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Posts: 65,046
Joined: Jul 7 2008
Gold: Locked
Mar 8 2017 06:59pm
Played like AIDS and got carried by my team. Thanks guys!

Things I learned:
Yasuo is a cunt to deal with.
Always ask what summoners are up in a lane you're ganking.
If you're behind, farm and gank safe lanes. Play more safely in order to minimize your disadvantage--don't let the opposition snowball on you and don't play into their advantage.

Overall: 28-26

Mid: 16-15
Jungle: 12-10
Support: 0-1
Top: 0-0
ADC: 0-0
Posts: 65,046
Joined: Jul 7 2008
Gold: Locked
Mar 9 2017 02:04pm
When you pick a team that has to wait 40 minutes for Vayne to ready so you can win for free, and then the Vayne gets caught and dies doing dumb shit behind enemy lines.

Unfortunately the team banned Hecarim, which I thought would be fine because our top was hovering Maokai. Turns out, they picked top Karma, lost lane, and proceeded to do nothing all game. Amumu is basically worthless vs Singed, Mundo, Thresh so I picked something else and hoped I could just eat hits for Vayne when she was strong. It worked out alright except we didn't really have a top or support worth a damn, and Udyr doesn't have the best of ganks against Ahri and Singed.

We really snatched defeat from the jaws of victory on this one because Vayne wanted 10 more cs.

Overall: 28-27

Mid: 16-15
Jungle: 12-11
Support: 0-1
Top: 0-0
ADC: 0-0
Posts: 65,046
Joined: Jul 7 2008
Gold: Locked
Mar 9 2017 02:55pm
Vlad was quite good. Without him we would have lost this because Draven was hopeless and clueless.

Got Vlad first blood top on a level 3 gank and he did the rest himself. Spent my time fighting with bot lane and Shyvana. We managed to get the first dragon off of an impressive Nami bubble that hit 3 and had fairly strong objective control all game.

I think my biggest misplay this game (other than not getting on Draven's case for split pushing as ADC instead of ending the game) was during a dragon fight where I opted to leave the pit and kill Vayne instead of stay in the pit. We crushed the fight but lost the dragon, and maybe if I had done things differently we would've had both.

Overall: 29-27

Mid: 16-15
Jungle: 13-11
Support: 0-1
Top: 0-0
ADC: 0-0
Posts: 65,046
Joined: Jul 7 2008
Gold: Locked
Mar 9 2017 05:51pm
Both deaths were in the last few minutes, trying to buy my team time to end the game. First death bought us a pair of inhibs, second death got us both Nexus towers ^_^

Ran top for first kill and thankfully was able to sort of let Ahri do Ahri things in lane phase. She only died once to WW's 2 ganks, so that was nice. Most of my time was spent bot lane trying to help MF get lots of kills on Kog and simultaneously keeping Kog from getting to the point where he would destroy my anus. Got a pair on Jayce through the lane phase and we just sort of rolled over them, especially the WW who had...an interesting build. And no HP whatsoever.

Overall: 30-27

Mid: 16-15
Jungle: 14-11
Support: 0-1
Top: 0-0
ADC: 0-0
Posts: 65,046
Joined: Jul 7 2008
Gold: Locked
Mar 10 2017 11:44am
Started poorly but caught up in a hurry. Had a great team this game and was able to be helpful enough when push came to shove.

Their Yi got outplayed pretty badly on two ganks top, once vs just the top laner and once where I killed him while our top kited him. They didn't really have any jungle control and our lanes were crushing with some minor help from me, so we just sort of rolled them.

Overall: 31-27

Mid: 16-15
Jungle: 15-11
Support: 0-1
Top: 0-0
ADC: 0-0
Posts: 5,580
Joined: Oct 29 2012
Gold: 52.00
Warn: 10%
Mar 10 2017 12:06pm
Quote (BardOfXiix @ Mar 10 2017 01:44pm)
Started poorly but caught up in a hurry. Had a great team this game and was able to be helpful enough when push came to shove.


Their Yi got outplayed pretty badly on two ganks top, once vs just the top laner and once where I killed him while our top kited him. They didn't really have any jungle control and our lanes were crushing with some minor help from me, so we just sort of rolled them.

Overall: 31-27

Mid: 16-15
Jungle: 15-11
Support: 0-1
Top: 0-0
ADC: 0-0

I aint a pro or anything but I will say that you may need to farm up a bit more because of the 3 games I looked at it seems the jungler on the losing team usually has more farm than you.

imo it's harder to farm sometimes on the losing team because it's risky to be in the jungle/pushed up in lanes, but that's why I stated "on the losing team"

This post was edited by xPaine on Mar 10 2017 12:07pm
Posts: 65,046
Joined: Jul 7 2008
Gold: Locked
Mar 10 2017 12:25pm
Quote (xPaine @ Mar 10 2017 11:06am)
I aint a pro or anything but I will say that you may need to farm up a bit more because of the 3 games I looked at it seems the jungler on the losing team usually has more farm than you.

imo it's harder to farm sometimes on the losing team because it's risky to be in the jungle/pushed up in lanes, but that's why I stated "on the losing team"

Good advise, probably. I'm usually trying to give farm to the laners and not push their lane (unless it needs to be reset via reaching the tower) where as the opposition's jungler tends to just take farm regardless of the position it puts their lanes in and/or split push more (I tend to group rather than push off side lanes). But the team with more money usually wins, so it is a good thing to keep in mind :) Thanks for the feedback.

There's only so much you can do when every lane is failing horribly. And not even due to Kha's ganks--he had next to no impact on the game (when it mattered). Irelia was a baller with TP reactions to bot lane while not needing it to stomp our Kayle. Ryze didn't understand how to play vs Fizz, and Braum and Jhin were never on the same page.

Maybe I needed to spend more time focusing on mid as opposed to bot, although when I ganked bot we were getting kills...just unsure. The sad part was, Ryze wasn't bad at his character...he just had no concept of how to beat a Fizz.

Overall: 31-28

Mid: 16-15
Jungle: 15-12
Support: 0-1
Top: 0-0
ADC: 0-0
Posts: 65,046
Joined: Jul 7 2008
Gold: Locked
Mar 10 2017 01:44pm
Sweet helicopter Jesus. This one almost went poorly.

Started super swole, but then i tried to force things. Went from 3-0-3 to 3-3-3 in a hurry like a tard. But the team stayed tight, I stole a dragon, and despite Yasuo's struggles and a brief hiccup in our play where we chased Singed, things went okay. We stopped bronzing and just running into them and allowed them to run into us for a change. Worked in our favor, built an insurmountable lead, and crushed face.

Tried to focus a little bit more on getting cs in lanes and I think it worked out alright, but at the same time Akali was roaming an awful lot. Not sure if this is terribly repeatable, but it made me pretty strong and I stopped farming for the last 10 minutes of the game because I was full build. Definitely a good tip, I'll see where I can grab a few extra cs in future games :)

Overall: 32-28

Mid: 16-15
Jungle: 16-12
Support: 0-1
Top: 0-0
ADC: 0-0
Posts: 65,046
Joined: Jul 7 2008
Gold: Locked
Mar 11 2017 12:51pm
Why don't people play tanks top more frequently ;~; SOOOO many Hecarim games.
Posts: 65,046
Joined: Jul 7 2008
Gold: Locked
Mar 11 2017 01:17pm
Yasuo dies for first blood solo against Annie and AFKs for the rest of the game.

Really a shame because we would've dumpstered on them if he had stayed.

Overall: 32-29

Mid: 16-15
Jungle: 16-13
Support: 0-1
Top: 0-0
ADC: 0-0
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