right ear
= no sounds on right hemisphere
= no waste
= a lot of creativity
= genius able to create tons of theories

Got it?!?!

Quote (Chevaucheur @ Aug 18 2018 12:59am)
Guerrier ou chercheur, justicier ou scientifique

Les guerriers dorment peu et n'utilisent qu'un hémisphère cérébral.
Les chercheurs dorment beaucoup et utilisent beaucoup leurs deux hémisphères cérébraux.

Les justiciers sont des neuro-droitiers.
Ils veulent rétablir un équilibre entre les gauchers et les droitiers dans la société.
Les scientifiques sont des gens excessivement objectifs, souvent par bêtise, notamment par fétichisme. Ils ne se soucient pas du déséquilibre entre les droitiers et les gauchers, qu'ils font semblant de ne pas voir, et ils essaient de changer les choses autrement.

Que faut-il être?!

Je pense que le mieux, c'est d'être un guerrier justicier !!

Le reste viendra tout seul, indirectement.
Les justiciers chercheurs apparaîtront plus tard.

Aujourd'hui, ils ne peuvent pas apparaître tant qu'il n'y a pas de justiciers guerriers.

Il faut être un justicier, et un guerrier neuro-droitier.

Quote (Malignanttumor666 @ Aug 19 2018 08:26pm)
It's not okay to be a sissy for attracting females. However, you can live your life anyway you want. There is no wrong or right in that regard.

Quote (goldbranch @ Aug 17 2018 03:28pm)
A while ago a Moderator sent you a notification on the concern that you are replying to your own topics in the French section of this website. The suggestion was to move the discussion to your blog and debate it there. I have noticed that you didn't comply therefore consider this a last attempt advising you to go easy with the topics and just stick only one or two for whatever subject you wish to open and debate and refrain to make multiple ones that contains mainly your replies. Forum flood doesn't go well here, we'd like to keep it clean and fair for all the community members in order for them to enjoy this place. Thanks and have a nice day, sir.

From Light comes Darkness and from Darkness - Light

Despair is like a red and tenacious alga, able to cling even on a surface as smooth as crystal.



My works in social sciences

Here are the two theories I created that could revolutionize the social sciences:
  • forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78547392&f=90 (English)
  • forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78547260&f=150 (French)


Here are my blogs:
  • forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=77920811&f=276 (English)
  • forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78322083&f=276 (French)

Here is a topic about things that could bring a better life to the Palestinians: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78527806&f=150

One possible solution to the current problems in the Middle East is this succession of numbers: tel:16-4-9-19-23-3-2116-4-9-19-23-3-21[/URL]
  • forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78322083&f=276&p=530190977

Here is the Sephardic way to learn the Chinese language:


L'amour, c'est aussi simple que prêter attention aux états de pensée de l'autre.

La curiosité, c'est aussi simple que de cogner jusqu'à ce que l'autre finisse par céder.

La douceur, c'est aussi simple que de faire l'effort de n'avoir aucun à priori.

L'adéquation, c'est aussi simple que de faire attention à sa façon de respirer.

Le bien-être, c'est aussi simple que de se servir de renforcement positif.

Le progrès, c'est aussi simple que de se servir de renforcement négatif.

La décence, c'est surtout important lorsque le pouvoir est centralisé.

L'esprit d'équipe, c'est surtout important lorsque le pouvoir est dispersé.

My accounts

Here is my YouTube channel: youtube.com/channel/UC8gbF6BmB4DRmcn7_EJMAmw?view_as=subscriber

Here is my Twitter: twitter.com/ss4ebody

Here is my old profile page:
  • rgho.st/6VRBbGnpR
  • 1fichier.com/?rfpqg7jmp5

YouTube videos

The Mystery of the Jews: youtube.com/watch?v=j6k1jHAYtbI

Israel - Palestine comprendre par l'histoire (1880 - 1991): youtube.com/watch?v=Xj8qVJUDrhk

Venise et son ghetto: youtube.com/watch?v=c-bS8e9jVIo

Faire de la semoule sans couscoussier: youtube.com/watch?v=kXTHtN_maq8

L'interview de Vladimir Poutine aux chaînes américaines (les meilleurs extraits): youtube.com/watch?v=jESupEEUcZ0

Topics in French

Mes théories en sciences sociales: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78547260&f=150

Des Territoires Pour Les Juifs En Europe? forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78577378&f=150

Les Cohen: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78604933&f=150

Le renforcement négatif: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78605985&f=150

Aidez Moi à Faire De La France Une Puissance: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78628115&f=150

L'humain est un animal: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78647307&f=150


D2jsp Post Blocker: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=74470198&f=27

Important patterns in Diablo II: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78211508&f=87

Territories Attributed To Jews In Europe? forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78577438&f=119

The Absence Of Scientific Progress For 113 Years: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78614767&f=119

China Refuses To Condemn Iran For Its Misdeeds: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78615721&f=119

The American Sin: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78616991&f=119

Islam: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78531334&f=119

Jews: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78618286&f=119

The Protestant Benefactions: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78632340&f=119

The Human Is An Animal: forums.d2jsp.org/topic.php?t=78647339&f=119

▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 forums.d2jsp.org/tools.php?a=2

Il y a 10 termes pour lesquels je préfère ma définition plutôt que la définition officielle:
  • la prudence: faire attention à ce qu'on fait, pas à la manière
  • la précaution: faire attention à la manière, pas à ce qu'on fait
  • le meurtre: tuer quelqu'un
  • le crime: tuer un innocent, sans raison
  • le fascisme: tuer des innocents, sans raison, de façon dirigée par le gouvernement en place dans la société
  • un engagement de Polichinelle: c'est un engagement que tout le monde prend, mais que seuls quelques-uns respectent
  • l'athéisme: le fait de croire que Dieu n'existe pas
  • l'agnosticisme: le fait de ne pas savoir si Dieu existe ou pas
  • le renforcement négatif: sanction, punition consécutive à un mauvais acte, à un mauvais geste, à une mauvaise parole, et/ou à une mauvaise attitude
  • l'intelligence sociale: l'intelligence sociale, c'est seulement l'intelligence relative aux sciences sociales
  • componctif: antonyme de désinvolte
  • une hypothèse: une idée
  • une théorie: une idée qui a été soutenue par quelques expérimentations
  • le courage: le courage, c'est défier la peur de l'inconnu

  • AREIOS - 109fg
  • Troll - 4fg
  • Lenoor - 5fg - tu dessines bien
  • condenz - 10fg

Posts: 9,614
Joined: Apr 23 2008
Gold: 268.15
Sep 10 2018 03:33pm
The theory of culturalism:

I am here to learn to communicate with humans:

I know that my level of English is rather bad. I have a good vocabulary, but I have a lot of difficulties for grammar, and that's why I make very simple sentences. I do not like to write sentences on one line: I like to come back to the line regularly because I find it more readable. I am on this forum to relax, and not to share my way of thinking. But there are a lot of things going on in my head. Sometimes, I really feel that I do not control my thoughts at all. Since my childhood, I feel like a mere spectator of my own life.

I'm here to relax, but I also think we can do some constructive things. There are two people I admire a lot: Albert Einstein, and Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was a manlet according to Condemn, and that's why I do not really appreciate him. I think it's really insulting, especially since Condemn is German (isn't he?). By using Google translate, I can write beautiful sentences. But when there are people who troll, then I do not bother to use Google translate.

Albert Einstein said:
It looks as if the ruling statesmen of to-day were really trying to secure permanent peace. But the ceaseless piling-up of armaments shows only too clearly that they are unequal to coping with the hostile forces which are preparing for war. In my opinion, deliverance can only come from the peoples themselves. If they wish to avoid the degrading slavery of war-service, they must declare with no uncertain voice for complete disarmament. As long as armies exist, any serious quarrel will lead to war. A pacifism which does not actually try to prevent the nations from arming is and must remain impotent.
May the conscience and the common sense of the peoples be awakened, so that we may reach a new stage in the life of nations, where people will look back on war as an incomprehensible aberration of their forefathers!



I'm here to relax, but I also think we can do some constructive things. I think it's important to be an active pacifist. I am the kind of person who never relaxes. I am always working. Always working. Always.

I think I will never be able to communicate with people like Condemn or Diablo5. Even if they spoke French, I do not think I could talk to them. There are many French people with whom I can not speak. I am a little disabled: I have an ear that has been damaged in my childhood, and I still have a particular way of thinking.

In Jewish culture, one must understand the other to be able to talk to him. If a Nazi came to the forum, what could you talk to him about? Nothing. Because he is too different.

I really hate the Nazis.
I do not know why I hate the Nazis.
But I hate them.

I think God looks a lot like the Nazis.
God is a being filled with indecency. If God really exists, then he locks us into ignorance, and he locks us into incomprehension. God does not offer us the right to know, nor the right to understand. God deprives us of our fundamental rights. I hope God does not exist, because if he exists, then I think he is an enemy to us.

It's something no one seems to understand, and I find it sad.

God is an enemy.
God is the number one enemy of humanity.

I hate the Nazis, and I hate God even more. I know it sounds strange, but it's the truth.

I do not understand your way of thinking. I do not understand why you do not hate God. And that's why I have a lot of trouble communicating with you. I try to imagine your way of thinking. But the truth is that I have absolutely no idea of ​​how you think. It's so pathetic that it gets funny. I come on a forum, and I can not communicate with the other members of the forum. I am not here to talk about things and others. I am here to learn to communicate with humans.

My personal vocabulary:

Il y a 14 termes pour lesquels je préfère ma définition plutôt que la définition officielle:
  • la prudence: faire attention à ce qu'on fait, pas à la manière
  • la précaution: faire attention à la manière, pas à ce qu'on fait
  • le meurtre: tuer quelqu'un
  • le crime: tuer un innocent, sans raison
  • le fascisme: tuer des innocents, sans raison, de façon dirigée par le gouvernement en place dans la société
  • un engagement de Polichinelle: c'est un engagement que tout le monde prend, mais que seuls quelques-uns respectent
  • l'athéisme: le fait de croire que Dieu n'existe pas
  • l'agnosticisme: le fait de ne pas savoir si Dieu existe ou pas
  • le renforcement négatif: sanction, punition consécutive à un mauvais acte, à un mauvais geste, à une mauvaise parole, et/ou à une mauvaise attitude
  • l'intelligence sociale: l'intelligence sociale, c'est seulement l'intelligence relative aux sciences sociales
  • componctif: antonyme de désinvolte
  • une hypothèse: une idée
  • une théorie: une idée qui a été soutenue par quelques expérimentations
  • le courage: le courage, c'est défier la peur de l'inconnu




AREIOS - 109fg
Troll - 4fg
Lenoor - 5fg - tu dessines bien
condenz - 10fg

YouTube videos:



My favorite contradiction in the Bible:

Quote (3rd commandment)
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Quote (Genesis)
1:27 - So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Posts: 9,614
Joined: Apr 23 2008
Gold: 268.15
Sep 18 2018 03:04pm

https://i.imgur.com/RmwkgVt.jpg (theories 1-5)
https://i.imgur.com/iBM5nbf.jpg (theories 6-10)
https://i.imgur.com/Q1hDurn.jpg (time)
https://i.imgur.com/JMI4PeY.jpg (Chinese & Japanese cultures)
https://i.imgur.com/6gPS6EM.jpg (French culture)
https://i.imgur.com/NBvlzcY.jpg (intelligence & happiness)
https://i.imgur.com/6I1QRcw.jpg (girls)

The theory of culturalism:

YouTube videos:



I am here to learn to communicate with humans:

I know that my level of English is rather bad. I have a good vocabulary, but I have a lot of difficulties for grammar, and that's why I make very simple sentences. I do not like to write sentences on one line: I like to come back to the line regularly because I find it more readable. I am on this forum to relax, and not to share my way of thinking. But there are a lot of things going on in my head. Sometimes, I really feel that I do not control my thoughts at all. Since my childhood, I feel like a mere spectator of my own life.

I'm here to relax, but I also think we can do some constructive things. There are two people I admire a lot: Albert Einstein, and Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was a manlet according to Condemn, and that's why I do not really appreciate him. I think it's really insulting, especially since Condemn is German (isn't he?). By using Google translate, I can write beautiful sentences. But when there are people who troll, then I do not bother to use Google translate.

Albert Einstein said:
It looks as if the ruling statesmen of to-day were really trying to secure permanent peace. But the ceaseless piling-up of armaments shows only too clearly that they are unequal to coping with the hostile forces which are preparing for war. In my opinion, deliverance can only come from the peoples themselves. If they wish to avoid the degrading slavery of war-service, they must declare with no uncertain voice for complete disarmament. As long as armies exist, any serious quarrel will lead to war. A pacifism which does not actually try to prevent the nations from arming is and must remain impotent.
May the conscience and the common sense of the peoples be awakened, so that we may reach a new stage in the life of nations, where people will look back on war as an incomprehensible aberration of their forefathers!



I'm here to relax, but I also think we can do some constructive things. I think it's important to be an active pacifist. I am the kind of person who never relaxes. I am always working. Always working. Always.

I think I will never be able to communicate with people like Condemn or Diablo5. Even if they spoke French, I do not think I could talk to them. There are many French people with whom I can not speak. I am a little disabled: I have an ear that has been damaged in my childhood, and I still have a particular way of thinking.

In Jewish culture, one must understand the other to be able to talk to him. If a Nazi came to the forum, what could you talk to him about? Nothing. Because he is too different.

I really hate the Nazis.
I do not know why I hate the Nazis.
But I hate them.

I think God looks a lot like the Nazis.
God is a being filled with indecency. If God really exists, then he locks us into ignorance, and he locks us into incomprehension. God does not offer us the right to know, nor the right to understand. God deprives us of our fundamental rights. I hope God does not exist, because if he exists, then I think he is an enemy to us.

It's something no one seems to understand, and I find it sad.

God is an enemy.
God is the number one enemy of humanity.

I hate the Nazis, and I hate God even more. I know it sounds strange, but it's the truth.

I do not understand your way of thinking. I do not understand why you do not hate God. And that's why I have a lot of trouble communicating with you. I try to imagine your way of thinking. But the truth is that I have absolutely no idea of ​​how you think. It's so pathetic that it gets funny. I come on a forum, and I can not communicate with the other members of the forum. I am not here to talk about things and others. I am here to learn to communicate with humans.

My personal vocabulary:

Il y a 14 termes pour lesquels je préfère ma définition plutôt que la définition officielle:
  • la prudence: faire attention à ce qu'on fait, pas à la manière
  • la précaution: faire attention à la manière, pas à ce qu'on fait
  • le meurtre: tuer quelqu'un
  • le crime: tuer un innocent, sans raison
  • le fascisme: tuer des innocents, sans raison, de façon dirigée par le gouvernement en place dans la société
  • un engagement de Polichinelle: c'est un engagement que tout le monde prend, mais que seuls quelques-uns respectent
  • l'athéisme: le fait de croire que Dieu n'existe pas
  • l'agnosticisme: le fait de ne pas savoir si Dieu existe ou pas
  • le renforcement négatif: sanction, punition consécutive à un mauvais acte, à un mauvais geste, à une mauvaise parole, et/ou à une mauvaise attitude
  • l'intelligence sociale: l'intelligence sociale, c'est seulement l'intelligence relative aux sciences sociales
  • componctif: antonyme de désinvolte
  • une hypothèse: une idée
  • une théorie: une idée qui a été soutenue par quelques expérimentations
  • le courage: le courage, c'est défier la peur de l'inconnu


AREIOS - 109fg
Troll - 4fg
Lenoor - 5fg - tu dessines bien
condenz - 10fg

My favorite contradiction in the Bible:

Quote (3rd commandment)
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Quote (Genesis)
1:27 - So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Thor123422 is a very big jnoun:

  • he calls me a liar
  • he calls me an idiot
  • he calls me a weak person
  • he calls me a submissive to black female person (this is true, but he should not say it)
  • he calls me a stupid person
  • he calls me a non-objective & non-scientific person, while science is my job

Shame on him.


This post was edited by Chevaucheur on Sep 18 2018 03:04pm
Posts: 9,614
Joined: Apr 23 2008
Gold: 268.15
Sep 19 2018 07:08am
Posts: 9,614
Joined: Apr 23 2008
Gold: 268.15
Sep 21 2018 04:58pm
une maladie mentale: une maladie mentale, c'est soit un déficit mental (manque de neurones, ou neurones qui fonctionnent mal) soit un trouble mental, c'est-à-dire un manque simultané de décence et d'esprit d'équipe
Posts: 9,614
Joined: Apr 23 2008
Gold: 268.15
Sep 28 2018 05:01pm

https://i.imgur.com/RmwkgVt.jpg (theories 1-5)
https://i.imgur.com/iBM5nbf.jpg (theories 6-10)
https://i.imgur.com/Q1hDurn.jpg (time)
https://i.imgur.com/JMI4PeY.jpg (Chinese & Japanese cultures)
https://i.imgur.com/6gPS6EM.jpg (French culture)
https://i.imgur.com/NBvlzcY.jpg (intelligence & happiness)
https://i.imgur.com/6I1QRcw.jpg (girls)
https://i.imgur.com/LRvTLol.jpg (league of legends)
https://i.imgur.com/6Rr9QRI.jpg (sunnite culture)
https://i.imgur.com/5uESFin.jpg (Israel & Germany)
https://i.imgur.com/QI1M3OL.jpg (God & fantasies)
https://i.imgur.com/0Q6CITs.jpg (hate)

The theory of culturalism:

YouTube videos:



I dislike:

Alpha boys
Chinese stupidity

I am here to learn to communicate with humans:

I know that my level of English is rather bad. I have a good vocabulary, but I have a lot of difficulties for grammar, and that's why I make very simple sentences. I do not like to write sentences on one line: I like to come back to the line regularly because I find it more readable. I am on this forum to relax, and not to share my way of thinking. But there are a lot of things going on in my head. Sometimes, I really feel that I do not control my thoughts at all. Since my childhood, I feel like a mere spectator of my own life.

I'm here to relax, but I also think we can do some constructive things. There are two people I admire a lot: Albert Einstein, and Winston Churchill. Winston Churchill was a manlet according to Condemn, and that's why I do not really appreciate him. I think it's really insulting, especially since Condemn is German (isn't he?). By using Google translate, I can write beautiful sentences. But when there are people who troll, then I do not bother to use Google translate.

Albert Einstein said:
It looks as if the ruling statesmen of to-day were really trying to secure permanent peace. But the ceaseless piling-up of armaments shows only too clearly that they are unequal to coping with the hostile forces which are preparing for war. In my opinion, deliverance can only come from the peoples themselves. If they wish to avoid the degrading slavery of war-service, they must declare with no uncertain voice for complete disarmament. As long as armies exist, any serious quarrel will lead to war. A pacifism which does not actually try to prevent the nations from arming is and must remain impotent.
May the conscience and the common sense of the peoples be awakened, so that we may reach a new stage in the life of nations, where people will look back on war as an incomprehensible aberration of their forefathers!



I'm here to relax, but I also think we can do some constructive things. I think it's important to be an active pacifist. I am the kind of person who never relaxes. I am always working. Always working. Always.

I think I will never be able to communicate with people like Condemn or Diablo5. Even if they spoke French, I do not think I could talk to them. There are many French people with whom I can not speak. I am a little disabled: I have an ear that has been damaged in my childhood, and I still have a particular way of thinking.

In Jewish culture, one must understand the other to be able to talk to him. If a Nazi came to the forum, what could you talk to him about? Nothing. Because he is too different.

I really hate the Nazis.
I do not know why I hate the Nazis.
But I hate them.

I think God looks a lot like the Nazis.
God is a being filled with indecency. If God really exists, then he locks us into ignorance, and he locks us into incomprehension. God does not offer us the right to know, nor the right to understand. God deprives us of our fundamental rights. I hope God does not exist, because if he exists, then I think he is an enemy to us.

It's something no one seems to understand, and I find it sad.

God is an enemy.
God is the number one enemy of humanity.

I hate the Nazis, and I hate God even more. I know it sounds strange, but it's the truth.

I do not understand your way of thinking. I do not understand why you do not hate God. And that's why I have a lot of trouble communicating with you. I try to imagine your way of thinking. But the truth is that I have absolutely no idea of ​​how you think. It's so pathetic that it gets funny. I come on a forum, and I can not communicate with the other members of the forum. I am not here to talk about things and others. I am here to learn to communicate with humans.

My personal vocabulary:

Il y a 16 termes pour lesquels je préfère ma définition plutôt que la définition officielle:
  • la prudence: faire attention à ce qu'on fait, pas à la manière
  • la précaution: faire attention à la manière, pas à ce qu'on fait
  • le meurtre: tuer quelqu'un
  • le crime: tuer un innocent, sans raison
  • le fascisme: tuer des innocents, sans raison, de façon dirigée par le gouvernement en place dans la société
  • un engagement de Polichinelle: c'est un engagement que tout le monde prend, mais que seuls quelques-uns respectent
  • l'athéisme: le fait de croire que Dieu n'existe pas
  • l'agnosticisme: le fait de ne pas savoir si Dieu existe ou pas
  • le renforcement négatif: sanction, punition consécutive à un mauvais acte, à un mauvais geste, à une mauvaise parole, et/ou à une mauvaise attitude
  • l'intelligence sociale: l'intelligence sociale, c'est seulement l'intelligence relative aux sciences sociales
  • componctif: antonyme de désinvolte
  • une hypothèse: une idée
  • une théorie: une idée qui a été soutenue par quelques expérimentations
  • le courage: le courage, c'est défier la peur de l'inconnu
  • une maladie mentale: une maladie mentale, c'est soit un déficit mental (manque de neurones, ou neurones qui fonctionnent mal) soit un trouble mental, c'est-à-dire un manque simultané de décence et d'esprit d'équipe
  • un dissident: une personne qui appartient à une société, mais qui ne fait pas comme les autres membres de la société


AREIOS - 109fg
Troll - 4fg
Lenoor - 5fg - tu dessines bien
condenz - 10fg

My favorite contradiction in the Bible:

Quote (3rd commandment)
Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness [of any thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the water under the earth: 5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God [am] a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth [generation] of them that hate me; 6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

Quote (Genesis)
1:27 - So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Thor123422 is a very big jnoun:

  • he calls me a liar
  • he calls me an idiot
  • he calls me a weak person
  • he calls me a submissive to black female person (this is true, but he should not say it)
  • he calls me a stupid person
  • he calls me a non-objective & non-scientific person, while science is my job

Shame on him.


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Oct 2 2018 11:08am
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