Updated version of the Uswest Nl Dupe List Credits to
Laxman and
xLz for making this happen!
Old dupe list
Dupe list uswest Non-ladder -
Alot of Pics have been updated, Not all though - Enjoy*
Helmets: (some of these can be perm/legit)Jewelers Tiara of Speed - zon helm Defenses: 44, 45, 47, 50
Venomous Coronet of the Magus - nec circ
Priests Coronet of the Magus - Paladin circ
Rose Branded Coronet of the Magus - paladin circ
Hierophants Coronet of the Magus - Druid circ
Volcanic Coronet of the Magus - Fire sorc Circ
Volcanic Circlet of the Magus - Fire sorc Circ
Cunning Coronet of the Magus - trap sin circ
Glacial Circlet of the Magus - Cold sorc sirc
Weapons: *ScreenShot of some of the items*--> http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc96/TC-Monster/viperfoh.jpgviper bludgeon (can be perm) - hdin weapon
FearMyWrath_lll 3foh / 3 conv / 25 / -25 foh scepter - (can be perm)
8/6 white (can be perm)
witch-hunters Greater talons of Worth
Witch-Hunters Greater Talons of Swiftness
Death Cleaver 276% ed / 273% ed/ 274% ed
Deaths Fathom dimensional shard 38 light resist / 37 fire resist
Deaths Fathom dimensional shard 32 light resist / 40 fire resist
Eth Cruel Stygian Pilum of Amplify Damage / 255% enchanced dmg
Eth Cruel Matriarchal Javs of Vampire / 299% ed
TheGreat_Quarks Cruel Mat Bow of Amplify Damage / 299%ed (2soc)
TheGreat_Quarks Cruel Colossus Sword of Quickness / 289%ed (3soc)
Eth Upped Titans Revenge / 200 ed/ 5Life leech
Valks: *Screenshot of stats http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc96/TC-Monster/08valk.jpg123 defense (Mass duped)
126 defense(Mass duped)
127 defense
132 defense(Mass duped)
183 defense:all unperm (ebug)
185 defense:both unperm (ebug)
High runes: Mostly all are duped
Griffons eye: *Screenshot of stats http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc96/TC-Monster/griffs.jpgPerfect Griffons Eye:
182 defense
192 defense
218 defense
238 defense
244 defense
253 defense
30/15 2soc 399 def (Perfect)
5 bo helms:
Corpse Horn Assult Helm named 'Atheists
Corpse Horn Assult Helm
Cruel Hood
Eagle shell Guardian Crown
Glyph Veil
Grim Mask
Loath Shell
Wraith Veil
echoing avenger guard of the colossus (magic one)
Eth bug dupes:Shako: *Screenshot of stats
http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc96/TC-Monster/ebugshako.jpgDEF: 180 186 210 211
Eth bug arreats:
DEF/Life leech: 186/6 190/3 195/5 196/3 17x/x 197/5 200/5 200/6
Herald of zakarum:200% ED
Lidless: ED: 92% 117% 125%
Valor: Defense: 2128/2121/
Homonoculus: enchaned defelse:
Guardian angel: defence: 1227
Amulets: Screenshot of The amulets~ Note that not all are on this screenshot!
Blood Gorget: Paladin amulet
Shadow Knuckle: paladin amulet
Death Necklace: Paladin amulet
Entropy Emblem: Paladin amulet
Viper Torc: Paladin amulet
Chaos Noose: Baba amulet
Storm Talisman: Baba amulet
Dread Gorget: Baba amulet
skull Talisman: Baba/zon amulet
Entropy Scarab: Zon amulet
Shadow Eye: Zon amulet
Viper Gorget: Zon amulet
Storm Scarab: Zon amulet
Skull Heart: Baba amulet
Shadow Necklace: baba amulet
Corruption Collar: baba amulet
Wraith Necklace: Druid amulet
Havoc Necklace: Druid amulet
Shadow Noose: Druid amulet
Storm Pale: Druid amulet
Shadow Gorget: Sin amulet
Blood Eye: Sin amulet
Rune Emblem: Necro amulet
Wraith Noose: Necro amulet
Beast Wing: Necro amulet
Corruption Emblem: Necro amulet
Order Talisman: Necro amulet
Ghoul Heart: sorc/necro amulet
Wraith Collar: Sorc amulet
Eagle Beads: Sorc amulet
Dread Eye: sorc/zon amulet
Stone Emblem: Sorc amulet
Death Torc: pally/sorc amulet
1.08 Highlords(Sun shape)
1.08 Saracens Chance(not sun nor star - other shape)
Perfect maras(Some are legit)
Rings: Screenshot of the rings~ Note that not all are in the screenshot!
http://i35.tinypic.com/jhtspj.jpgBeast Goad
Bitter Band
Bitter Hold
Blood Coil
Blood Grip
Blood Loop
Chaos Band
Chaos Knot
Chaos Touch
Death Band
Doom Band
Doom Finger
Doom Finger
Doom Hold
Doom Master
Doom Whorl
Eagle Turn
Eagle Whorl
Entropy Hold
Entropy Knot
Entropy Touch
Ghoul Grasp
Grim Hold
Havoc Gyre
Havoc Spiral
Order Hold
Order Spiral
Order Turn
Order Whorl
Plague Master
Raven Grip
Raven Spiral
Raven Turn
Rune Circle
Rune Grip
Rune Loop
Rune Master
Shadow Grip
Skull Hold
Stone finger
Storm Circle
Storm Loop
Viper Finger
Viper Knot
Wraith Grasp
Wraith Gyre
UNIQUES: These can be legit.
Jewels: - There are so many jewels that are unperm, Just socket when you get them ^^
20 life 15 all resist
15 IAS 15 all resist
7 FHR 15 all resists
40 ED 15 Max
40 ED 15 IAS
7FHR 21CR 7dmg 2mana -15Req (skull whorl white jewel) = 25FG+ 7FHR 13Mana 18LR -15Req (death eye Peach Jewel)
7FHR 10AR +3LifeReplenish +1LightRadius -15Req (dread heart green Jewel)
7Fhr 25Ed 9 Str 9 Dex (Stone Eye Pink Jewel)
7Fhr 5 Life 10Cr 40Lr 10Fr 10Pr(Rune Heart Red Jewel)
7Fhr 30Ed 10Min Dmg 2-69 Light Dmg(Stone Talisman Pink Jewel)
6Strength 9Dex 32Cr 10Lr 10Fr 10Pr (Eagle whorl White Jewel) Level 28 Req
13Ar 9Str 9Dex 10All Resist (Plague Eye Green Jewel)
7fhr 9Str 9Dex 7Pr (Shadow Eye Red Jewel)
7Fhr 9Str 8Dex 11 Max Stamina (Raven Whorl Green Jewel)
7Fhr 4Max Dmg 30Cr -15Req (Skull Scarab Green Jewel)
7Fhr 4Str 8Dex 22Lr (Raven Scarab Red Jewel)
8CR 36LR 8FR 8PR -15Req(Raven Scarab Peach Jewel
8Str 9Dex 10Cr 10Lr 10Fr 39Pr (Dread Heart white Jewel
35CR 9LR 9FR 9PR 8MF -15Req(Storm Talisman White Jewel
16-46FD 1-85LD 9Dex (Rune Gyre Peach Jewel)
7FHR 47Dmg2Undead 30AR2Undead 7CR 31LR 7FR 7PD (Blood Whorl Peach Jewel)
36Defense 8CR 8LR 34FR 8PR -15Req (Rune Heart Red Jewel)
Circlets/tiaras: Screenshot of most http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc96/TC-Monster/Unpermcirclets.jpgBrimstone Veil - nec
Carrion Hood - sin
Ghoul Crest - sorc
Havoc Horn - sorc
Imp Horn - sorc
Rune Horn - pally
Boots: Picture~
Bitter Slippers
Blood Track
Bone Nails
Carrion Brogues
Carrion Nails
Cruel Brogues
Eagle Brogues
Death Spur
Death Tread
Doom Stalker
Dread Greaves (Chain Boots)
Dread Greaves (Light Plated Boots)
Fiend Stalker
Ghoul Track
Glyph Trample
Havoc Shank
Imp Shank
Order Spurs
Plague Spur
Shadow Stalker
Spirit Tread
Storm Greaves
Storm Track
Storm Trample
Wraith Brand
Wraith Spurs
Gloves: Pic of some~
http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc96/TC-Monster/glovesss.jpgWizardspike gloves (Mass duped of course)
Beast Knuckle
Bramble Hold
Cruel Hold
Fiend Grip
Imp Touch
Loath Grasp
Plague Grip
Skull Hand
Skull Touch
Belts: Pic of most~
http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc96/TC-Monster/unpermbelts.jpgGhoul chain belt (Crafted)
Gale strap (Crafted)
Viper Cord (Rare)
Doom Harness war belt (Rare)
Storm chain demonhide sash (Rare)
Perfect spider (some can be legit)
Perf dungos (Some can be legit, but most likely not)
Grief PB:400/20/-21
Grief Zerker axes:400/40/-21
Grand charms/Smallcharms: These can be legitFhr/any type of skill
40+ Life Gc's any skill
20/5 Life/all resist
20/11 (fire/light/cold/psn)
451 Psn Scs
290 psn scs
Again, There are chances some of these can be legit.
Annihilius: 20/20/10 - 20/19/10
Armor:Wizspike armor
Tyraels Might Defense 1472/1394
Jewelers Archon Plate of the Whale: Life: 97/95
Jewels Wire fleece of the whale: Life: 100/99
Tyraels Might defense: 1394
Perfect Blizz Ormus Robe Defense: 401
Perfect Darkforce: 3/3/3/180 def- 174 def
Jeweler's Gothic Shield of Deflecting 33 def