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d2jsp Forums > Off-Topic > General Chat > User Blogs > Fpk Tour Ruleset > By Cranklin
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Posts: 9,196
Joined: Aug 18 2016
Gold: 2,367.75
Apr 11 2017 01:34pm
- All mods, hacks, and third party programs are banned.
- Refusal to show gear, inventory, and/or weapon swap will result in disqualification and a potential ban.
- Dueling format is ft5.
- The duel ends when the entire other team dies, do not get body or help your team until then.
- Blood moor must be completely cleared before dueling.
- Both teams must signal the start of the duel.
- No offensive abilities or curses may be casted prior both teams signaling the start of the duel.
- Towning or teleporting past Flavie (and bridges in case of a bridge map) counts as a death for that round. Being pushed via KB mechanics is not, come back out and both teams re-signal the continuation.
- No excessive use of houses or walls.
- No mercs.
- No use of shrines or wells.
- Recasting is allowed.
- Ties are null duels.
- Refusal to duel results in a loss.
- You may request a mediator for a duel, and by doing so you are accepting whatever decisions they make.
- Overly defensive play can result in DQ but only at a requested mediator's discretion and not without considering the matchup at hand.
- Skill Bugging is allowed.
- You must maintain same class/type throughout the whole tournament. Respeccing is only allowed between ft5's, not during it.

- No consumables other than mana potions.
- No prebuffing. (Inventory/cube buff is allowed.)
- You may not stack mana potions before starting a duel unless agreed on by both teams.

- The use of the following skill charges are allowed: Oak Sage, Heart of Wolverine
- Doom is banned.
- Slow is capped at 10%.
- Max resistance is 85%.
- Max absorb is 20%.
- When using combinations of items to mitigate do not exceed 80 max resistances / 20 absorb to any single element.
- Life rep is capped at 40, NOT including + rep from CTA.
- No more than one poison damage small charm is allowed.
- When using Phoenix, all monsters must be redeemed before dueling.

Assassin Specific Rules:
- Dual Claw Assassins with more than 1 hard skill point in any trap may only use +5 max resist or 20abs but not both. Those without may use +5 max resist and 20 absorb or +10 max resist.

Barbarian Specific Rules:
- 2x Raven Frost is allowed (Can not stack above 310 resists)
- 2x Hoto Swap Barbarians can use Verdungo's or Angelics but not both.

Druid Specific Rules:

Necromancer Specific Rules:
- Bone Wall is banned
- Bone Prison is allowed only versus characters that can teleport
- All curses are banned except Lower Resist and Amplify Damage
- Corpse skills are banned
- May use +15% max fire resist vs ES based Sorceress only

This post was edited by Cranklin on Apr 11 2017 01:35pm
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