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Jun 5 2006 12:19pm
The Godly Druid Guide-

By- dMf-ImpacT

Below are all the items you will need for bm/gm dueling and the point scales

Heart of the Oak- I always have a hoto for my 163 fcr set up and vs all
Spirit- always have a spirit for dvd, you have no idea how much that fhr helps
wizzy- needed for max res gear

Ring Mail Nigma: if you cant afford a nigma dont make a pvp ele druid, I say ring mail because it looks the best on an ele druid

Ber'd Stormshield:with enigma you get max dr, use this with a spirit/2x fcr rings/ and a fcr ammy for dvd with a shael'd jalas and 65 Life water walks, you will be a tank in dvd and have 105 fhr roughly over the 99 fhr bp
Spirit: 35 fcr it is a must too hit the 163 fcr bp used too duel sorces, necros, and hammerdins.
LoLoPtopazPtopaz: this shield is a MUST for eles if you plan on bming a trapper, this shield with tgods = gg traps
P sanc: gotta have the p sanc for gming trappers

Jalas: imo there is not a better helm, 50 fhr when shaeld, 20 str, and 30 res. if you think jalas is a noob helm then you clearly dont know how too make a good ele.

kiras: you gotta have a kiras preferably perf and um'd, mainly for gming trappers you gotta have your kiras,wizzy,p sanc, and tgods

fcr circlet: 2 druid/20 fcr not really any other mods needed.

Magefist or Trangs- if you argue with this your an idiot.

Trek: personally I think perf treks are a must, seeing as im ladder. overall these are still better then Grim Spurs even though they lack the resistances that GSpurs have, you still have mad psn res which helps SOOO much for wwsins.
Waterwalks: 65 life waterwalks are needed for dvding

BK: my build for eles is all about life, BKs = the ideal choice, fuck sojs you have mana pots

fcr rings /w 15 + str (2x)- you need these too wear your spirit for 163 fcr bp unless your fcr ele ammy has str or your anni/torch makes up for it, personally I use a 19 str ring with some res and a 11 str/life ring, also need these for your dvd set up.

wisps- for whenever you feel like owning light

ravens- if you wanna eat up some blizz

Maras:you can get 30 res off them and 2 skills and 5 stats, its a good ammy for the ladder players
Crafted Druid ammy: 2 Druid, 10 fcr, res/life mods you know the deal. I've seen some godlies suck as 2 druid 10 fcr 29 str, these are what you shoot for, you NEED this ammy for 163 fcr and 99 fcr bp for dvd with spirit sword.
Arachnids: 1 all skills 20 fcr, dont argue.
Tgods: for full sorb or gming.

Weapons On Switch
Cta and Spirit shield- a given

9 Ele Gcs: lifers are your main goal here
Anni: obvious reasons
Torch: obvious reasons
rest of the scs use 20 life or 20/5s if you can afford

20 to Hurricane: You will have this around when u fight. Good for people that could b frozen. Also does a lil bit of dmg 2 ur opponents. This could kill noobs easily.
20 to Tornado: Ur main skill. Use this to fight while hurricane is running.
20 to Cyclone Armor: Absorbs elemental dmg. This is useful against casters. This is why those Fohers cant kill u. Recast when this wears off. ALWAYS use it bfore a duel.
20 to Twister: Syngery
1 to Arctic Blast: pre req
1 to Raven: pre req
1 to Wolf: unlike most people, I value the bear as nothing. I say wolves>bear just stop here, 5 wolves+ your oak tank just as much as a bear + your oak. honestly the bear SOMETIMES does KB people but you are too busy teleing too capitilize on the situation 99% of the time.
Rest to Oak Sage: if you dont use oak your an idiot, with my build you have max oak at lvl 92

Stats: ALL VITALITY, you want too be a fucking tank

Now the set ups vs each char and how too duel them.

Other ele druids: BERD S/S, if you do not have a berd s/s you are an idiot this is the biggest key too dvd's. Spirit Sword(35 Fcr), Crafted Druid ammy,2x fcr rings, arachnids, mage fists, Shaeld jalas, and 65 life water walks.
Ok heres where it is, most kids say "DVDING IS POINTLESS ITS ALL ABOUT WHOSE MORE DEFENSIVE" well these kids are idiots and havnt had me wreck them in a dvd match, its all about teleing on the sides it will take practice but once you get good at it you will be able too catch everyone with it. there are many ways too dvd and I use 2, if the kid is dumb and just keeps teleing on you make a line and keep teleing into it, wait for him too start too back off then jump too the right or left of him (since most eles cast down) and just nado the shit out of him, odds are he will get stuck and you have an easy kill, or you will have too tele off because your nados swerve. this takes practice but you will get use too it trust me.

hammerdins: spirit shield(35 fcr), fcr druid circlet, fcr rings/ammy, arachnids,mage fists, treks.
Hammerdins are pretty easy as long as they dont desynch. if you got a desynching hdin who is good at it you will need too practice, NEVER tele on a hammerdin without all 5 wolves+ your oak, if you tele on him with no summons your fucked and will probly instantly die. first off BE OFFENSIVE, I fucking hate little pussy druids who dont understand that you have too TELE on top of a hammerdin, usually they get stuck on your wolves in mid charge and you just rape them with 163 fcr nados. this is overall a pretty easy build too own.

fohers- recast cyclone armor, walk in the park

barbs- THE FOLLOWING SET UP IS KNOWN AS THE MAX BLOCK SET UP ok use hoto,berd s/s, maras, 2x fcr rings,65 life water walks. and the rest if a givin.
if they use ber ber coa and grief,beast(BvC) then you will have some trouble. Barbs have delayed teles so what you do is time your teles, after they ww they will usually try too tele on you so make lines all around you and notice which way they prefer too ww, most ww down so cast down and tele down so they end up getting hit by around 6 nados when they tele on top. most people say MAKE YOUR ELE DRUID BLOCK FOR THE BvC, listen fanta is the shit and you will get fucked up even with max block if you dont know how too duel them. its all about timing and prediction, if you have a friend with a decent bvc duel him and watch how he will try too leap the fuck out of you, just tele back and you will get it quite easy. some barbs like crunked never stop leaping you, since druids get out tanked easy by good bvc's the main goal is too run like hell while casting nados at them. you see leaping pussy barbs can fuck you up if you dont know what your doing, so the second they are done leaping and try too tele ontop of you, make your ass move and gtfo of there.

charger/smiters- Use max block set up, desynching chargers are a bitch if you dont know how too duel them. make MAD lines of nados and keep yourself in them at all times and keep your wolves up who cares if they tap you, the second they get into your lines jump ontop of them and start nadoing like crazy, if they are tanks and start smiting you walk back DO NOT TRY TOO TAKE you will die, walk backwards and tele off and make a line of nados DO NOT RECAST JUST YET because thats what they THINK you are doing, you nado at them and catch them off guard 90% of the time that is your kill. this is my dueling tactic for charging smiters and I fuck them up 99% of the time.

Fire sorces- honestly this is my biggest problem. I usually pop on 163 fcr and tele around them as they have nl fb with full summons and tele behind them, 50% of the time you will kill them unless es. if they are es I usually walk and cast up and have them run into them, if they are smart they will start teleing infront of you, thats when you start tele walking( you make small teles and walk the rest of the screen as you cast up at them) its what most pro necros will do too you, this is what you do for fb sorces.

Cold Sorces- if they use bmanas and cast glacial spike as they sit on their blizz it will be a problem, 1/2 hits from gs and your cyclone armor will be gone, and then 1 hit from blizz will usually kill you(if they are pro). seeing how my guide is how too duel all the pro kids fuck pubs, yo ucan tele ontop and murder. pro kids are defensive as fuck so you gotta use 163 fcr and tele around their blizz and nado all around them, recast your cyclone armor ALOT, you do not want it too break other wise your dead. If the bitches talk shit, pop on two ravens and you will have no problems.

Light sorces- usually VERY easy, just tele on top, I usually walk around them as they nl light me and just tele on top as soon as they cast a light and I got nl on them. if you have trouble with them then you need too practice cuzz they are ez. If they talk shit pop on all your light res gear, you will tank so much light it isnt even funny, odds are they will cry and just leave.

PnB Necros- usually they all blow, but the few good ones will give you some problems, always keep 5 summons otherwise bone spirit will eat you alive as you try too tele on them. be offensive if they walk try too tele in their paths, if they are tele necros and spam their fagish teeth, just run back and get your summons up again untill they get close and molest their pussy ass, if they keep running from you who cares follow as long as you got 2 summons up your good for blocking the spirits, if they keep walking down and bone spearing too kill off summons so they can spirit you just tele off and resummon. its all about nl in this duel, catch them on their teles and you got an easy kill

poison necros- fuck psn necs they are easy, tele on top and you massacre them.

WWsins- these are hard/easy depending how they duel. if they sit in their fuckin wake of fire shit and never move and make you go offensive then you will have some trouble, I usualy cast wolves over the wof and make them mb at me and come at me, then this is where you gotta be pro, fucking tele all around that ww and molest it, you nado all over it the second they come out of ww tele off cuzz mb will be on you, and repeat. if they are hybrid with sentry then they will usually attack first, I use my max dr gear for these guys.

WC barbs- easy if you have problems with these guys quit d2

cs zons- if fc tele on top of them ASAP, idk about most people but I got XAim for these faggots, and the second I got a cs 4 screens away im in town loading it. they remind me of gmercers, always fuckin crying about sorb and aa and shit when they use exploited glitches in the game, get over it if you want bm you got it. If XAim doesnt work for you then pop on that loloptopazptopaz shield and tgods, and you will eat their cs like its fucking candy.if they are gm pop on your 163 fcr and own the fuck outa them, tele around them and nado they will try too fury you but that shit never works lolz, just keep nadoing around them catch them as they are trying too fury you, with 163 fcr they will get stunned and easily die.

melee druids- these kids are easy you cant let them hit you though other wise you will get fucked,cast mad lines at them and just watch as they slowly get drained, they run pretty fast but you tele faster so keep teleing back and making lines at them, if they blow and have low life, just tele on top and rape them.

bowzons- the pro bowas will walk on you and strafe all your summons and ga the shit outa u, but the key is too not be far away enough so that they can easily multi your shit away, tele ontop of them asap, as they begin too walk backwards tele in their path, it will be an easy kill once you get the method down.

v/t- ive had trouble with one V/T ever and he knows who he is so I dont need too post his name(AIDS-STD) LOLZ, anyways unless they are pro like adam just duel them the same as a charger since thats what they do 90% of the time. some will try too foh your oak and then charge you, just recast as your in your line of nados. if they copy adam and use that fucking holy shock just recast and tele away, its pointless being offensive for these kids, they will rape you if you try it.

Mods put this in the Druid Guide please smile.gif ty

This post was edited by envoice on Jun 5 2006 12:21pm
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Jun 5 2006 12:24pm
I've dueled you, it's a decent druid though i think it's more about the way you play it now that i look at what your build is :-/

I disagree w/ some things you do but I think it's a matter of preference for me, since i disagree w/ about every guide ever posted on here ohmy.gif
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Jun 6 2006 09:41am
Quote (Camden @ Mon, Jun 5 2006, 06:24pm)
I've dueled you, it's a decent druid though i think it's more about the way you play it now that i look at what your build is :-/

I disagree w/ some things you do but I think it's a matter of preference for me, since i disagree w/ about every guide ever posted on here ohmy.gif

lol you havnt dueled me recently camden ive gotten alot better, lol my build is unique which seperates me from everyone smile.gif
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Jun 6 2006 11:16am
Quote (envoice @ Tue, Jun 6 2006, 03:41pm)
lol my build is unique which seperates me from everyone smile.gif

Which part?

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Jun 9 2006 04:00am
Quote (Wuben[NM] @ Tue, Jun 6 2006, 05:16pm)
Quote (envoice @ Tue, Jun 6 2006, 03:41pm)
lol my build is unique which seperates me from everyone smile.gif

Which part?

mainly my dvd part, no other druid uses jalas/waterwalk/ and such that I know of, if so they copied my build ;o
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Jun 9 2006 04:33am
mainly my dvd part, no other druid uses jalas/waterwalk/ and such that I know of, if so they copied my build ;o

Why not Ber Ber CoA with Spirit shield?
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Jul 10 2006 09:31pm
Quote (Wuben[NM] @ Fri, Jun 9 2006, 10:33am)
mainly my dvd part, no other druid uses jalas/waterwalk/ and such that I know of, if so they copied my build ;o

Why not Ber Ber CoA with Spirit shield?

bump since I havnt had my sig rights in a while I forgot about this anyways,

ber ber coa requires a shit load of str, only person too pull that build off well is fahmie86 on jsp and he uses an 18 fcr ammy, gspurs, 2x 20 str rings and a shitload of other str related items and is lvl 95, and he has 163 fcr with I think 39 dr, which is nice but id rather cap dr with 99 fcr for dvd, it works just as good
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Jul 10 2006 11:40pm
Quote (envoice @ Tue, Jul 11 2006, 03:31am)
Quote (Wuben[NM] @ Fri, Jun 9 2006, 10:33am)
mainly my dvd part, no other druid uses jalas/waterwalk/ and such that I know of, if so they copied my build ;o

Why not Ber Ber CoA with Spirit shield?

bump since I havnt had my sig rights in a while I forgot about this anyways,

ber ber coa requires a shit load of str, only person too pull that build off well is fahmie86 on jsp and he uses an 18 fcr ammy, gspurs, 2x 20 str rings and a shitload of other str related items and is lvl 95, and he has 163 fcr with I think 39 dr, which is nice but id rather cap dr with 99 fcr for dvd, it works just as good

In dvd i'd value fhr > fcr, getting outta nado lock is hard =/. I'm horrible dvd though due to being a 163/174 build with max block (pure team build). Also I just generally suck in the spam battles (dvd, hvh, etc).

How do you do vs -GOOD- bvcs that can leap right and/or zerk nl? =/.
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Jul 11 2006 12:27am
maybe try this :
use shako prob sheal
jalas u say u need 50 fhr 30 str 20 all resis [u nn the str]
shako gives 2 attri 8 stats
50 mf
and th dr
and 12 fhr lets say its equal to 35 life on a dru
30 fhr = ~ 100 life
so shako adds 30 life

u nn ber in storm and add jah
+50 life

80 life
100 mana
50 mf > 20 resis imo

and u nn precast with shako for bo

but i'd say a rare circlet with fcr so u can use bloods
life fhr ftw !
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Jul 11 2006 01:54am
Quote (vxx-ownage @ Tue, Jul 11 2006, 06:27am)

50 mf  > 20 resis imo

I stopped reading and passed you off as a moron right at that point.
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