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Poll > Is The Holoucast Over Exaggerated In World Histroy
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Aug 21 2017 04:56pm
Quote (Skinned @ Aug 21 2017 05:42pm)
I mean, there were two sides to the Holocaust you know.

Right? All those filthy Jews eating the food that belonged to good Aryan stock. Germans were starving, killing Jews was self defense yo.

This post was edited by Santara on Aug 21 2017 04:57pm
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Aug 21 2017 05:38pm
Quote (aaron9999 @ Aug 21 2017 03:15pm)
I'm not saying the holoucast didn't happen but the numbers appear to be over exaggerated. I do not supporr Nazis or other hateful factions so I would appreciate not being verbally attacked. I all so believe dropping the Nuke and other war crimes that happened by both sides are horrific.

Truly doing your own research will show the truth and just being sheeped in to thinking one way is pathetic. Ppl should have to be afraid to be labeled a holocaust denier just for thinking it was exaggerated. Publicly shaming ppl for this is disgusting.

You got inb4'd on the first page dude. It's already clear as day you're just a holocaust denier who isn't going to listen to any explanations of the facts.
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Aug 21 2017 06:55pm
Quote (aaron9999 @ Aug 21 2017 05:23pm)
I did don't you find it interesting they all so raised the population in 1939 by over 1 million.

Through out the full war claiming millions of jew being murdered and having to go back to fudge the number of population.

Interesting? Not very. Ever notice when the government adjusts data sets months, or even years after the fact (like with GDP growth) when they uncover new information? This is normal.
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Aug 21 2017 10:52pm
Quote (Santara @ Aug 21 2017 10:01pm)
It's almost as if you completely ignored the post covering Prussian blue.
You should read the diary entries of Hanz Frank, the German governor of Poland, and the legal mind of the Reich.

The Nuremburg trials are THE DEFINITION of a Kangaroo Court. They were literally torturing the Germans for confessions!

Again, you have to take into context that the Germans were too strong and industrious of a people. The international financiers were being displaced by the Germans who proved that they did not need international debt backed currency. The conditions of Germany after WW1 came about because France and Britain wanted to cripple the Germans economically. The Germans and their N word ( Nationalism ) came back for a second time and were again a powerful force to be reckoned with that could not be controlled and exploited by international finance. They kicked them out and that is why ALL of the 1900's transpired the way they did.

WW2 is nothing but a fucking farce because the real lessons of what transpired have not been understood. The labor based currency system they used to foster an enormous economic boon is the KEY to everything regarding WW2. WW2 was no more about Jews than the Civil war was about slavery. And any of us who know a fucking thing about the civil war know that is a bold faced lie. And who is doing the lying? And why? It all comes back to international finance and controlling the population. It's about controlling the narrative.

And you can see how the U.S. has toppled multiple regimes around the world in the last decade alone! It's the same thing, if a country almost beat the U.S. in a war we would make damn sure to RUIN that country. Germany writhed free and got a little too Nationalist. It's the same reason the deep state hates Trump is because he is a Nationalist President. Nationalism means putting your country and people's interests first, and the most immediate threat to the people of this nation is the MONEY SUPPLY. Hitler proved how successful a non debt-backed currency could be, and that is why he had to be ruthlessly slandered. I mean, he's almost comically evil. That is how ridiculous this all is.

Even stepping back and looking at this post right now, I can't talk about the success of Nazi Germany without being completely disrupted by having to explain away a supposed homicidal Genocide. Even if the Nazis killed 20M Jews, the success the experienced in their economy is still something we need to understand. We HAVE to realize that central bankers have killed off countless world leaders for issuing their own currency going back to Lincoln, Jackson, JFK. Also Hitler, Ghaddafi, Hussein, etc. You don't play ball you end up dead. And that is just too important to be lost in the fables of the H0locaust.
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Aug 22 2017 02:37am
Quote (aaron9999 @ Aug 19 2017 10:48pm)
I'm on my phone but the world almanac has all the statistic for it.

I guess i wonder why the Jewish population has decreased after ww2 ended when population growth has grown.

The population of jews in europe alone during the 1930's was around 9.5 million, that is just europe, by the 1950's it was roughly 3.5 million. The numbers most definitely add up, also it was up to 6 million killed, there is no exact number.
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Aug 22 2017 02:47am
Quote (tric-isHUGE @ Aug 21 2017 11:52pm)
The Nuremburg trials are THE DEFINITION of a Kangaroo Court. They were literally torturing the Germans for confessions!

Again, you have to take into context that the Germans were too strong and industrious of a people. The international financiers were being displaced by the Germans who proved that they did not need international debt backed currency. The conditions of Germany after WW1 came about because France and Britain wanted to cripple the Germans economically. The Germans and their N word ( Nationalism ) came back for a second time and were again a powerful force to be reckoned with that could not be controlled and exploited by international finance. They kicked them out and that is why ALL of the 1900's transpired the way they did.

WW2 is nothing but a fucking farce because the real lessons of what transpired have not been understood. The labor based currency system they used to foster an enormous economic boon is the KEY to everything regarding WW2. WW2 was no more about Jews than the Civil war was about slavery. And any of us who know a fucking thing about the civil war know that is a bold faced lie. And who is doing the lying? And why? It all comes back to international finance and controlling the population. It's about controlling the narrative.

And you can see how the U.S. has toppled multiple regimes around the world in the last decade alone! It's the same thing, if a country almost beat the U.S. in a war we would make damn sure to RUIN that country. Germany writhed free and got a little too Nationalist. It's the same reason the deep state hates Trump is because he is a Nationalist President. Nationalism means putting your country and people's interests first, and the most immediate threat to the people of this nation is the MONEY SUPPLY. Hitler proved how successful a non debt-backed currency could be, and that is why he had to be ruthlessly slandered. I mean, he's almost comically evil. That is how ridiculous this all is.

Even stepping back and looking at this post right now, I can't talk about the success of Nazi Germany without being completely disrupted by having to explain away a supposed homicidal Genocide. Even if the Nazis killed 20M Jews, the success the experienced in their economy is still something we need to understand. We HAVE to realize that central bankers have killed off countless world leaders for issuing their own currency going back to Lincoln, Jackson, JFK. Also Hitler, Ghaddafi, Hussein, etc. You don't play ball you end up dead. And that is just too important to be lost in the fables of the H0locaust.

America's economy was leaps and bounds stronger than Germany's. And then when the economy shifted to support the war effort, the US was building multiple tanks to every one the Germans made. Germans were making the better tanks too but it didn't matter because the US economy and infrastructure was ahead of them.
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Aug 22 2017 02:51am
Quote (sir_lance_bb @ Aug 22 2017 04:47am)
America's economy was leaps and bounds stronger than Germany's. And then when the economy shifted to support the war effort, the US was building multiple tanks to every one the Germans made. Germans were making the better tanks too but it didn't matter because the US economy and infrastructure was ahead of them.

If Germany was able to produce tanks, planes, weapons in general like the USA, the outcome could have been way different. In every way Germany had superior technology, we just out produced them.

This post was edited by DeanofDazzle on Aug 22 2017 02:51am
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Aug 22 2017 06:58am
Quote (tric-isHUGE @ Aug 21 2017 11:52pm)
The Nuremburg trials are THE DEFINITION of a Kangaroo Court. They were literally torturing the Germans for confessions!

Again, you have to take into context that the Germans were too strong and industrious of a people. The international financiers were being displaced by the Germans who proved that they did not need international debt backed currency. The conditions of Germany after WW1 came about because France and Britain wanted to cripple the Germans economically. The Germans and their N word ( Nationalism ) came back for a second time and were again a powerful force to be reckoned with that could not be controlled and exploited by international finance. They kicked them out and that is why ALL of the 1900's transpired the way they did.

WW2 is nothing but a fucking farce because the real lessons of what transpired have not been understood. The labor based currency system they used to foster an enormous economic boon is the KEY to everything regarding WW2. WW2 was no more about Jews than the Civil war was about slavery. And any of us who know a fucking thing about the civil war know that is a bold faced lie. And who is doing the lying? And why? It all comes back to international finance and controlling the population. It's about controlling the narrative.

And you can see how the U.S. has toppled multiple regimes around the world in the last decade alone! It's the same thing, if a country almost beat the U.S. in a war we would make damn sure to RUIN that country. Germany writhed free and got a little too Nationalist. It's the same reason the deep state hates Trump is because he is a Nationalist President. Nationalism means putting your country and people's interests first, and the most immediate threat to the people of this nation is the MONEY SUPPLY. Hitler proved how successful a non debt-backed currency could be, and that is why he had to be ruthlessly slandered. I mean, he's almost comically evil. That is how ridiculous this all is.

Even stepping back and looking at this post right now, I can't talk about the success of Nazi Germany without being completely disrupted by having to explain away a supposed homicidal Genocide. Even if the Nazis killed 20M Jews, the success the experienced in their economy is still something we need to understand. We HAVE to realize that central bankers have killed off countless world leaders for issuing their own currency going back to Lincoln, Jackson, JFK. Also Hitler, Ghaddafi, Hussein, etc. You don't play ball you end up dead. And that is just too important to be lost in the fables of the H0locaust.

No one tortured the diary out of Hanz Frank, or even denied its validity. He bragged about intentionally starving the Jews of Poland, and kept records as to their population levels. He also noted mass arrests and executions as commonplace for population control. His first diary entries noted a population of 3.5 million. His last ones noted a population around 100,000. That is NOT "normal wartime casualties" for ANY demographic, INCLUDING combat troops. The percentage of German military combatants who survived the war was 71%. The percentage of Polish Jews who survived according to just this Nazi's diary? 3%. Total German civilian casualties for the entire war - which certainly included massive Soviet reprisal killings - was about 1.5 million, out of a populace twice as large as Poland's.

I'm sorry, I'm right with you about the evils of central banking and the wars that have been led for the sake of it, but there is NO whitewashing of the Holocaust. Hitler could have had his cake and eaten it too, but he had to go on the offensive, and he had to specifically order the most massive killing spree in history. You should read the link I posted in comment #77. It contrasts the way the Germans fought on the Eastern and Western fronts. German tactical and strategic decision making regarding the conquests of France, Norway, and the low countries focused on the classic blitzkrieg of thrusting/pincer moves aimed at taking land and capturing territory and prisoners. The local governing officials and intelligentsia were left mostly intact (aside from the Jews), the locals were left with the capacity to still produce food for themselves, etc. In the east, the fighting was massive frontal assaults intended to kill as many as possible. Utter savagery. And the Einsatzgruppen came behind the army's advance and the locals were savaged. Their food stores were taken for the army and its horses (the German army moved predominantly by horse), the local governing officials were murdered and the populace left to starve.

This post was edited by Santara on Aug 22 2017 07:26am
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Aug 22 2017 09:43am
Quote (sir_lance_bb @ Aug 22 2017 08:47am)
America's economy was leaps and bounds stronger than Germany's. And then when the economy shifted to support the war effort, the US was building multiple tanks to every one the Germans made. Germans were making the better tanks too but it didn't matter because the US economy and infrastructure was ahead of them.

Yea because they only fought WW1 20 years prior. Of course America would be better off
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Aug 22 2017 09:50am

Lol. Guys, WW II is long over. Let's concentrate on WW III.
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