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Apr 23 2018 08:49am

botd GT 361/14 vs 30 fg (v-d)
eth beast war axe 264/26 vs 20 fg (h-n)
eth beast da 257/25 vs 20 fg (m)
beast divine scepter 3 holy shock vs 20 fg (i-p2)
eth hoto35 knout (m)
fenix gmb 11/415/400/21 vs 100 fg (m)
rand wrath blade bow vs 20 fg (m2)
rand wrath blade bow (a-a), (i-a)
cta 654 flail vs 10 fg (i-a)
cta 653 cs (h-as)
eth cta 651 da (a-n)
cta 652 flail (v-as)
cta 652 cs (h-a)
cta 551 flail (a-s)

perf eth deaths web vs 1500 fg (a-n)
perf upg riphook vs 30 fg (a-a), (m2)
perf titans no eth, no upg vs 10 fg (h-a)
eth reaver 353/47 w. 2x 15/40+zod vs 200 fg (v-d)
stormlash 291 vs 10 fg (m)
2x rand firelizard w. 15 ias/15 @ vs 20 fg/e (a-as)
occulus os vs 5 fg (m2)
df 19 (m2)
wizzy (m)
demonlimb (a-p), (a-a), (a-d), (v-p), (v-d), (v-b), (v-as), (h-p), (h-as), (h-n), (h-p2), (i-b), (i-d), (i-p2), (m2)

jewelers phase blade of quickness 4 sox/40 ias pb w. 4x 5/5 L white die vs 500 fg (v-p)
4 sox/40 ias w. 4x 5/5 C blu (m2)
3 wc eth cs 2 os (i-b)
3 wc wa 30 ias (i-b)
3 wc great sword (m2)

6x lem eth pb 15/3 vs 50 fg (a-p)
pb 15/3 w. 6x 15 ias/100 ar blue vs 150 fg (i-s)
ws 3 holy shock w. 5x 5/5 L die blu (v-p)
ws 3 holy freeze w. 5x 5/5 cold (m2)


wolfhowl 3666/13/14/11/133 w. 15 md/100 ar vs 150 fg (i-b)
perf shako w. 15 ias/15 @ vs 30 fg (a-as)
perf shako lem vs 10 fg (i-n)
perf blackhorn face w. 15 @/15 ias vs 30 fg (a-a)
perf blackhorn vs 10 fg (m)
nw 20/5/18/6 sorb vs 50 fg (m)
nw 15 w. 15 ias/15 @ vs 50 fg (v-a)
nw 19/5 vs 15 fg (m)
upg jalal 474 w. 15 @/15 md vs 20 fg (a-d)
upg jalal 439/199 vs 10 fg (m)
cerebus 4/99/9/2/134 vs 20 fg (m)
ravenlore 148/27/24 @ vs 20 fg (m)
arreat 196/6 sol (i-b)
eth upg arreat 561/191/3 (m)
gulli cham (m)
gulli 15 md/40 ed vs 30 fg (a-d)
gulli 15 md/100 ar (v-p), (m)
gulli 15 @/15 md (v-d), (v-as), (i-d)
gulli 30 md (h-n)
gulli 15 ias/15 @ (h-p2)

dream corona 30/12 vs 30 fg (m)
dream demonhead 30/9 vs 30 fg (i-p2)
eth dream BV 30/14 vs 50 fg (a-n)
eth dream spired 27/11 (i-as)
eth dream spired 20/18 (m)
eth delirium demonhead vs 20 fg (a-p), (a-a), (h-s), (i-a), (i-b)
eth deli BV (a-as), (v-p), (v-d), (h-n), (h-a), (h-p2)
eth deli corona (v-as), (h-p), (i-s)
eth deli spired (h-as), (i-p2)

5 bo carnage helm (m)
2 sorc/30 frw/90 ed/28 str/17 dex/2 os (m)
2 sorc/30 frw/visio/83 ar/8 ll/20 dex w. 7 fhr/9 str/40 F/10 @ jwl (i-p)

6 nado 2 sox (m)
3 Marts/30 frw/2 os vs 50 fg (m)
12 md w. 3x 30 md red tiara 50 def vs 200 fg (v-b)
3 summ nec 2 sox (h-n)


blu fpm 4 sox (frost nova) w. 4x 5/5 C rbf (m)
gothic 15 dex, 4 sox, 135 def vs 100 fg (m)
perf 4 sox 100 life armors vs 1000 fg/e:
wire 481 vs 2.5 K fg
loricated 496 w. 4x 5/5 fire red (m2)
diamond 489 w.4x 5/5 fire die red (h-p)
hauberg 501 w. 4x 5/5 psn green (a-n)
boneweave 505 w. 4x 5/5 fire red (m2)
balrog 517 w. 4x 5/5 l lvl (v-p)(v-p)
kraken 523 (m2)
hellforge 530 (m2)
laquered 541 w. 4x 5/5 light die white (m2)
shadow 557 (m2)
sa 600 160 ed/60 ias vs 1.5 K fg (m2)

eth upg GA 2209 vs 60 fg (a-p)
perf rattlecage w.15 @/15 md (a-a)
perf rattlecage (m2)
eth upg shaft 2316 vs 30 fg (m2)
light ormus 13/15/10/15/15 (m2)
light ormus 11/15/12/13/12 (m2)
tal 845 (m2)

perf fos sa vs 3 K fg (m)
perf eni of dragon ring mail vs 1000 fg (m)
perf bramble wire, hauberg (no ed, dur) vs 100 fg/e (m)
forti scarab 1.5/26 vs 30 fg/e (i-p2)
forti diamond mail 15 ed/1.125/26 (a-d)
forti loricated 15 ed/1.35/25 (v-d)
forti kraken 14 ed/15 dur/1.35/28 (h-as)
forti laquered 15 ed/10 dur/27 @ (m2)
forti shadow 25 @ (m2)
rand eni mp vs 20 fg/e (m)
rand eni bp (a-as), (m3)
rand eni fpm (h-s)
rand eni wyrm (m)
rand eni wire (m)
rand eni hauberg (m3)
rand eni russet (m)
perf eth coh ap vs 50 fg (h-a)
eth coh ap 1122 vs 15 fg (h-p2)
eth coh chaos 1208 (v-b)
eth coh ds 1263 (h-as)
eth treachery hellforge 1158 (m2)


upg swordback 253 (m)
perf SS w. 15 ias/15 @ vs 30 fg (h-a)
rand boneflame (h-n)
sigon (m)
dragonscale 200/25/16 vs 50 fg (m)

perf dream of sanctuary st 45 vs 3 K fg(i-p2)
dream bb 22/19 vs 30 fg (i-s)
dragon hyperion 5 (m)
dragon bb 3 (m)
fenix aegis 14/353 vs 20 fg (m)
eth bo spirit m vs 20 fg (a-s), (a-s), (h-n), (i-as), (i-n), (i-s)
bo pirit m vs 5 fg (v-d), (m)
fenix st 14/395/45 @ vs 100 fg (v-p)
bo spirit protector vs 5 fg (a-p), (h-p2)
bo spirit gilded (i-p2)

perf JSTOD 45 w. 4x 5/5 L white. bought from enemieofstate- locked now (v-p)

st 20/20 C 45 @ vs 50 fg (m)
st 20/20 F/ 45 @ (m)
m 20/20/ F (m)


2 Marts/20 ias/13 str/14 dex/27 C res/29 L res vs 300 fg (i-p)
2 java/20 ias/3 ml/88 ed/14 dex/20 L res vambraces 51 lvl req(h-a)
2 bow/20 ias/15 ar/3 ml/35 ed/14 dex 48 lvl req (m)
2 bow/20 ias/3 ll/23 ed/15 dex/ (m)

mages 30 (a-s), (h-s)
eth mages (i-s)
chance 40 (a-p), (i-n), (m)
cleglav 9 def (a-a), (m)
magnus (m)
perf loh vs 5 fg/e (v-p), (v-as), (h-p), (h-as), (i-as), (i-b), (i-d), (i-p2), (m)
rand loh (a-p), (a-s), (v-d), (v-b), (i-a)
dracs 10/118/15/10 vs 40 fg (m), (m2)
dracs 10/120/15/9 vs 40 fg (m)
dracs 10/15/10 vs 20 fg (m2)
dracs 15 str vs 5 fg (i-s), (m)

TO (m)


10 fc/24 fhr/36 ed/19 str/28 L/15 M/9 Mreg vs 300 fg (m)

perf tg vs 5 fg (a-p)
rand tg (a-as), (v-p), (h-p), (h-n), (h-a)
soe 8 ll/15 dr vs 20 fg (a-d), (v-d), (v-as), (h-as), (h-p2), (i-d), (i-p2), (m)
goldwrap 80 vs 10 fg (i-n), (m)
rand arach (i-s), (m2)

tal 15 mf (m)
TO (m)


30 frw/4 repL/36 C/39 L/26 F res/15 mf (i-p)
10 fhr/52 M/5 inc mana/10 Mreg/35 L res/25 plr (i-p)
30 frw/7 dex/33 C/39 L/15 F/52 eg (m)

eth treks 15/12 (i-s)
eth treks 12/13 (h-p)
perf gore vs 20 fg/e(a-d), (v-p), (v-d), (m), (msc)
upg gore 200/201 (v-as)
upg gore 200/195 (i-b)
rand gore (h-p2), (i-a), (i-p2)
ww 203/63 (a-a)
wt 50 vs 10 fg (i-a)
infernos 70 (a-p)
hots (h-a)
rand silkweave (a-a), (h-p), (h-s)


2 pala/20 fc/12 m/7 Mreg/75 eg vs 100 fg (a-p)
2 sorc/10 frw/6 ml/4 ll/3 dex/12 L/14 @ vs 20 fg (i-a)

mara 22 (m)
metalgrid 444/342/35 vs 20 fg (m)
metalgrid 429/348/34 (m)
angelic sun (a-d)
angelic dot (h-p2)
angelic penta (m)
hl penta (a-p), (a-d), (h-as)
hl sun (v-d), (h-p), (h-n), (h-a), (h-p2), (i-b), (i-b)
hl dot (v-p), (i-p2)
cats eye sun (h-a)
cats eye dot (m)
eye of etlich (a-a)
atma dot (v-as), (i-b), (m)
crescent moon (i-p)

3 pnb/15 repL sun vs 30 fg (a-n)
3 off/15 repL dot vs 30 fg (v-p)
3 off/15 repL sun (m)
3 summ nec/10 fc sun (h-n)
3 summ nec/80 eg sun vs 70 fg (i-n)

tal (m)


10 fc/30 L/86 M/6 L/21 F res (i-p) 43 lvl req (i-p)
10 fc/14 str/27 L/40 M/25 L res 47 lvl req (i-a)
10 fc/34 ar/17 str/36 L/68 M/18 F res (i-a)
10 fc/30 ar/16 str/8 repL/20 L/13 F res (i-p)
63 ar/6 ml/4 ll/19 str/5 M/20 F res (i-p)
81 ar/20 str/12 dex/15 L res (i-p2)
119 ar/6 ml/7 ll/14 dex/11 L/18 P res (i-p)
107 ar/5 ml/2 ll/12 str/11 L/ (i-p)
78 ar/6 ml/5 ll/15 str/15 L/17 F res (i-p)
97 ar/6 ml/4 ll/15 dex/18 C res (i-p)
2 min/28 ar/6 ml/2 ll/22 str/17 L 96 lvl req (i-p)
29 ar/6 ml/7 ll/17 str/12 C res (i-p)
3 ml/7 ll/4 str/59 L/23 F res (i-p)
6 ml/6 ll/17 st/7 @/20 F res (i-p)
76 ar/4 ml/3 ll/12 str/20 L/33 eg (i-p)
115 ar/6 ml/3 ll/15 str/12 F res (i-p)
4 ml/8 ll/15 dex/31 M/5 F res (i-p)
119 ar/6 ml/6 ll/30 L/16 L/26 P res (i-p)
3 max/110 ar/11 ll/20 str/17 L (i-p)
120 ar/16 str/15 dex/9 @/1 maek/confuse charges (i-p)
2 ll/19 str/15 dex/16 L/9 M (i-p)
20 str/20 dex/ frost nova (i-p)
2 ml/19 str/15 dex/5 M/17 L res (i-p)
12 str/14 dex/11 @/ frost nova (i-p)
115 ar/2 ll/22 str/44 L/25 L res (i-p)
21 ar/8 ll/20 str/15 dex/7 P res/1 maek (i-p)
120 ar/20 st/12 dex/25 L res (i-p)
88 ar/7 ll/15 dex/32 L/40 M/6 @ (i-p)
99 ar/20 str/13 dex/27 L/18 M (i-p)
88 ar/3 ll/23 str/10 dex/15 L/ (i-p)
3 ll/11 str/11 dex/16 L/6 @/35 F res (i-p)
47 ar/2 ll/23 str/14 dex/10 L/15 P res (i-p)

wisp 18/20 (h-p2)
raven 20/170 bb (a-as)
20/17 red (v-p)
20/178 bb (a-d), (i-as)
20/218 crown (h-a)
20/204 crown (m)
20/228 bb (m)
dwarf 15 red (a-p)
angelic sb (a-d)
angelic 2x sb (m)
angelic coral (h-p2), (m)
angelic bb (m)
bk 3 red (h-a)
bk 3 bb (i-p)
bk 3 sb (i-p)
bk 4 sb (i-s)
bk 5 red, sb, crown (m)
2x rand carrion (m)


9x 14 md/49-70 ar mix vs 500 fg (i-a)
shape frw dragon (m)
2x shape fhr dna vs 10 fg/e (i-b)
9x off frw dna vs 100 fg (h-p)
cold 40 eg dragon vs 30 fg (m)

pala 18/19/5 vs 40 fg (h-p)
pala 17/18/5 vs 20 fg (i-p2)
nec 19/20/5 vs 40 fg (a-n), (h-n)
assa 19/19/5 vs 25 fg (h-as)
ama 20/18/5 vs 30 fg (m)
4x 6 md/xx ar/5 dex vs 40 fg/e (i-a)

anni 19/17/7 vs 100 fg (v-a)
anni 19/17/5 vs 90 fg (i-n)
anni 18/20/6 vs 90 fg (a-as)
anni 18/18/5 vs 70 fg fg (a-s)
4x 5/3/11-14 brown (i-p2)


15 ias/100 ar orange vs 50 fg (m)
5/5 C lvl blue vs 15 fg (m)

This post was edited by Aeternum on May 14 2018 01:11am
Posts: 8,932
Joined: Nov 23 2010
Gold: 6,866.00
Apr 23 2018 08:57am
9x light 36-39 dragon (3x 36, 2x 27, 38, 3x 39) (a-s) - 317 FG

if 37 and not 27

This post was edited by fupzez on Apr 23 2018 08:58am
Posts: 51,568
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Apr 23 2018 12:59pm
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Apr 23 2018 01:22pm
anni 16/20/7 vs 50 fg (h-p)
Posts: 37,285
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Apr 23 2018 03:38pm
perf eth lidless vs 20 fg (a-n)

reserve that for me plz
Posts: 32,986
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Apr 23 2018 03:50pm
anni 19/18/8 vs 80 fg (i-b)
anni 19/18/6 (a-p) ( i offer 70 )
9x summ nec/40 eg dragon vs 500 fg (i-n)
9x marts frw mix vs 100 fg (a-as)
9x bow frw eye vs 80 fg (v-a)
9x fire 6 str eye vs 100 fg (i-s)
gheed 159/39/14 vs 50 fg (a-p)
perf forti shadow (no ed, dur) vs 200 fg (m)
grief cb 15 ed 40/400 vs 500fg
6x shape frw dragon vs 10 fg/e (i-b)
total 1740 can u do vs 1550 ?
Posts: 79,501
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Apr 23 2018 04:15pm
Can reserve me those plz ?

perf dream death mask vs 30 fg (m2)

2 sorc/20 fcr/107 M/10 Mreg/18 @vs 700 fg (i-p)
Posts: 5,830
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Apr 23 2018 04:20pm
9x light 36-39 dragon (3x 36, 2x 37, 38, 3x 39) vs 400 fg (a-s)
2x perf tg vs 5/e
reserver them for me please, since you are not online atm
e: ill also take this: druid 20/15/5 vs 10 fg (mb1)

This post was edited by Rudolph0851 on Apr 23 2018 04:45pm
Posts: 1,460
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Apr 23 2018 04:26pm
10x 4 md/20 ar brown vs 500 fg
Reserve me. Tomorrow trade
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Apr 24 2018 12:58am
all reserved until u can trade ofc
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